Pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod: list, rating of the best, patient reviews

Pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod: list, rating of the best, patient reviews
Pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod: list, rating of the best, patient reviews

How to find a good pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod? It is necessary to find out information about the qualifications of the oculist, length of service and work experience. Also, an important factor in choosing a specialist is the feedback from patients, thanks to which you can make a complete description of the doctor. The rating of the best pediatric ophthalmologists in N. Novgorod is presented later in the article.

Voronina O. O

Opens the list of the best pediatric ophthalmologists in Nizhny Novgorod Voronina Olga Olegovna. The first-class specialist of the highest category has rich experience, secured by 27 years of medical practice. Based on qualification data and positive reviews on the web, the rating of the optometrist is 7.62 out of 10.

All comments about the work of Dr. Voronina, which are found on the Internet, are exclusively approving. So, for example, a specialist is called attentive and sensitive, as well as able to find a common language with a child of any age. She isquickly identifies the source of the problem. The optometrist carefully reviews the proposed treatment options to determine the most optimal for the patient.

You can make an appointment with Olga Olegovna at the Alexandria clinic, which is located at 65/1 Osharskaya Street. The cost of admission - from 1100 rubles.


Petelina E. S

Petelina Elena Sergeevna is also in the ranks of the best children's ophthalmologists in Nizhny Novgorod. Over 15 years of hard work, the ophthalmologist of the highest professional category has earned a large number of positive reviews, which has made a huge contribution to establishing her rating at around 7.50 out of 10.

Petelina Elena Sergeevna
Petelina Elena Sergeevna

Elena Sergeevna is called a competent and caring specialist in the field of ophthalmology. Many families have been seen by her since the birth of a child. Patients write that a visit to Dr. Petelina not only restores the level of he alth, but also improves the overall mood.

You can get treatment or a consultation with Elena Sergeevna at the Tonus Amaris medical center at the address: Novaya Street, 51. The cost of medical services is from 1000 rubles.

Stalnov V. S

Stalnov Victor Semyonovich
Stalnov Victor Semyonovich

Representative of the "old school" Viktor Semenovich Stalnov has been in the profession for 44 years. During this time, the ophthalmologist managed to earn not only the highest category and the degree of candidate of medical sciences, but also a huge number of positive reviews. Children's ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod has a rating of 6.43 out of 10.

Patients on the Web write that Viktor Semenovich can rightfully be called a "golden" specialist. You can trust him with the he alth of your child's eyes, given that he has saved the eyesight of many young patients. Notice also the efficiency of his work. It is said that the doctor quickly diagnoses the disease and prescribes an effective treatment.

Oculist Stalnov leads a medical practice at:

  • "Bor Medical Center" on Michurin Street, 15.
  • Medical center "VIP Academy", Studenaya street, 57.

Malysheva N. A

Malysheva Nina Alexandrovna
Malysheva Nina Alexandrovna

Continues the list of the best specialists in Nizhny Novgorod in the field of ophthalmology Malysheva Nina Aleksandrovna. She has been in the medical practice for 14 years. The optometrist has a Ph. D. in medical sciences and many kind words from patients on the Internet. Rating - 6, 43 out of 10.

Nina Alexandrovna has a special ability to establish contact with patients of all ages. Children do not cry during the examination, but even help the doctor, and adults cannot get enough of the improvement in vision, continuing to write words of gratitude on the Internet. It is also noted that the optometrist will always consider all treatment options before resorting to surgery.

Nina Alexandrovna sees patients in the following medical institutions:

  • Clinic "Dad, Mom and Baby", located at the address: Maxim Gorky Street, 195.
  • Center "VIP Academy" on Studenaya street, 57.

Zorina L. A

One of the best specialists in the field of ophthalmology is Zorina Larisa Avramovna. The doctor has the highest professional category and rich experience in medical practice, which includes 33 years of total work experience. Popular rating - 5, 94 out of 10.

The reviews say that Larisa Avramovna is not only a competent and attentive optometrist, but also a person with a capital letter. In positive comments, it is noted that the ophthalmologist always quickly and accurately determines the problem and knows which treatment option will be optimal.

