Sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste: what is it and why is it harmful

Sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste: what is it and why is it harmful
Sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste: what is it and why is it harmful

To keep your teeth he althy, you need to take good care of them. Of the various types of care products, paste is in demand. It provides fresh breath, eliminates food residue. Sodium lauryl sulfate is often present in toothpaste. What is it for and what composition is safer, you can. learn from article


The content of the products depends on the manufacturer, price and type. In addition to water, the main components of pastes include abrasive substances. They have an important function - cleaning and polishing teeth.

lauryl sulfate in toothpaste
lauryl sulfate in toothpaste

There are also specialized pastes, which are of the following types.

  1. Anti-caries. Such products consist of fluorides, xylitol, calcium glycerophosphate, sodium bicarbonate phosphorus.
  2. For sensitive teeth. They are saturated with potassium chloride and nitrate, silicon oxide, strontium chloride.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. These pastes are enriched with aluminum lactate, herbal extracts, hexetidine,chlorhexidine, triclosan.
  4. Whitening. They are created with silicon hydroxide, sodium and potassium pyrophosphates.
  5. Sorption. The active ingredient is enterosgel.

Many pastes are made up of viscosifiers, colorants and flavors. The latter are divided into natural (esters, menthol, limonin) and artificial. There is foaming toothpaste. In addition to the standard composition, it contains additional components. It is a surfactant - a surfactant. In one tool it should be no more than 2%. That is why sodium laureth and lauryl sulfate are added. The toothpaste contains binders that ensure uniformity - pectin, glycerin, dextran, cellulose.

Sodium lauryl sulfate - what is it?

In the composition, it is designated as Sodium lauryl sulfate. These are anionic surfactants that dissolve fats, clean, foam and wet. Why is sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste? The component has the ability to oxidize, due to which a film forms on the skin and mucous membranes. From its impact is observed:

  • rash;
  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • flaking;
  • allergy.
crest 3d white
crest 3d white

Also, because of sodium lauryl sulfate, there is a violation of the water-fat balance of the skin, stimulating sebum formation. Through the skin, the component penetrates into the internal organs, accumulating in them. Kidneys, heart, liver, brain, eyes suffer. The chemical acts on the protein tissue of the visual organs, leading to cataracts. The carcinogenicity of the substanceproven, but known to cause cancer when reacted with other substances. In men, SLS causes reduced fertility.

Sodium laureth sulfate

In addition to sodium lauryl sulfate, toothpaste contains another aggressive substance - sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). The component is especially appreciated by manufacturers because it is cheap, provides foam and the illusion of cost savings. The substance is irritating to the oral mucosa and skin, especially in those prone to allergies.

Like SLS, it interacts with other skin care ingredients to create dioxins and nitrates and increases the risk of cancer. Laureth sulfate, as well as its analogue, can suppress the immune system and destroy skin proteins. SLES is less aggressive and less irritating to the skin. Its side effect is lower compared to lauryl sulfate.


Why are there SLES and SLS in toothpastes? These components are anionic surfactants. Their molecules are fixed at one end to a particle of water, and at the other - to fat. Therefore, sodium sulfates have an excellent degreasing and cleansing effect. They have no taste, no color, they are perfectly soluble in water. With the help of magnesium and calcium s alts, poorly soluble substances are created that form plaque.

natura siberica toothpaste
natura siberica toothpaste

Lauryl sulfate is made from lauryl acids using sodium and sulfuric acid. In addition to natural raw materials, synthetic materials from oil refining products are often used. SLES is created by modifying SLS. Components are added forfoaming. It is with their help that a small amount of paste provides a mouthful of foam.

When brushing your teeth, substances enter the blood vessels of the mouth and are carried throughout the body. This is due to the high ability of the tissues of the oral cavity to be absorbed. Why is sodium lauryl sulfate harmful? Due to this component:

  • enamel is thinning;
  • gum sensitivity increases;
  • drying of the oral mucosa;
  • stomatitis appears.

