Before each of the people, sooner or later, the question of visiting the dentist becomes acute. And all potential patients who are worried about their he alth want to be examined or treated by serious doctors, real experts in their field.
Also important is the level of service in a medical institution. A tactful approach to the patient, high-quality treatment, full-fledged patient care are the paramount characteristics of any hospital, on which its popularity among people attending procedures directly depends. People tend to notice even the smallest details. That is why the RuDent clinic has been working for many years on the principle of "quality is in everything and always." It is precisely these beliefs of the hospital staff and the management of the medical institution that brought the clinic credibility and recognition of patients. What do people say about this medical institution? Reviews about RuDent are of interest to many.
The hospital has become widely known due to the constant holding of various trainings and master classes for doctors from other clinics, as well as due to the releaseown media magazine, for which the personal editorial staff of the medical institution is responsible.

Clinic "RuDenta"
The RuDenta Hospital is one of the most prestigious medical dental institutions in Russia and the CIS countries. The hospital is included in the top 10 best dental clinics in Russia, thereby confirming the "silver certificate of quality" in the medical services market.
Reviews about RuDent's dentistry have always been received in huge numbers on the clinic's website, where happy patients left words of gratitude to qualified personnel and admired the European level of service in the branches of the medical institution.
And indeed, for many years RuDenta has been the leading chain of hospitals in the field of dentistry. The clinic staff has repeatedly received honorary certificates and awards, various nominal awards and grants.
One of the essential principles of RuDent's dentistry is the reliance in work exclusively on practical evidence-based medicine. The clinic staff does not use non-traditional methods of treatment, elements of traditional medicine or untested ways to relieve pain. All medical manipulations comply with the laws of practical medicine and are carried out according to strictly approved regulations.

On the official website of the hospital, patients leave a lot of positive feedback about RuDent. Every day there are more and more thanks to the medical staff of the medical institution, reviews ofthe atmosphere of the building, convenient schedule and amazing quality of service.
Of course, there are negative reviews about the work of the center. However, the chief physician of the hospital answers each negative review in detail and with knowledge of the food. Most often, the negative is due to the wrong attitude of patients to their he alth.
Reviews about RuDent dentistry apply not only to the main branch of the hospital, located in Moscow on Ostrovityanova Street, 53.

The clinic has several branches in the capital. It should also be noted that RuDenta is not a hospital, but rather a complex of medical institutions, which is a community of doctors united by common methods of treatment, principles and value system, as well as an attitude towards patients

Dentistry includes:
- Directly, the RuDenta hospital itself, which is a top-level dental clinic, employing highly qualified doctors who have been trained in the best higher educational institutions in Russia and Europe. The clinic provides services for persons over 18 years of age. Children and adolescents under this age are being treated at a different branch of the hospital.
- Rudenta Kids Children's Dentistry, which is currently the leading medical institution providing medical services to children. The children's branch of the hospital is a unique system of an integrated medical and pedagogical approach to the child, as a result of which young visitorsthere is not only a positive therapeutic effect, but also a pedagogical one.
- RuDent's information portal, which daily reports all the latest news from the world of medicine, as well as informing visitors and regular customers of the hospital about changing the schedule or replacing one attending physician with another. The duties of the editorial board of the portal include monitoring the information products of the RuDenta clinic, reviews of which are distinguished by a large number of benevolent epithets and sincere wishes to both the staff working in the hospital and the editorial staff of the publication.
Such a branched structure of the hospital allows for maximum attention to all areas of its activities. The distribution of responsibilities between the attending physicians, medical staff and representatives of the information agency of the clinic plays a big role in achieving the quality results of the institution.
Treatment of minors
The RuDenta Kids clinic is a children's branch of dentistry, which eventually became a separate branch in this medical concern. The main difference between RuDenta Kids and other pediatric dentistry is a completely unique approach to young patients. The hospital has modern waiting rooms, mother and child rooms. These halls for visitors are equipped with everything you need - from a wide variety of toys and leisure items to first aid medicines.

