How to ease teething in a child: effective methods, special preparations and folk remedies

How to ease teething in a child: effective methods, special preparations and folk remedies
How to ease teething in a child: effective methods, special preparations and folk remedies

The question of how to ease teething in a child worries every parent. Sooner or later, the crumbs begin this painful and rather long process, when neither he nor his parents have sleep and rest. In total, teething can take up to three years. All this time they will cause pain and discomfort to the baby. In this article, we will talk about effective methods of pain relief, special preparations and even folk remedies.

The appearance of the first teeth

Teething in a child
Teething in a child

The question of how to ease teething in a child, most parents have to face at about the same time. As a rule, the first tooth begins to be cut at six months. Often the very first white bump on the gumoccurs in the bottom row in front, it is not difficult to notice it. In such a situation, it is quite understandable that the child is naughty, crying, his temperature rises.

The second molars in the lower and upper row begin to erupt last. This happens at about two years old. Most often, by the age of three, all 20 milk teeth grow in a baby.

Teething pain

The eruption of the first teeth brings very painful and unpleasant suffering to both the baby and his parents. Pain and profuse salivation begin about one to two months before the very first tooth appears. It is during this period that parents are trying to figure out how to ease teething in a child. Be prepared for the fact that you will not have to sleep at night, you will have to calm the baby in anticipation of each of his teeth.

In an attempt to alleviate their suffering, the child often begins to gnaw on something or bite everything. This is not due to sudden aggression, but from the usual desire to relieve an unpleasant itch. In such a situation, it is important to have something on hand that your baby can chew on without consequences, if the child allows, massage his gums with a clean finger. This might help too.

When teething, the gums can not only hurt, but also become inflamed. In this case, they will become swollen and redden. With these symptoms, parents may become worried for fear of diarrhea or fever. Having found a cutting tooth, they can calm down, as this is not a disease, but an unpleasant phenomenon that everyone has to endure.

If you are not sure whatit's the teeth, then similar symptoms may indicate an infection, a cold, or an upset stomach. When your child's condition worries you, seek medical advice.

It is worth noting that teething does not mean suffering for everyone. Some people endure this condition almost painlessly. A small white bump appears on the gum in a week and does not cause any problems. In this case, you can consider yourself lucky - you don't have to guess how to ease teething in a child.

Immediately after the appearance of the first tooth, be ready for the next. They won't keep you waiting long. Teeth will appear literally one after another. Almost immediately after the eruption of the two front teeth on the lower jaw, two teeth will hatch from above, and then from behind and on the sides.

Effective Methods


Now let's talk about the main thing - how to facilitate teething in a child. Of course, nothing can be done about the fact that the baby has teeth, but you can try to minimize the suffering.

Among the most effective tips on how to relieve teething pain in babies is to give your baby something cool to chew on, like a small peeled carrot. Only in this case, the child should not be left alone so that he does not choke. Pharmacies now even sell special refrigerated dental rings that should be put in the refrigerator before each use.

If your son or daughter is over four months old, you can rub himin the gums a special children's gel that does not contain sugar. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

Cold food

If your baby is more than six months old, there is another way to help your baby with teething. Try giving him cold food. For example, it can be yogurt or applesauce. When the first milk teeth appear, limit the use of cookies, crackers, as they contain sugar, which is harmful in this situation.

When teething is accompanied by strong salivation, you can lubricate the skin on the chin with a small amount of Vaseline so that irritation does not appear there. In some cases, parents use homeopathic powders in an effort to alleviate suffering. It must be understood that when using such tools, there are no guarantees of their effectiveness. Moreover, in most cases they are just placebos.

Teething is often accompanied by high fever. If this condition persists for a sufficiently long time, the baby is very worried, then you should seek qualified help from a doctor. It is possible that in parallel the baby is worried about another, more serious problem, for example, an ear infection. In this case, treatment should be started immediately.


If the child is really suffering, the usual ways to calm the pain do not help, you can use drugs that facilitate teething in children. On the market today you can even find several groups of medicines that have a particular effect.

