How to remove swelling from the gums: tips

How to remove swelling from the gums: tips
How to remove swelling from the gums: tips

Gum inflammation can occur in anyone. This disease is fraught with many unpleasant consequences and threatens to lose teeth. A specific smell in the oral cavity, pain and bleeding of the gums - all these symptoms characterize the onset of the inflammatory process. The occurrence of this disease may depend on a number of reasons that affect gum inflammation. Age, nutrition, weak immunity, poor oral hygiene, untreated teeth can serve as a starting point for the development of the disease. Those who suffer from diabetes or other diseases are also at risk. It is generally accepted that pregnant women often suffer from this problem, as well as the elderly or residents of the northern regions. How to remove inflammation from the gums? And what are the reasons for this process?

how to relieve gum disease at home
how to relieve gum disease at home

Signs of inflammation of the gums

The first and foremost sign of a problem is bleeding gums, leading to pain, swelling and loss of teeth. The cervical zone of the teeth is exposed,they loosen, and at this time, the gums swell and can fester. All this eventually leads to tooth loss. The inflammatory process can be stopped if you start using traditional medicine. They are often as effective as commercial gum disease medications.

Folk remedies

It is best not to delay treatment, but to see a doctor. But it happens that a trip to the dentist has to be postponed, so traditional medicine can also be used for temporary relief. Such remedies can be used not only for inflammation of the gums, but also for periodontal disease, scratches, burns or other problems. Treatment can be carried out with ointments, decoctions, tinctures, for the preparation of which plants, juices, vegetables, fruits and honey are used. Herbal masks from various plants and oral baths are also used. Folk remedies relieve pain and partially relieve swelling. How to relieve inflammation of the gums at home?


The raw vegetable needs to be grated, mixed with sunflower oil and applied as a mask on the gums. This should be done three times a day, for twenty minutes, after brushing your teeth. After this procedure, rinse your mouth well with chamomile decoction. This is a great remedy if the gums are swollen.

Golden mustache

Used with success when the mouth suffers from sores. The leaves are brewed in boiling water, sea s alt is added and left to brew for several hours. The resulting product is used to rinse the mouth twice a day.


How to remove gum swelling inhome conditions with the help of alder? The cones of this tree are crushed, brewed and insisted for at least an hour. This infusion can be used as many times as needed per day.

gingivitis in children symptoms and treatment
gingivitis in children symptoms and treatment

All these remedies can be combined with chamomile decoction mouthwash, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It can be used an unlimited number of times. Together, a very good remedy for gum tumors is obtained.

Rinse with stale yogurt

Inflammation of the gums, swelling, loosening - all this can be removed by rinsing the mouth with an old kefir mass. To relieve swelling of the gums, you need to mix warm water with kefir in a ratio of 2: 1 and regularly rinse.

Fir tree oil

If there is a problem with the gums, the use of this method requires caution, because you can damage the mucous membrane. It is recommended to carry out course treatment with a six-month interval, consisting of 15-20 sessions. The application consists in applying fir tree oil to a cotton pad and applying it to the site of inflammation.

Onion seeds

How to remove swelling from the gums with this remedy? The method of preparing the solution is simple: a teaspoon of onion seeds is poured into 0.5 liters of boiled water, then infused for at least 8 hours and applied three times a day. Effective for periodontal disease.

Vodka and cinnamon

The occurrence of swelling, inflammation and pain of the gums can be removed with a mixturethese ingredients. To prepare the tincture, you need 2-3 tablespoons of cinnamon and mix with a glass of vodka. Infuse for about 7 days, then strain. This folk remedy will even help to remove a purulent tumor on the gum.

Blueberry or lingonberry juice, viburnum nectar

These funds can be used without restriction. To relieve swelling of the gums with their help, it is necessary to carry out regular mouth rinses.

Garlic cloves

Taking one clove, it is enough to rub the focus of inflammation with a two-week course. The procedure can be repeated after a week. This is one of the most common ways to remove swelling from the gums.

Honey and s alt

To prepare a therapeutic mass, take a teaspoon of s alt and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting mass to the bandage and rub the gum with it.

Oak bark and lime blossom

Crushed oak bark and lime blossom are mixed with boiling water in the volume of a glass. Rinse your mouth with warm mixture when your gums bleed after eating.

Oak bark

If the gum bleeds or is inflamed, then this remedy is very effective. Add chopped oak bark to a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, then strain the broth. Rinse your mouth six times throughout the day.

Calendula and chamomile

To remove a hard swelling on the gum, you should rinse your mouth with a freshly made infusion of these plants. It is advisable to alternate the use of ingredients. So the effectiveness of the folk remedy is significantlyrise.

Nettle leaves

You can reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums with nettle tincture. To do this, rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.

solcoseryl gel for gums
solcoseryl gel for gums

Mumiyo remedy

Three grams of mummy is dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water. This solution should be used for 3 weeks in the morning and in the evening.