Larisa Avramovna accepts patients at the following addresses:

  • Children's medical center "Your Doctor" on Ilyicha Avenue, 25.
  • Children's Clinic No. 32 on Lenin Street, 23.

Shcherbakova S. V

Shcherbakova Svetlana Valentinovna
Shcherbakova Svetlana Valentinovna

Ophthalmologist Shcherbakova Svetlana Valentinovna has the first professional category. She has been working by profession for 23 years. During this time, hundreds of patients have turned to her for help. The doctor's rating on the Web was 5.78 out of 10.

Dr. Shcherbakova is said to be a polite and competent specialist, able to find a common language with the child, as well as explain in simple terms all the subtleties and details of the disease and the necessary treatment. The optometrist does not seek to complicate the process of recovery and, in appropriate cases, focuses on a simpler way to solve the problem.

You can make an appointment with Svetlana Valentinovna at the Tonus Amaris medical center at 51 Novaya Street. Hospital No. 3, which is located on Marshal Voronov Street, 20a.

Kalyanova V. N

Kalyanova Vita Nikolaevna
Kalyanova Vita Nikolaevna

Kalyanova Vita Nikolaevna takes a place of honor in the list of the best children's ophthalmologists in Nizhny Novgorod. A qualified specialist with the highest professional category has been working for the benefit of patients suffering from eye diseases for 21 years. The rating of the optometrist on the web is 5.53 out of 10.

You can find a large number of positive reviews about Dr. Kalyanova on the Internet. They also write about the medical skills of an ophthalmologist, and about the ability to make a quickly accurate diagnosis, and about an affectionate and caring attitude towards young patients. Visitors share cases when a child's he althy vision was in doubt, until Kalyanova got down to business, who was able to correct the situation without surgical assistance.

You can get to Vita Nikolaevna for examination and treatment at the addresses:

  • Children's clinic "UltraKids", located on Yanka Kupala Street, 40.
  • Polyclinic of hospital No. 40, Monchegorskaya street, 19/2.

Kirillova T. I

Kirillova Tatyana Ivanovna
Kirillova Tatyana Ivanovna

Children's ophthalmologist of Nizhny Novgorod Tatyana Ivanovna Kirillova has the highest medical category. She has been in the profession for 25 years. During this time, the ophthalmologist managed not only to gain experience, but also to cure many patients who, without hiding their joy, thank the doctor on the Internet. Rating - 5, 44 out of 10.

Judging by the reviews on the Web, Tatyana Ivanovna quickly and efficiently conducts an examination, communicating with the childwhile also answering questions from parents. Many note that the doctor's treatment methods are simple and effective.

Tatiana Ivanovna accepts patients at the addresses:

  • Tonus Amaris Center, located at 51 Novaya Street.
  • Polyclinic No. 4, Tropinina street, 41A.

Smirnova E. N

Smirnova Elena Nikolaevna
Smirnova Elena Nikolaevna

Smirnova Elena Nikolaevna is a highly professional specialist in the field of ophthalmology. Her rich experience and skill are due to the experience of medical practice, which is equal to 21 years. The doctor's rating on the Web is 5, 14 out of 10.

The reviews note that Elena Nikolaevna can quickly establish a common language with a child, as well as conduct a full examination of an adult patient. They say that the work of a specialist is beyond doubt, she will make the correct diagnosis, and the treatment will be quick and effective.

A children's ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod in the Avtozavodsky district in the children's polyclinic No. 4 on Politboytsov Street, 4 takes an appointment with Elena Nikolaevna.

Freiman K. A

Finishes the list of the best ophthalmologists in Nizhny Novgorod Freiman Kirill Anatolyevich. Thanks to the many positive reviews on the Web, you can find out that a highly professional specialist has helped many patients in getting rid of problems related to eye he alth. Rating - 4, 67 out of 10.

On the Internet they write that Kirill Anatolyevich treats his duties responsibly and with due trepidation. They note thatvisiting a consultation appointment, you can be sure that this specialist knows his business. Communicating with young patients, he skillfully establishes a common language with them, which has a positive effect on further treatment.

The pediatric ophthalmologist of Nizhny Novgorod conducts medical practice in the Sormovsky district at the polyclinic of children's hospital No. 27 at the address: Yaroshenko Street, 7A.
