Syndrome of the old witch, or sleep paralysis: causes. How to get rid of it, how to call it?

Syndrome of the old witch, or sleep paralysis: causes. How to get rid of it, how to call it?
Syndrome of the old witch, or sleep paralysis: causes. How to get rid of it, how to call it?

Sleep is the most valuable time for our body, because it is during this period that the body rests from a hard day, all systems are restored and receive a new charge of vivacity. Unfortunately, sleep disturbance is a fairly common phenomenon, and the consequences can be deplorable for our he alth. One of these disorders is the old witch syndrome, or sleep paralysis. However, this condition is not included in the list of medical diseases. What is it?

Old witch syndrome or sleep paralysis
Old witch syndrome or sleep paralysis

What is the essence of sleep paralysis

Partial immobilization of the muscles of the body is normal in almost every person. However, we do not notice any changes that happen to us during the holidays. Old Witch Syndrome is something between wakefulness and sleep. In other words, the consciousness has already woken up, but the body refuses to obey the signals of the brain. As a rule, this condition is familiar to many people, at least once in their lives, most experiencedsleep paralysis symptoms. The attack lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and then the functioning of the body returns to normal.

old witch syndrome
old witch syndrome

The mystical basis of sleep paralysis

People have always been inclined to mystify things that are difficult for them to explain. That is why sleep paralysis has a second name - the syndrome of the old witch. In Russia, it was believed that the brownie (or witch) comes to the owner at night and sits on his chest. Thus, a mythical character takes a person's life energy and feeds on this force. In modern times, there is also such a version. At night, alien creatures deliberately immobilize the sleeping person in order to conduct their experiments on him. This interpretation can be explained by the fact that the border between sleep and reality is washed away, all dreams seem to pass into real life. A person can even hear special sounds, steps, sighs (sound illusions). However, scientists insist that the syndrome of the old witch has nothing to do with diseases and mental disorders, and is a variant of the norm. Only sometimes this condition indicates serious problems.

Syndrome of the old witch. A photo
Syndrome of the old witch. A photo

Phases of human sleep

As you know, sleep consists of two alternating phases: REM sleep and non-REM sleep. During the first, the eyeballs move fairly quickly. The phase of slow sleep is exactly the period during which the regeneration of all vital systems takes place, the human body receives a good rest. This sleep occupies about 75% of the entire period.recreation. Next comes the phase of REM sleep, during which we have the opportunity to dream. Consciousness begins to awaken, but the muscles sometimes do not have time. That's when the old witch syndrome kicks in.

Possible causes of sleep paralysis

It has been observed that sleep paralysis occurs only if a person wakes up on his own, without exposure to external stimuli (alarm clock, knocking, etc.). The old witch syndrome can have very real causes: a change in the time zone (flights), the transition from winter to summer time (or vice versa). In this case, the natural biorhythms are disturbed, which can also provoke a sleep disorder. Another factor that directly affects a person's rest is stress, constant emotional stress.

Syndrome of the old witch. Causes
Syndrome of the old witch. Causes

Everything experienced during the day, our brain, as it were, processes in a dream, and increased anxiety does not allow the body to completely relax. Experts also identify such causes: disorders and diseases of the nervous system, alcohol addiction, gaming, and even food. Taking certain medications (antidepressants, psychotropic substances) can also provoke the syndrome of the old witch. How to cause this disorder without the factors described above? Genetic predisposition is another point that affects the development of paralysis during sleep. There are cases when symptoms were observed in a whole generation of the family.

Symptoms of Old Witch Syndrome

The main symptom of this disorder is completeimmobilization of the body. Only the eyes of a person can make movements. In some cases, the fingers on the hands are also mobile. Breathing is difficult, there is pressure in the chest area (as if someone is sitting on a person). At the same time, the heartbeat increases significantly. Hallucinations are also possible: both sound (steps, rustles) and visual (shadows, "ghosts"). The syndrome of the old witch (photo below) is also characterized by a complete disorientation of a person in space. The dream mixes with reality.

Syndrome of the old witch. How to call
Syndrome of the old witch. How to call

Risk groups

Most often, sleep paralysis occurs in fairly young people - up to 25 years. Persons with a weak psyche who are easily amenable to suggestion by other people are subject to it. Another risk group is introverts. This is a certain category of the population, as if closed in itself, in its thoughts and experiences. They have enough of themselves, communication with others is not vital. Another syndrome of the old witch is most often manifested in the exhaustion of the nervous system, chronic fatigue.

How to get rid of the old witch syndrome

If episodes of sleep paralysis occur occasionally, no special treatment is required. You should change your daily routine a little, avoid stress, and sleep will normalize. But if seizures occur often enough, after them you feel tired, weak, there are all kinds of fears (fear of falling asleep), then consultation with a specialist is simply necessary. Sometimes just a session with a psychotherapist is enough. In more rare cases, the doctor prescribes sedatives. For a quicksuch knowledge will help to get out of the state of paralysis. First, you need to make active movements with your eyes or fingers (if possible). The main thing is not to give in to panic and emotions if the syndrome of the old witch has come. How to get rid of this condition? A partner (wife, husband, the one who is nearby) will help to get out of it. If you observe rapid breathing, frozen emotions on the face, stupor and slight twitching of the muscles of the body, then gently stir up the person, thus bringing him to his senses.

Syndrome of the old witch. How to get rid
Syndrome of the old witch. How to get rid

Good sleep rules

Sleep should be at least 6 hours long. Any emotional stress should be excluded in the evening, it is best to take a walk in the fresh air. Horror films, thrillers, tragedies - these genres are not at all suitable for evening viewing. Do not neglect moderate physical activity. If the doctor has prescribed sedatives, then you should not neglect their use. It is best to fall asleep at the same time, so the body will quickly tune in to rest. It is necessary to accustom yourself and wake up at approximately the same time intervals (even on a day off). A well-ventilated room, a sufficient level of humidity, the right bed - all this only contributes to a good sleep. Do not drink after 16:00 tonic drinks - tea, coffee. A hearty dinner can also lead to insomnia, so the body will digest food instead of resting. Alcohol also does not contribute to he althy sleep. There is also such a rule: you only need to go to bedafter the onset of drowsiness. If you can't fall asleep after 20 minutes, it's best to get up and do something relaxing (like reading a book).