Mass of potatoes

Fresh potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater to a mushy mass together with the shell. Then you need to take a cotton pad, put the resulting slurry there and apply it to the inflamed gum for a period of 25 minutes. Application can be performed up to three times a day.

Baking soda and s alt

Dilute a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate with a glass of summer water and rinse your mouth. The procedure is best done shortly before bedtime.


A teaspoon of crushed elecampane root must be diluted with water and boiled for about fifteen minutes, then cooled. Rinse your mouth no more than three times a day.


How to relieve inflammation of the gums at home with sage? The decoction is prepared by brewing the plant with boiling water in a glass and tincture for about 30 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Six percent peroxide is enough to dilute with a tablespoon of water and start rinsing your mouth. This will help to quickly remove the inflammatory process in the mouth.

Kalanchoe plant

It should be used by chewing in the morning. Can also be rubbedin the gum nectar of this plant.


You can rinse your mouth with plant juice 2-3 times a day. This will help reduce many inflammations.

Be careful: the use of folk remedies can cause an allergic reaction. Experts recommend using Asepta propolis gel, as well as Solcoseryl or Parodontocid gel, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

periodontal gel
periodontal gel

What else should I do for gum disease?

If the patient has some problems with the gums, in addition to folk traditional methods, it is necessary to follow a certain series of actions. These include the following:

  • Smoking cessation. Cigarette smoke significantly worsens the condition of both gums and mucous membranes.
  • Adding foods rich in vitamins to the diet. Thus, it is best to consume some kind of fruit or vegetable puree or juice.
  • The need to avoid hard fruits and vegetables for gum problems.
  • Adding dairy, seafood and green vegetables to food.
  • You should try not to get into stressful situations, sleep well and not overwork.
  • Regularly and efficiently maintain oral hygiene. This is especially true for children who are just learning to brush their teeth thoroughly. The task of adults is to control this process. Otherwise, gingivitis may occur in children, the symptoms and treatment of which differ from the course in children.adults. Folk remedies in this case should be used with extreme caution.

Self-massage of the gums and "dental" gymnastics

How to remove inflammation from the gums? An important procedure in the treatment process is their self-massage. It can be done even at home. With your fingers, massage the gums in a circular motion from the center of the jaw in different directions.

swelling of the gums
swelling of the gums

People who prefer traditional folk ways can offer you "dental" gymnastics. This is a good way to cure and prevent periodontal disease, and partially improve the condition of teeth that are loose.

All that is required for this gymnastics is some kind of stick or twig. Bite it from top to bottom, without putting too much effort. This procedure should be done daily for 2-3 weeks.

The next stage of this treatment is the following task: with a branch between the teeth, move the jaw in all directions. This must be done every day for a month. Next, proceed to the last exercise: holding the stick firmly between your teeth, pull the other end with your hand in an attempt to tear off a piece.

It is important to always remember that folk methods may well have a positive effect on the condition of your gums, improve it, remove pain, but will not help you fully recover. This is what is the reason for going to the dentist for consultations.

Using folk methods wisely and performing tasks assigned by a good dentist at the same time, you can achieve the maximum result of treatmentand completely eliminate the disease.

Why do these negative symptoms appear?

A bulge on a tooth or gum can be formed for many reasons. Basically, this is a consequence of the body's manifestation of a protective reaction to inflammation. Itching, redness and pain are accompanying factors for swelling. It can also be caused by diseases such as stomatitis or gingivitis.

medicine for gum disease
medicine for gum disease

There is also a purulent inflammation, which can be recognized by hellish and long-term pain. If you have such symptoms, then you need to find out the cause of this condition and then proceed to the choice of treatment.

It is worth noting right away that the symptoms and treatment of the disease that manifest themselves in the presence of such a pathology as gingivitis in children have some specifics. In addition to redness and swelling, children often complain of pain. If the baby is very young and unable to talk about symptoms, he may cry for a long time and become cranky.

This disease has several varieties:

  • Catarrhal gingivitis is the most common, and is manifested by classic symptoms: reddening of the gums, swelling, bad breath. Usually caused by poor oral hygiene.
  • Ulcerative gingivitis most often develops against the background of untreated catarrhal. It manifests itself as a sharp pain and blue gums, noticeable bleeding.
  • Ulcer-necrotic form is the most severe form of the disease. In this case, not only swelling and pain are observed, but also an increasetemperature and other symptoms of acute inflammation in the body. With this form of the disease, you should immediately seek medical help.

Some folk remedies are undesirable for children because they can cause allergies. Also, rinsing can be problematic if the baby is very small. For the treatment of gingivitis in this case, Solcoseryl gel for gums is suitable. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also has an analgesic effect.

For adults, another drug may well be used - the Parodontocid gel. It quickly relieves inflammation and swelling and has antimicrobial qualities. In any case, you can also use Solcoseryl gel for gums, the principle of action for these products is similar.