In the gastrointestinal tract, the components penetrate when swallowed and lead to diseases. Even if the mouth was rinsed thoroughly, a certain amount of the product enters the stomach. This also happens during oral hygiene.

Where else are used

Earlier, the components were used in industrial cleaning products for cars and various surfaces. In the medical field, substances began to be used as skin irritants for experiments. Scientists tested the effectiveness of drugs to eliminate irritations.

Sulfates are most common in the manufacture of household chemicals, decorative and caring cosmetics. About 90% of shampoos include sodium lauryl and laureth sulfates. There are also components in shower and washing gels. They are added to shaving, dishwashing, makeup remover and personal care products, laundry detergents and liquid soaps. Sulfates in creams and products that are not washed off the skin are especially harmful.


Parabens are found in almost every dental care product. They are preservatives that prolong the shelf life of the product. Substances may be labeled on packages inform:

  • methylparabens;
  • propylparabens;
  • butylparabens;
  • ethylparabens.
sls free toothpaste
sls free toothpaste

They are added to cosmetic products no more than 0.4% by weight of the product. Scientists believe that parabens affect the incidence of breast and reproductive organs cancer. This is due to the fact that the accumulation of components in the body leads to an excess of estrogens and a change in the hormonal system. Allergies also appear from preservatives, they corrode the skin. They affect the structure of DNA, quickly lead to aging.


How are hazardous substances masked? Often, manufacturers distort the names of harmful components and replace them with others. Lauryl sulfate, which is obtained by refining oil, is often disguised as a counterpart that is extracted from coconuts or coconut oil.

The "Paraben Free" label on the package is not always true. Often, manufacturers deceive buyers by denoting methyl paraoxybenzoate in the composition. But the essence is still the same: the components are parabens.

Harmful Substances

In addition to SLS and SLES, there are other harmful components in the paste.

  1. Triclosan. This is a synthetic antibiotic that is added to products to eliminate harmful bacteria. If you often use antibacterial agents, then the microflora of the mouth suffers, since beneficial microorganisms are also destroyed along with pathogenic ones. Prolonged use of drugs with triclosan leads to the progression of tonsillitis,periodontitis and other ailments.
  2. Chlorhexidine. It is an antiseptic component added to toothpastes to protect against plaque and inflammation of the oral cavity. The substance eliminates the pathogenic and beneficial microflora of the mouth, and when it penetrates the digestive tract, it has the same effect.
  3. Fluorine. The component is present in toothpastes, which protects the enamel from destruction by bacteria and acids. But oral hygiene with fluoride products leads to an overdose of the component. This is due to the fact that fluorine enters the body from other sources: tap water, food, tea. The component is found in buckwheat, rice, oats, apples, citrus fruits, walnuts, fish, seafood, potatoes. The daily norm of fluoride for adults is 2 mg, for children over 4 years old - 2 times less. Exceeding the norm leads to urolithiasis, destruction of bone and joint tissue, impaired memory and thinking, and thyroid diseases.
  4. Formaldehyde. This is a toxic ingredient found in almost every germ-killing product. Its penetration into the body negatively affects vision, skin, liver, kidneys, lungs, DNA.
  5. Aluminum lactate. The component is added to eliminate inflammation and in products for sensitive teeth. It relieves bleeding. Aluminum s alts are harmful to brain cells. Symptoms include a decrease in mental abilities, memory, impaired coordination, dementia. Due to the accumulation of aluminum, calcium and phosphorus are not absorbed, which negatively affects the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Propylene glycol. The component is able to restrain reproductionbacteria in the paste. It affects the immune and respiratory systems, leading to dermatitis, allergies, dry mucous membranes.
foaming toothpaste
foaming toothpaste

Choosing safe pasta

When buying hygiene products, you need to consider the order of the components in the product. The greater the concentration of a substance, the closer to the beginning of the list it is indicated. It is necessary that all ingredients are recorded both on the package and on the tube. If this rule is not followed, the manufacturer is probably hiding something.

