Classification of filling material by composition and purpose

Classification of filling material by composition and purpose
Classification of filling material by composition and purpose

"Which filling would you like?" - this question is asked in many dental clinics in order to determine the best option. However, this can be confusing for some patients. But the classification of filling material today is rich in a fairly wide range. In dentistry, it is customary to divide it into types, depending on the composition and application. In this article, we will look at what options exist.

Filling material
Filling material

But first you should take into account some of the requirements that apply to these materials. Subsequently, this will help determine the optimal solution.

Series of requirements

What should a good filling look like? If the purpose of the procedure is to fill a cavity in the dental tissues, then, without a doubt, each type of filling material should be distinguished by plasticity, viscosity and strength after hardening. There are also other requirementsapplied to modern variants:

  • First of all, we are talking about environmental friendliness and safety for the he alth of patients.
  • Inertness of the material in relation to the acidic environment.
  • The filling should not react with food or saliva.
  • Ideally, the color of the material should match the shade of natural bone tissue, without standing out.
  • The filling should harden in a short time.

In addition, canal filling materials must have the necessary wear resistance, as well as retain color throughout the entire service life. In addition, the material should be lightly processed.

Another important factor in choosing a material for a dental filling is the manufacturer. German, Israeli and European manufacturers produce products of really high quality and in full compliance with modern he alth requirements for safe use.

In addition, seals from these manufacturers are reliable and remain throughout the entire period of operation. A clear disadvantage of foreign analogues in comparison with the domestic product is the high cost.

Temporary measure

In dentistry, not only permanent fillings are used, but also a temporary measure. This is done in cases where it is impossible to cure a tooth in one session. Temporary filling materials allow you to close the opened tooth cavity or fill defects in hard tissues. Materials can be either one-component or two-component. At the same time, they are designed for a certaina period of time until the next treatment session.

In addition, if the doctor doubts that pulpitis will not develop after the treatment, then he also resorts to the help of a temporary filling. And this kind of material is called diagnostic.

Temporary filling materials
Temporary filling materials

Unlike seals on a permanent basis, temporary analogues are made of not very durable materials. This is done for obvious reasons - so that it can be easily removed at the next treatment session. This saves a lot of time. As a rule, it is an artificial dentin. With the help of this material, arsenic paste is isolated, which serves to kill the pulp of the tooth.

Materials for temporary filling

Filling materials for canals of a temporary nature, in addition to ensuring complete tightness of the cavity, should not collapse under the influence of chewing load. It is this factor that dentists should take into account when choosing a particular material. But if the situation requires a long period of sealing, then permanent filling materials should be used.

And since this is just a temporary measure, it still has certain requirements. And in addition to the above, the material must be prepared quickly, not stick to tools and be resistant to physical and chemical stress.

The most common materials are the following options:

  • oil dentin (dentine paste);
  • polymer materials;
  • waterdentine (artificial).

In addition, several types of cement are used - zinc sulfate, zinc eugenol, polycarboxylate, glass ionomer. Also, in some cases, dentists use dental pads.

Water artificial filling

Artificial dentin is a preparation that is prepared from two main components. The first of them is a powder, which includes zinc oxide and sulfate, kaolin. The second component is distilled water. To obtain the product, the powder is mixed on a glass plate (it has a rough surface) with water to the desired consistency.

The main advantages of the drug include the speed of preparation and ease of use. Also, removing such a seal is not difficult. In addition, the seal is quite strong to withstand physical exertion. Also, water-based dentin is resistant to chemical attack. And what is good for patients is the absence of an irritating effect on the dental pulp.

artificial dentine
artificial dentine

In addition, the drug has a low cost, which means it is available to a wide segment of the population. Among the shortcomings can be noted the rapid wear of the material. The service life of the seal is no more than 14 days from the date of application of the composition.

Ready-made pasta

This is also artificial dentin, only here clove or peach oil is used instead of distilled water. And unlike the aqueous analogue discussed above, this drug is already available in finished form. That is, in advancenothing needs to be mixed.

