Most colds are usually accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as a cough. In addition, the pathology is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, fever, general weakness. A proven and reliable way to treat such signs is "Doctor Theiss" (ointment). The tool is ideal for both adults and the smallest patients. If you follow the recommendations set out in the official instructions, the use of the drug will bring a speedy recovery and will not cause side effects.
General description of medication
Means for external use in acute respiratory ailments are often used in medical practice. Their use allows not only to minimize the systemic drug effects, but also significantly alleviate the patient's condition from the first days of the disease. Most often, this method of treatment is found in pediatrics.

On the positive side, the remedy has proven itself"Doctor Theiss". The instructions for use indicate that this combined external preparation has many useful properties and can be used with virtually no restrictions for different age groups of patients. The balm is of vegetable origin, which is a definite advantage.
The main active ingredient is eucalyptus. In addition, the ointment contains camphor and pine needle extract. Additional ingredients are beeswax, tallow and corn oil.
Eucalyptus is considered a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component. It is recommended to be used in the treatment of various pathologies of the respiratory tract. Complements and enhances the therapeutic effect of the substance is another plant component - camphor. Its therapeutic properties allow you to effectively treat nasal congestion and colds.

Ointment for colds for children allows you to quickly alleviate the condition, restore normal nasal breathing. All components in the composition are absolutely harmless and safe for babies. The drug is produced in small jars, which may contain 20 or 50 g of ointment. The product has a soft texture and a pleasant characteristic smell.
Indications for appointment
When will topical cold medicine help? "Doctor Theiss" (ointment) can be used to relieve symptoms of viral respiratory ailments, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. The complex composition provides simultaneouslyanti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diaphoretic, expectorant, antiviral and analgesic effects.

According to the instructions, it is necessary to use an external remedy for nasal breathing problems caused by a cold. The ointment will effectively thin the sputum and promote its removal from the respiratory tract.
Doctor Theiss for kids
When a cold occurs in children, parents should not panic. Properly selected drugs will help to quickly improve the he alth of the baby and speed up the healing process. However, without a doctor's prescription, it is extremely dangerous to treat a child on your own. What drugs are used most often in this case?
Warming ointments are very popular among both pediatricians and parents. The proven drug is Doctor Theiss. The price of such a tool is quite acceptable and will not hit the pocket of parents. For a jar of medicine (50 g) you will have to pay about 300 rubles.

Combined herbal remedy has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. With bronchitis and tracheitis in children, the topical use of the drug can alleviate attacks of dry cough and stimulate the excretion of sputum. Thanks to the essential oils of eucalyptus, camphor and pine needles, nasal breathing is greatly facilitated. The manufacturer warns that the ointment can only be used if the child is already three years old.
Mechanism of action
Doctor Theiss (ointment) has the same therapeutic effect as a compress. This warming drug has a local irritating effect, improving the blood supply to the respiratory organs (lungs and bronchi) and the permeability of the vascular walls.
Natural antiseptics in the composition have a pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly overcome the pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the development of the disease.
How to use
The drug is produced by a German pharmaceutical company, and therefore there is no doubt about its safety. At the same time, you should follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions. This will help prevent side effects.

Apply Eucalyptus Doctor Theiss ointment to the skin in the chest and upper back. A small amount of the product should be rubbed with light massage movements. To achieve a stronger warming effect, after manipulation, it is necessary to cover the place of application with a diaper or towel. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
The most effective rubbing will be before a night's sleep. After the manipulation, the patient must be in a calm state, otherwise the warming ointment will not be effective.
Application features
Due to the presence of essential oils in the Doctor Theiss ointment, the instructions for use recommend that you first test for sensitivity to these components. To do this, before the first useit is necessary to apply a small amount of the product on the wrist or the back of the elbow (on the bend). If redness or itching does not appear in this place within an hour, then the drug can be used for further treatment.
Medication for local use has several contraindications to the appointment. Ignoring the manufacturer's recommendations is not recommended, because otherwise you can only worsen your condition.

It is forbidden to use Doctor Theiss (ointment) in the following cases:
- presence of bronchial asthma;
- whooping cough suspected;
- damage to the skin in the back and chest area;
- under 3;
- spastic cough;
- dermatitis, eczema;
- acute inflammation of the respiratory tract;
- increased body temperature.
If the patient has at least one point, it is categorically contraindicated to use Doctor Theiss ointment for treatment.
Price and efficiency of analogues
Warming ointments should only be used if a correct diagnosis has been made. This reduces the risk of negative reactions to the use of the medication.

An effective ointment for colds is Doctor Mom. The composition of this drug contains essential oils, thymol and menthol. As well as ointment with eucalyptus, the remedy has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antibacterial properties. Mucus liquefaction occursdue to the impact of the components on the ciliated epithelium lining the mucous membranes. This activates secretion production processes and thins viscous sputum. The drug is prescribed only from the age of three.
Pulmex Baby is suitable for the smallest patients. This is a popular analogue of the Doctor Theiss ointment. Reviews indicate that eucalyptus and rosemary oils, as well as Peruvian balsam as part of the medication, have a pronounced therapeutic effect. You can use the product from 6 months. The balm is gently rubbed into the chest area several times a day. Another way to use the medicine is to add a small strip of ointment to warm water while bathing.
Reviews about the drug
Ointment for colds for children "Doctor Theiss" is considered by many to be one of the most effective remedies from this pharmacological group. In some cases, it can be used for warm-moist inhalations.
A hot solution is prepared by dissolving a teaspoon of the drug in 1 liter of hot water. You can inhale vapors through a special device or over a container, covering your head with a towel.