The humane approach to children is the main criterion and the main conceptdentistry "RuDenta Kids", reviews of which are left even by the smallest visitors.
Due to its unique approach to children, the clinic quickly achieved great success in the treatment of childhood diseases, instantly winning the love of young patients, and also significantly strengthening its authority in the field of pediatric practice.
Reviews about Rudent Kids are published on the official website of the medical institution and are always positive. Both children and their parents are satisfied with the quality of service and the unique facilities of the hospital.
Dentistry "RuDent" on Ostrovityanova has a full-fledged staff of highly qualified medical personnel. All attending physicians, nurses, as well as hospital maintenance workers not only received a high-quality appropriate education in the leading higher educational institutions of Russia, but also annually confirm their professional level by passing specializations, attending additional courses and participating in experience exchange seminars, which are attended by leading professionals in practical dentistry.
The main approach to patient care at the RuDenta clinic on Ostrovityanova is the principle of complex interaction with the patient. This provides for the individual work of the doctor with each patient, during which the doctor interrogates, examines the patient, and also evaluates his condition, giving recommendations on the regimen, medical daily routine, as well as prescribing the most appropriate and effective course of treatment or rehabilitation, whichaims to preserve the he alth of the patient and improve the quality of his life.
A medical appointment includes a consultation with not one, but several specialists at once, who issue one general verdict, according to which the patient is prescribed a rehabilitation or treatment course.

In addition to the medical staff, the clinic has a staff of professional psychologists on permanent duty, who are ready at any time to provide support services to the patient in difficult times.
The atmosphere of friendliness and mutual respect that reigns in the team not only unites the staff, but also has a positive effect on the joint work of the workers of the RuDent dental clinic.
Very often, various seminars and conferences are held on the basis of the hospital, which attract eminent doctors from all over the world. Doctors not only discuss theoretical issues of medicine, but also conduct author's master classes and trainings on theoretical knowledge and practical treatment of various diseases. The technological base of the clinic allows to equip several working laboratories and auditoriums for holding events of this magnitude. This not only has a positive effect on the skills of the hospital staff, but also strengthens the authority of RuDenta in the international medical community.
Leading clinic doctors:
- Romashko Nikita Alexandrovich. Candidate of Economic Sciences. 20 years of experience.
- Aivazov Aram Georgievich. Candidate of Medical Sciences. 26 years of experience.
- Kagramanyan Nina Vladimirovna. Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. 28 years of experience.
- Babajanyan Ruzanna Samvelovna. 2 higher educations, training based on UCLA. 18 years of experience.
- Oliheiko Alexander Alekseevich. The highest qualification category in orthopedic dentistry. 23 years of experience.
- Makhmutkhodzhaev Askar Saitkamilovich. Candidate of Medical Sciences. 22 years of experience.
Clinic Services
The RuDenta clinic in Moscow offers a wide range of dental services of various kinds, from preventive examinations to serious surgical procedures of any complexity. In addition to the usual list of dental services, the highly qualified staff of the hospital is ready to carry out a number of special procedures that have not yet found wide practical application in other medical institutions in Russia. Such operations are copyrighted, developed by leading specialists from the United States of America, Canada and Europe. All RuDent dentists performing such procedures have completed special training courses abroad, being directly students of the authors of these methods.
Here is what the medical facility offers:
- Diagnosis (radiology and computed tomography).
- Therapeutic dentistry (treatment of caries and root canals).
- Aesthetic dentistry (restoration of teeth, as well as veneers, gum aesthetics).
- Orthopedics (prosthetics, gnatology, crowns).
- Surgery, implantation.
- Comprehensive hygiene and whitening.
- Periodontology (treatment of gingivitis and gums).
- Orthodontics(including bite correction).
The clinic also provides emergency dental care and treatment for people with heart disease.
Operating Services

Highly qualified specialists of RuDenta will competently and timely provide services for the extraction of teeth of any complexity, prosthetics, implantation, as well as the treatment of any type of dental lesions. The hospital staff is accustomed to performing not only standard operations, but also advanced procedures that require the patient to attend not one, but several therapy sessions.
Before the doctor starts the operation, the patient will have a preventive and explanatory conversation, during which the doctor will acquaint the patient with the current situation, talk about the most effective methods of treatment, comment on his further actions, explaining what the essence his manipulations.
Such comments will accompany every action of the doctor and during the very course of treatment. This tradition ensures full mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient, and also helps the patient to relax, get distracted from the treatment process and relieve stress during a casual conversation with the clinic staff.
After the completion of the practical work, the patient will receive detailed advice from the attending physician on caring for the treated teeth, as well as a comment regarding the need for other medical manipulations in the near future.
Also, the patient is issued a warranty card, which impliesfull service within the specified period and free treatment in case of an implant failure or an error in the treatment process.
Preventive Services
Reviews about RuDent are purely positive not only due to the practical skills of the highly qualified staff of the clinic, but also due to the extensive system of preventive procedures and services for consultations and various types of medical examinations.
Also, the clinic has all the necessary equipment for preventive operations to improve the oral cavity. The list of standard services offered by the hospital includes: whitening, laser teeth correction, restoration of the surface of the teeth, complex oral hygiene. Restoration of a damaged tooth. The clinic also deals with aesthetic correction of the oral cavity, correcting congenital anomalies and teeth with an unpleasant-looking shape.
A significant positive difference of RuDenta is the presence of a full-fledged diagnosis of the patient, a complete theoretical and practical study of his problem, carried out before the start of direct surgical actions.