To the firstgroup includes preparations containing a local anesthetic in their composition. Most often, it is lidocaine. These funds should be treated with great caution. Most experts do not advise taking them, as they have many side effects. In some cases, due to an overdose, pallor, vomiting, and even a slow heart rate may occur. These drugs are strictly contraindicated in renal failure. Due to the presence of a local anesthetic in the composition, there are problems with swallowing for some time. As an example, we can cite the German preparations "Dentinoks" and "Kamistad baby", the Polish "Kalgel".

Means without anesthetic

Cholisal drug
Cholisal drug

The second group includes drugs that relieve pain during teething, not having an anesthetic in the composition. For example, this is the Polish drug Cholisal. It contains an antiseptic and antimicrobial and analgesic choline salicylate. The action occurs within a couple of minutes, lasts from two to eight hours. You can’t use it more than two or three times a day.

To massage the gums, you can use the Spanish remedy Kin Baby. It is important that it contains only natural ingredients - extracts of sage and chamomile. There is also a domestic analogue - "First teeth" of the company "Pansoral". It also contains nothing but herbs (extracts of marshmallow root, chamomile, saffron seed flowers).

Homeopathic remedies

The third group includes those same homeopathic remedies, the effect of which is very doubtful, but many parents still use them. Maybe,for complacency.

This is a French drug "Dantinorm baby". This is a natural remedy for oral administration, you can drink between meals.

German tool "Viburkol" - these are candles that are placed every 30 minutes, but not more than two hours in a row. You can use it no more than three times a day.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice

Doctor Komarovsky
Doctor Komarovsky

One of the most famous specialists in childhood diseases at the present time is pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky. Tens of thousands of young parents in our country listen to his advice. He gained popularity thanks to the author's program "School of Dr. Komarovsky". In it, he talks about various aspects of children's he alth, the features of caring for babies.

Many parents turn to a specialist for a variety of issues. In particular, they seek to find out from Komarovsky how to facilitate teething in a child. The pediatrician insists that it is impossible to use gels with lidocaine or benzocaine, as they can provoke deadly complications. Therefore, be sure to carefully read the instructions, to refuse products that contain these substances.

However, there is another way to help your baby with teething. Komarovsky advises using special teethers that relieve itching and pain, their effect is enhanced by pre-cooling.

It is best to feed the baby during this period through a nibbler. This is a special device with a silicone nozzle or a nylon mesh with a large number of holes. ATit is placed the necessary products that the baby can absorb. If teeth are being cut, then the nibbler should be filled with chilled contents.

Folk remedies

chamomile for teething
chamomile for teething

There are folk remedies to help the child with the teething of the first teeth. For example, healers advise wiping the gums with a finger wrapped in cloth. It should first be moistened in a solution of borax (at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water) or soda.

Chamomile is a good anti-inflammatory. To ease the pain, you can give your baby a couple of spoons of chamomile tea or make a warm compress of the brewed herb, applying it to the side where the tooth erupts. Another option is to rub chamomile oil on your cheek.

Clove oil has an analgesic effect. You should know that in its pure form it can burn the gums of the child. Therefore, it should be diluted in a ratio of one and a half parts to one with almond or olive oil.


Honey for teething
Honey for teething

The remedy that helps with a lot of he alth problems is honey. It must be used very carefully, after making sure that the baby does not have allergies. Some claim that this is a really effective remedy that can help a child during teething.

Apply honey in small amounts. Be sure to rub the product into the gums, otherwise the baby will just lick it off and not feel relief.

Before going to bed, the child can be given additionalone teaspoon of honey. This will help him calm down and fall asleep much easier.

Amber beads

Amber teething beads
Amber teething beads

There are more original ways to help your baby with teething. For example, use amber beads. They contain up to eight percent of succinic acid, which is a natural analgesic. This property of this stone was actively used by our ancestors when a similar problem arose.

Beads should be put on the child under the shirt so that they come into contact with his skin. It is important that the thread is strong, the child must not break it, otherwise he may swallow one of the beads.