Treatment of a tumor after extraction of a diseased tooth

After you have removed a bad tooth or simply cured it, swelling of the cheek or gums may occur. Doctors consider this to be a completely normal reaction of the body to external actions. Usually such a tumor on the gum above the tooth does not hurt. In addition, it usually disappears in a short time.

How to remove the tumor from the gums in this case? You can force this process yourself by following the tips below:

Apply something cold to the swollen area. It can be anything. Hold for 10 minutes each time and repeat every 2-3 hours until you feel improvement. How long does a gum tumor last in this case? Usually swelling and discomfort gradually subside on the second or third day.

There is also a wayminimize leakage. To do this, rinse your mouth with decoctions of various herbs (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark, and others). A good substitute for decoctions is a soda solution. But there is one limitation: it is forbidden to engage in these treatments earlier than a day before the end of the main medical procedures.

Metrodent gum tumor ointment is a good solution for removing swelling from the cheeks and gums. It must be applied to the mucous membrane.

Treatment of gum tumor during wisdom tooth eruption

In most cases, the appearance of inflammation may depend on the eruption of a person's wisdom teeth. Associated symptoms may include mild pain and slight redness.

Be sure in this case you need to go to the dentist, and before that try to reduce inflammation. The following tips can help you with this:

  • Make a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3% and water (200 ml of boiled water for 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide). Rinse your mouth with it up to 4 times a day.
  • Also a good solution to the problem would be a solution of iodine and soda. You will need 200 ml of boiled water, three drops of iodine and a teaspoon of soda. You can rinse your mouth with this mixture up to 6 times a day.
  • Herbal tinctures also do a great job with this problem. One of these tinctures can be made with a teaspoon of nettle and calendula and two teaspoons of plantain. Pour boiling water over this mix (200 ml) and let it brew for about an hour. Then strain well and apply with cotton wool to the site of swelling.
  • Don't forget the compress of fresh egg yolk, sugarpowder in the amount of 1 teaspoon and vegetable oil in the same amount. Mix all this and, using a cotton swab, apply to the site of swelling.
  • Some use propolis, but a prerequisite is that it be infused only with water. With this tincture, it is necessary to rinse the mouth and pay special attention to the sore side. Propolis can be very helpful in relieving pain.

What to do in case of flux?

Severe swelling of the gums - hyperemia, sharp pain, fever - symptoms of flux. With flux, inflammation of the periosteum begins, pus accumulates, which leads to a tumor of the gum tissue. The inflammatory process develops rapidly. It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor, as there can be serious complications and even death. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited. However, sometimes it is not possible to urgently see a doctor and you need to act on your own.

Very effective helpful tips for first aid and pain relief.

  • There is s alt in every home - it is a natural antiseptic that often helps us out. You need to make a saline solution and rinse your mouth several times.
  • A good result will be a rinse with an alcohol solution of calendula or sage (30 drops per glass of water). You can make the infusion yourself. Grind dry herb calendula or sage - brew with boiling water (3 tablespoons per 500 ml of water), cool, strain and use for rinsing.
  • Aloe helps relieve pain and swelling. Grind the leaves, wrap in cheesecloth and apply to the sore gum for an hour2.
how to remove gum swelling at home
how to remove gum swelling at home
  • The Kalanchoe home flower also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Moisten a cotton ball with juice and apply to the inside of the gums.
  • You can use Metrogil Denta and Levomekol ointments. They only need to be applied once a day. Leave "Metrogil Denta" until completely absorbed, and "Levomekol" first apply to gauze, and then apply to the gum and periodically change. These ointments can be applied multiple times.
  • Phyto-solution "Rotokan" is a herbal tincture that will also help relieve swelling during flux. Proportion - 5 ml of medicine per glass of water.

When the flux is strictly forbidden to do warm compresses. This will provoke inflammation in the tissues located nearby, the pain will intensify, and even the infection may enter the bloodstream. In addition, any wrong actions can aggravate the disease, cause severe pain.

Some effective, he althy homemade compresses can help relieve inflammation, reduce gum swelling, and minimize pain. It is very easy to make them, and everything for this is always at hand, for example:

  • You can make a bandage with onions. Boil the onion in milk, grind, make a gruel, put on a cotton swab and apply to the sore spot - you can do it up to 4 times a day.
  • Dough compress with honey. We take rye flour, water and honey, mix everything thoroughly to the state of the dough, which we apply 3 times a day to the swollen gum.
  • Cool the boiled cabbage leafand apply to the inflamed cheek.
  • Pine resin, the so-called resin, will also help us reduce pain and relieve swelling.

But the most important thing is to see a doctor as soon as possible. No need to wait and try to treat yourself. This is dangerous! Only in a medical institution will you be diagnosed and prescribed the right treatment. It must be remembered that flux is an inflammatory process, and it is dangerous for the whole organism.