Sleep: sleep norms, duration

Sleep: sleep norms, duration
Sleep: sleep norms, duration

Scientists tirelessly say that sleep is the key to a good state throughout the day and he alth in general. Lack of sleep is fraught not only with diseases, but also with neuroses and other disorders of the nervous system. So now let's look at why sleep is so important. Sleep norms for different ages - this will be discussed further.

sleep norms of sleep
sleep norms of sleep

A few words about he althy sleep

No one will argue with the fact that a person needs he althy sleep. So, it must be continuous and strong. Otherwise, the body does not rest completely, but partially. And all systems and organs are in an active state, which is not good for a person. What is he althy sleep?

  1. This is a night's rest, which is enclosed in a certain framework. So, it is best to go to bed at 9-10 pm. This time should be the same from day to day.
  2. An hour before bedtime, the situation in the house should be calm. Stress and excited states should be avoided.
  3. Before going to sleep, you need to stop eating. The maximum that you can afford is to drink a glass of kefir half an hour before going to bed.
  4. What else is needed to make sleep useful? Sleep norms - this should also be carefully monitored. After allIf you don't get enough hours of rest at night, you can seriously harm your he alth.
newborn sleep routine
newborn sleep routine

Children under the first year of life

How much sleep does a person need to feel normal? The question does not have a clear answer. After all, it all depends on age. Initially, you need to understand what is the rate of sleep for a newborn baby?

The first two months. At this time, the baby's nighttime sleep is the same as that of an adult, and averages 8-9 hours. However, at the same time, the baby also sleeps during the day, 3-4 times for a couple of hours. Generally speaking, a newborn should sleep between 15 and 18 hours in total.

Baby 3-6 months. Night sleep increases, but the number of daytime rests may decrease. In total, the baby should also stay in the arms of Morpheus for about 15-17 hours.

Baby from six months to a year of life. Gradually, the child needs less and less time for daytime sleep, the hours of wakefulness increase. Night sleep becomes better, because the baby gets tired during the day. During the day, the baby can sleep 2-3 times for 2 hours, at night - an average of 10 hours. In total, the baby should rest half the time of the day.


What is the norm of hours of sleep for a child of preschool age? In this case, too, there are certain differences.

Baby up to three years old. If we talk about children under the age of three, then for such children, on average, daytime sleep takes 2.5-3 hours, nighttime - 10-12. It all depends on the child himself, his character, temperament, the needs of the body. There are kids who a yearswitch to a one-time daytime sleep, and some need two - for several hours. In total, the baby should rest for 13-14 hours.

Children from 3 to 6 years old. With kids of kindergarten age, things are also quite simple. If the baby goes to a preschool educational institution, there he will definitely sleep during the day for about 1.5-2 hours. An average of 10 hours of sleep a night is allotted. At the same time, it should be noted that, if necessary, the child can do without daytime rest. But this should not be the usual state of affairs.

human sleep rate
human sleep rate


Sleep is also important for schoolchildren. Sleep norms, again, vary, depending on the age of the child. If we talk about children of elementary school, then the night rest for them should be about 10 hours. Daytime sleep is no longer needed. But at first, the child may want to take a nap for an hour and at lunchtime. Don't give up on a baby. After all, adjusting to a new mode of life is not so easy. If we talk about schoolchildren of the older age group, then night sleep for such children should be 8-9 hours. It is important to remember that you need to go for a night's rest at 9-10 pm. Then it will only benefit human he alth, and biorhythms will not be disturbed.

normal hours of sleep
normal hours of sleep


What is the norm of adult sleep? So, for an excellent state of he alth, people need to sleep an average of 7-8 hours. It all depends on the needs of the body. It is important to note that not only lack of sleep, but alsoToo much sleep is harmful. In both cases, the result can be overwork, aggressiveness, hormonal failure, and problems in the functioning of the nervous system can also occur.

About sleep phases

Considering sleep, sleep norms, you also need to talk about the importance of taking into account its special phases. Much also depends on their alternation. So, in general, there are two phases of he althy sleep:

  • Rapid sleep. At this time, the human brain is working, you can see various dreams.
  • Slow. This is the same sound sleep, when the human body relaxes and rests as much as possible.
deep sleep normal
deep sleep normal

It is also important to take into account that the non-REM sleep phase, in turn, is also divided into several levels:

  1. Drowsy period. Here the person gradually relaxes, the brain is still very active and reacts to external stimuli.
  2. The period of immersion in sleep. This stage is very important, at this time a person should be in a state of calm. By interrupting this period of sleep, people were even tortured. That is, if a person is awakened during this period, over time the nervous system will be so depleted that a failure may occur, fraught with irreversible nervous disorders.
  3. Deep sleep. The norm is not set here, it all depends on the work of the previous stages. This is the very tonic period when a person has the highest quality rest, and the body gains strength and energy. At this time, it is very difficult to wake the sleeping person.

In order for the body to feel great, the slow-wave sleep phase musttake about 75% of the time, fast - 25%. During the night, a person can enter the phase of slow sleep twice, which will alternate with the phase of REM sleep.