All medical manipulations in the RuDenta hospital are carried out only after the anesthesia of the area where medical work will be carried out. In addition to the usual means of reducing the sensitivity of the problem area of the oral cavity, the clinic offers four types of anesthesia, designed to completely relieve the patient from discomfort:
- Full anesthesia.
- Painkillers. The patient takes the pills recommended by the doctor and does not feel pain for a certain period of time. Also, tablets can be replaced with painkillers, medicines or injections of the appropriate substances.
- Partial anesthesia.
- General anesthesia.
It should be noted that the anesthetic is carefully selected by the attending physician in connection with the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient, who may have intolerance to a particular drug, which can lead to adverse consequences for the patient's he alth. In this regard, before the operation, the patient is diagnosed in order to find out which painkillers are suitable for him.
Providing discount packages to all those in need is also widespread in the RuDenta network of dentistry. Disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in hostilities and military operations in Afghanistan and the Republic of Chechnya, as well as children from low-income families can count on a significant reduction in the cost of treatment.
The discount package may include both a reduction in the price of the entire treatment complex, and a reduced payment for a particular type of service, or a complete lack of payment for a number of medical manipulations.
One of the good traditions of the RuDenta hospital has become the regular holding of various promotions and the issuance of coupons and subscriptions for treatment available to citizens from low-income strata of society, the disabled, veteranswar.
Also in the reviews about RuDent, it is reported that package offers regularly appear in the clinic, which include not only a full range of services, but also special bonuses that the patient can collect on discount cards and pay for other treatment sessions for himself or to their relatives.
Similar offers are valid in each of the branches of the hospital. Often, a discount package purchased in one of the RuDenta branches can be valid in another.
The branch of the clinic - Rudenta Kids dentistry provides an unlimited number of discount packages for the treatment of children from disadvantaged and large families, for the provision of medical services to disabled children and pupils of orphanages and boarding schools.
Such a policy not only does honor to the hospital management, but also increases the authority of the clinic among competitors, once again proving not only the professional, but also the high moral level of the staff and management of the medical institution.

RuDent's dentistry has a common multi-channel phone, by calling which you can get advice about any branch of the hospital, find out the addresses of working clinics, and also choose a hospital, the distance to which is the shortest from the caller's house. Also, with the help of a phone call, you can sign up for a course of treatment at the clinic, for a general doctor's appointment or for a specialized consultation on issues of concern to the patient.
Anyone can leave a review about RuDent by contacting the web registry atphone number below or send an email to the hospital. Mobile and electronic communications operators on duty around the clock will instantly consider any application and respond to any questions and requests as soon as possible.
All branches of the RuDenta clinic are located in close proximity to metro lines, bus stops, and car parks, which not only makes them convenient for people of different social strata and categories to visit, but also ensures stable attendance at medical institutions. RuDenta does its best to provide its patients with comfort not only inside the clinic buildings, but also on the way to them. Visitors do not have to walk. This is a key consideration for people with disabilities or families with many children who may find it difficult to walk to the hospital.
Next to the branches of the clinic there are also special parking spaces for private cars or taxis.
A large number of reviews about Rudent on Ostrovityanova were published on the official website of the clinic on the Internet. The fact that grateful visitors to a medical institution do not consider it an extra difficult task to go to the hospital's website and leave a review says a lot. In particular, this is a significant indicator of the quality of service and treatment in the clinic, showing the attitude of ordinary patients to the hospital staff. A large percentage of the reviews are written by very young visitors to the Rudenta Kids center. Young patients notethe accuracy and tact of the medical staff, the painless performance of all necessary manipulations by doctors, as well as the availability of spacious and bright playrooms where you can wait for your turn for treatment.
Reviews about Rudent Kids are also left by grateful parents of sick kids, noting the unique approach to children, as well as the convenient location of the hospital building.
In general, the clinic receives only letters of thanks from patients, which once again proves that the staff of the medical institution has chosen the right path based on the principles of quality and real care for their patients.