Even those people who are not supporters of non-traditional methods of treatment know about the celandine plant. And those who believe that medicinal herbs can cope even with serious ailments, know all about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use.
The name of the plant reflects its unique ability to cleanse the body of various ailments. Celandine is not its only name. The people call the plant jaundice, warthog, lichen grass, seer. Each of these names emphasizes the healing properties of the herb.
Even in the II century BC, the ancient Greek healer Theophrastus mentioned the healing properties of this plant in the treatment of liver tumors and jaundice. Like most medicinal herbs, celandine is not only endowed with useful properties: it contains quite a lot of toxic substances. That is why its use, dosage, course of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

Today we will talk about the treatment of papillomas with celandine. You will learn howthe effect of the plant on these neoplasms, what are the pros and cons of this method of treatment, who should avoid using it.
Description of the plant
This plant is found throughout almost the entire territory of our country, with the exception of the Far North. It grows in Ukraine, and in Belarus, in the Central Asian countries. Celandine is a medium-sized shrub with a branched stem, 50 to 100 cm high and petiolate leaves. Inside the stem contains a thick orange juice. Shrub blooms with small yellow umbrella-shaped inflorescences from May to August.
In fact, celandine is considered a weed: everywhere this grass is uprooted from garden and summer cottages. Many are unaware that it is a pantry of vitamins and nutrients. The composition of the plant includes:
- vitamins A, C;
- alcohols;
- essential oils;
- saponins;
- organic acids;
- alkaloids;
- flavonoids.
Such a rich chemical composition endowed the plant with a mass of useful properties:
- wound healing;
- anti-inflammatory;
- diuretic;
- sedatives;
- Antineoplastic.
Based on celandine, various preparations have been created.

For external use
Essential oil and celandine juice are used in the treatment of psoriasis, warts, eczema, lichen, papillomas. The treatment is carried out with the help of rubbing and compresses, decoctions and infusions.
Preparations based on celandine are taken orally for the following pathologies:
- vascular and heart diseases;
- allergic reactions;
- oncology;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- cold infections;
- gynecological diseases;
- nervous disorders.
Despite its many medicinal properties, the plant is poisonous, so there are a number of contraindications to its use:
- epilepsy;
- bronchial asthma;
- hypotension;
- angina;
- mental disorders.
What is papilloma?
This is a fairly common neoplasm that appears on the skin. Papillomas can appear in people of any age and gender. Experts believe that such a pathological condition is known to most people, since the appearance of papillomas can be found in oneself, in one's children, relatives and friends. In this article, we will see if it is possible to get rid of papillomas with celandine.

Doctors believe that the formation of papillomas is due to the presence of papillomavirus in the body. Its widespread prevalence is explained by the fact that it is easily transmitted through sexual contact and household contact. It should be noted that the papilloma virus in the body does not always lead to the formation of neoplasms. Their appearance is facilitated by the presence of certain factors. The most common of them is considered to be a decrease in the body's resistance as a whole.
In thiscase, the virus activates and begins to multiply, causing warts and papillomas to appear on the skin. Most often they are located on the lower and upper limbs, face and neck. They not only cause discomfort, but also require removal.
Papillomas removal methods
Having discovered such an aesthetically unpleasant neoplasm, a person naturally begins to look for methods to remove it. Today, several methods are used to effectively get rid of papillomas:
Laser removal
According to the reviews of people who have experienced this method on themselves, it can be argued that this procedure is very effective, but has a drawback that is significant for many - high cost.

Liquid nitrogen
This procedure can cause a lot of pain. In addition, its implementation does not guarantee that the papilloma will not reappear. The disadvantage of this method can be considered traces that remain on the skin after removal of papillomas.
For this, pharmaceutical preparations "Verrukatsid", "Superchistotel", "Solcoderm", "Wartner Cryo", "Cryopharma" are used.
Treatment of papillomas with celandine
This method has been used since antiquity. Many patients appreciated its positive aspects - naturalness, painlessness. We will talk about this method in more detail, but first I would like to warn that if you find papillomas or warts in yourself, you need to consult a specialist to confirm the diagnosis, and only after thatstart treatment. This is important, first of all, due to the fact that there is a risk that the neoplasm may be of an oncological nature.
And now consider whether it is possible to use celandine to remove papillomas. How effective is this treatment? Does it have contraindications?
Treatment options
Celandine to remove papillomas can be used in several ways. Let's take a closer look at some of them.
Plant juice
You can use freshly squeezed celandine juice to remove papillomas, especially if you have the opportunity to collect the plant in May and June away from busy roads, preferably outside the city. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the neoplasms with juice directly from the stem. It should be remembered that most of the juice is contained in those parts of the plant that are located closer to the stem. The procedure is repeated no more than four times a day. The course of treatment is 21 days. During treatment, the top of the papilloma turns black and then disappears completely.

Ointment based on celandine
To prepare such a remedy, you should mix plant juice with glycerin in equal proportions. An ointment prepared this way has a longer shelf life than juice and is much easier to apply.