The material is also easy to use and hardens with saliva within 3 hours. But in comparison with the same already familiar water dentin, the oil analogue is distinguished by higher strength characteristics. The seal is able to withstand significant loads while chewing food.

In addition, this temporary filling material is also a good antiseptic. In terms of service life, oil dentin can last up to 6 months.

Polymer materials

As a temporary measure, polymeric materials specially made for this purpose can also be used. As a rule, these are one-component pastes that resemble rubber in their consistency.

  • Clip.
  • Voco.
  • Cimpat LC.
  • Septodont.
  • Fermit.
  • Vivadent.

These materials are very convenient to use, have excellent adhesive properties in relation to the walls of the oral cavity. They are also characterized by a high degree of elasticity, and besides, after hardening, the seal shows a neutral character to everything.

In terms of application, such pastes do not need pre-treatment of the tooth with adhesive systems. Only before making the composition, the tooth cavity must be dried. The filling is cured using a light curing machine.

Treatment pads in dentistry

Gaskets in dentistry are used in cases where the carious process has already affected the deep layers of tissues, butat the same time, it is possible to preserve the pulp and reverse the lesion.

The use of medical pads in dentistry
The use of medical pads in dentistry

At the same time, the use of pads is fraught with a number of invaluable and positive aspects:

  • dentin closes hermetically;
  • presence of anti-inflammatory properties;
  • restoration of bone dental tissue;
  • lack of interaction on the pulp;
  • full combination with filling materials on a permanent basis.

In this case, the gaskets must have plasticity, increased strength and at the same time be resistant to environmental influences. For this, different materials are used. For example, a variant based on calcium hydroxide - when it decomposes, the dentin is supplied with calcium ions, which contributes to the formation of replacement tissues. The material is used in the form of varnish, aqueous suspension or cements that harden under the influence of chemistry or light.

Zinc-eugenol materials contain eugenol in their composition. And this, in fact, is an antiseptic, and of natural origin.

Combined medical pads in dentistry are sold ready-made or they can be prepared on site. Based on the composition, they have the necessary qualities, and above all, these are:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • stimulation of regeneration of dentinal tissue;
  • pain relief;
  • elimination of acute inflammation of the pulp.

Roledental pads are difficult to overestimate, and in the case of deep caries, they are simply necessary. Their use is just due to the presence of bactericidal properties in this form of the disease. Moreover, this is a prerequisite, since during surgery there is a risk of infection of the pulp with pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, everything can end with subsequent infection and suppuration.

In this regard, in order to protect the dental root system, many dentists resort to dental pads. As a rule, they are not able to cause discomfort in patients.

Classification of filling material in modern dentistry

Materials that are used in modern dentistry for permanent fillings allow you to restore the original structure of the tooth element. They lay root canals and can perfectly imitate not only enamel, but also dentin. We have already familiarized ourselves with a number of requirements and many doctors are guided by them, meticulously evaluating the quality of raw materials.

Dental cement for fixation of crowns
Dental cement for fixation of crowns

In this case, it is important to take into account the hardening time of the filling composition, during which the material remains plastic and retains the ability to form. You should also take into account the method of rejection - independent or under the influence of UV rays of a certain spectrum. Equally important is the quality of the material after it has been rejected. That is, for how long the filling is able to retain the given shape and shape.

Building dental material

The classification of filling materials also includes cement. He also has similar goals. There is a fairly large group of materials here. Depending on the purpose, they all have different composition and properties. The filling mass is usually made by mixing two or three components with a liquid medium. The latter can be used distilled water or a special acid.

In this case, while the work is being done, the material retains plasticity for formation. But after rejection, the cement hardens, and it will no longer be possible to change the shape. As for the rejection time, it is different for each type. In addition, cement is able to create a favorable antibacterial environment.

The most common types are silicate, phosphate and glass ionomer cements. Silicate dental cement for cementation of crowns makes it easy to achieve a cosmetic effect, since you can match any color to natural teeth. In addition, such a filling can release fluoride. And this element will prevent re-infection with caries.

Glass ionomers are closely aligned with the dental crown. This material hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. But before that, the doctor can slowly carry out all the necessary manipulations. However, such a filling wears off quite quickly and can absorb food coloring.


Composite fillings are the best and most affordable solution available in dentistry. They include severalcomponents of both natural and artificial origin and in most cases include glass ionomer additives.

Composite dental fillings
Composite dental fillings

In this case, the particle size of composite filling materials is selected depending on the localization of the filling area. The large size is relevant for those areas where resistance to large chewing loads is required.

There are several groups of composite materials:

  • chemical;
  • light-hardening.

Composite materials are distinguished by good wear resistance, provide proper protection to dental tissues and are able to prevent further development of the carious process. Their distinctive feature is the content of quartz powder. Actually due to this, the desired hardness of the seals is ensured. In addition to their strength, fillings are quite durable - the average service life can be from 2 to 5 years.

Chemical filling material

Such fillings, created using polymer resins, are currently in great demand. And all thanks to the elasticity of the material, aesthetic appearance, tight fit to the dental element. In addition, there is no shrinkage.

Typically, composites in dentistry were developed to replace cement counterparts. Its distinctive feature lies in the filler - porcelain. Such composites can, in turn, be divided into several subspecies:

  • light-curing;
  • acrylic;
  • on epoxyresin.

At the same time, those fillings, which include acrylic, are more durable and stable, which is a definite plus. At the same time, they are very toxic. It was often noticed that after the installation of acrylic fillings, many pores appeared. Subsequently, this threatens with the inevitable development of pulpitis or the secondary appearance of caries, not only on the same tooth, but also on neighboring elements.

Resin-based composites are quite brittle, but less prone to abrasion. Also a plus is the lack of toxicity, unlike acrylic counterparts. But after a few years, the fillings darken.

Light seals

Despite the fact that chemical analogues are quite widespread in dentistry, light, light-polymer or light-curing filling materials are even more popular. The material placed in the cavity of the tooth begins to harden under the influence of the light of a special lamp (usually halogen). Based on this, such materials are called heliocurable or photopolymer.

Light-curing filling materials
Light-curing filling materials

The color can be matched to the tone of natural teeth, and due to this, not only chewing, but also the anterior elements can be restored. This can already be considered a major advantage. Other advantages of light composites:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • minimum shrinkage;
  • relative strength.

Regarding the last point - after installation, the seal will not destroy thintooth walls and exert strong pressure on the opposite element. In addition, composites are able to serve for decades with the preservation of shape and color, without strong shrinkage.

Even today, composites continue to improve, including how to place a filling on a tooth. In this regard, the scope of their application is significantly expanding. Filling with this material is relevant not only in the treatment of caries, they will be useful for other purposes. With the help of this material, you can eliminate chips and cracks between the teeth, as well as correct their position.

As a conclusion

Materials for filling in dentistry are necessary to restore the structure and lost functionality of the tooth. Their list is quite large, since each time more and more new options appear. At the same time, the main quality is to block the development of the carious process, to prevent the penetration of infection into the deep layers of tissues in order to avoid further tooth destruction. And this applies not only to permanent, but also temporary fillings.

The choice of one or another material for installing a filling on a tooth is largely determined by several factors:

  • age of patient;
  • scale of destruction;
  • degree of tooth dysfunction.

Treatment in the dentist's office will be successful if you contact only highly qualified and experienced specialists.

Tooth filling
Tooth filling

Finally, it remains to make some practical advice. When visiting a clinic, patients should alwaysbe interested in what materials for filling doctors have. You should also ask a specialist about the existing advantages and disadvantages.

In other words, having an idea about the classification of filling materials, you can independently decide in favor of one or another option.