Celandine extract
To prepare the extract, mix 50 ml of high-quality vodka or alcohol with 100 ml of juice. Reviews of this tool indicate a long shelf life (12 months) and its effectiveness.
Features of using celandine
To avoid skin burns, gloves should be worn when preparing preparations from celandine. If your skin has several papillomas, then no more than 5 neoplasms should be treated in one course, since the toxic substances contained in the plant lead to an excessive burden on the body.
To avoid allergic reactions, testing should be done before starting treatment. To do this, juice in a small amount is applied to the bend of the elbow.
Celandine treatment: advantages and disadvantages
The use of celandine from papillomas has its advantages compared to medical procedures:
- this method is painless, does not cause discomfort;
- this is a natural, environmentally friendly remedy that helps get rid of neoplasms;
- during the flowering period of the plant, the use of preparations based on celandine will not entail financial costs.
But such treatment is not one of the advantages. It also has disadvantages:
- In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, raw materials should be harvested in May-June - during the flowering period of the plant. Many people think that it is much easier to purchase ready-made preparations of celandine from papillomas: instructions are attached to each package, application does not cause problems. However, pharmaceutical preparations with a high concentration of plant juice often lead to pain on the affected area of the skin.
- Fresh juice treatment takes a long time.
- In some patients, celandine from papillomascauses the appearance of wounds that take a long time to heal. Sometimes they leave scars or welts.
- During getting rid of papillomas, celandine can cause allergic reactions. This happens especially often in people suffering from hay fever, allergic rhinitis, allergy to flowering plants.
Pharmacy preparations with celandine
Citizens often find it rather problematic to harvest celandine. It is much easier for them to purchase preparations based on celandine from papillomas in a pharmacy. But in this case, you should be very careful. The fact is that today in pharmacies you can buy a drug with a plant name, but at the same time having a chemical composition. An example of this is the popular drug Super Celandine. It burns out papillomas, but not at all thanks to celandine juice.

Many patients are confused by its name. There is no medicinal plant in this balm that we are talking about today. Probably, the manufacturers had in mind the process of cleansing skin rashes. It consists of sodium bicarbonate, distilled water, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide. Those who use "Super Celandine" from papillomas, the instructions for use must be strictly followed.
The use of such a remedy is quite simple: just apply a drop to the neoplasm, after treating the skin around it with a fat cream. But first you should steam out the papilloma. After applying the product, a slight burning sensation is felt. If it is absent and the color of the affected area does not change, which shoulddarken, the solution is applied again until the color changes. After 15 minutes, the treated area is washed with water.
Contraindications to the use of "Super Celandine":
- diabetes mellitus;
- papillomas on the face;
- blood diseases.
Side effects include possible scarring - the burn from this remedy can be so severe.
"Mountain celandine" from papillomas: instructions for use
Natural dark brown product that does not burn or scar the skin. It has a specific smell, dangerous if it gets into the eyes, mucous membranes.

- natural celandine juice;
- golden rhododendron;
- kakali spear-shaped;
- gentian.
Indications for use:
- treatment of skin defects;
- removal of dry calluses, warts, papillomas.
"Mountain celandine" from papillomas is applied with a cotton swab to the neoplasm (previously steamed in warm water) once a day for several days. On papillomas located on the face and neck - for 10 minutes, on the body - for 15.
- open wounds in the treated area;
- inflammatory process;
- exacerbation of herpes;
- papillomas on the genitals, in the mouth;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- allergy.
According to patients, the "Mountain celandine" from papillomas is very effective. It acts more gently without causingserious burns. The price of the drug in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg does not exceed 100 rubles per 15 ml.
Celandine oil
Perhaps, this is one of the most sparing ready-made products based on celandine from papillomas. It is applied in its pure form twice a day to papillomas. It does not injure he althy areas of the skin around the neoplasm at all. Judging by the reviews about this drug, even children tolerate it well, burns and irritation after use are completely excluded.
Only individual intolerance can be attributed to contraindications. It should be recognized that the oil solution of celandine from papillomas, the price of which ranges from 35 to 40 rubles, is less effective than more aggressive concentrated preparations.

Pharmacy tincture of celandine from papillomas on alcohol can be used for oral administration. In this case, the drug strengthens the weakened immune system, which has been attacked by the awakened papilloma virus. The drug can also be used for external use. In both cases, the tincture of celandine from papillomas is diluted with water. For internal use - 10 drops per glass of boiled warm water. Take the remedy three times a day before meals. In the second case, the tincture is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1. During the day, papillomas are cauterized 2-3 times. Treatment is continued until the neoplasms are completely dry.
Drug side effects
We told how to use celandine from papillomas. But, unfortunately, it is far from always possible to get rid of these skin defects without complications. Often thishappens when the recommended dosages are violated. Side effects of treatment include:
- If after celandine the papilloma turned red, then this may mean that you got a burn or an infection, and inflammation began.
- A blackened but not falling papilloma indicates that you have not completed treatment.
- If the papilloma has changed its color, but does not dry out, the dosage is chosen incorrectly. Most likely, you need to increase the concentration or replace the oil with juice.
- Increased papilloma after cauterization with celandine speaks of pathological tissue growth. This can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.
- Unchanged papilloma signals the immunity of the virus in your body to celandine alkaloids. Replacements must be found.
- If pain occurs, treatment should be stopped and another way to remove it should be found.
Patient testimonials
With daily use of fresh celandine juice, papillomas fall off after about two weeks. With regard to "Super celandine" from papillomas, the reviews are ambiguous. Some people who have used it note that the drug destroys papillomas, but it acts quite aggressively and can leave scars. Others believe that, subject to dosages, this remedy perfectly removes neoplasms in 7-9 days.