If you have any doubts about what to choose: a product with or without fluorine, you need to adjust the diet and determine the daily intake of the component. You also need to take into account the fluoridation of tap water and the level of its filtration. There are cities where water is saturated with fluorine in large quantities. In this case, it is better not to choose fluorine-containing pastes. The percentage of fluorine in the product is indicated under the abbreviation ppm and should not be more than 1500 ppm - 0.015% of the total mass. If this mark is missing, it is advisable not to buy the product.

Very long shelf life should be a concern as it is a sign of excess preservatives. You should also consider the color of the strip on the tube, which determines its danger.

  1. Black. The strip means that components have been added that aggravate periodontal disease.
  2. Red. In this case, fluoride, sulfates or antibiotics are present.
  3. Blue. The paste contains synthetic ingredients.
  4. Green. The product is considered completely natural.


The oral cavity is considered to be one of the areas of the body most in contact with the environment. There are a lot of bacteria there. Teeth are designed for mechanical processing of food, that is, chewing food, the remains of which are stuck between the teeth. This provides a favorable environment for microorganisms. When a person has not brushed their teeth for a long time, bacteria multiply rapidly and soft plaque appears.

This plaque has a negative effect on the teeth, as it releases acid, which destroys the enamel of the teeth. If you do not clean it off, then caries gradually appears. Plaque also leads to the fact that in the mouth there is a violation of the natural barrier to infections. It also leads to halitosis - bad breath, the formation of tartar. With regular cleaning of soft plaque, microorganisms will not have a chance to cause cavities and other problems.

Where is there no sodium lauryl sulfate?

Toothpastes without SLS and SLES are still being produced. Foaming in them is carried out by a practically harmless component sodium lauryl sarcosinate. It is not uncommon for sulfate-free packaging to be labeled “SLS free.” You should check out the list of toothpastes without sodium lauryl sulfate:

  1. President Classic.
  2. R. O. C. S - Standard, Bionica, Energy, Coffee & Tobacco, Kids.
  3. Silca Multicomplex.
  4. Toothpaste from Natura Siberica - "Arctic Protection".
  5. Biomed Superwhite.
  6. Splat.
  7. Recipes of grandmother Agafia.
  8. “New Calcium Pearl.”
  9. Jason Natural Power smile.

Where to eat?

Toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate include:

  1. R. O. C. S - with chocolate, berry flavors.
  2. Blend-a-med.
  3. Colgate.
  4. New Pearl.
  5. Forest Balsam.
  6. Aquafresh.
  7. Marvis.

Crest 3d white contains sodium lauryl sulfate. It is advisable not to constantly use tools with this component. There are effective products without this substance. Crest 3d white also contains polyphosphates, which provide loosening of tartar, its washing out, as well as the removal of the enamel itself. The product is abrasive.

How to brush your teeth?

Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day - in the morning after meals and in the evening. Dentists advise doing this for at least 3 minutes. In addition to cleaning the tooth, attention should be paid to the interdental spaces, as food remains get stuck in them, on which plaque grows rapidly. They can be cleaned with dental floss - floss.

Toothbrushing ends with rinses, preferably herbal ones. It is important that this product does not contain alcohol and chlorhexidine. The duration of contact of the rinse aid with the oral cavity is 30 seconds. Even after eating, you need to brush your teeth. To do this, chewing gum is used, which cleans the oral cavity in 5-7 minutes.

sodium lauryl sulfate
sodium lauryl sulfate

Sometimes with problem teeth, chewing gum is harmful, so you should use mouthwash after eating. It is necessary to consult a dentist on how to properly performbrushing your teeth. Twice a year it is necessary to do a professional cleaning of the teeth at the dentist. The specialist will clean what is not cleaned at home - tartar, plaque.

Toothpaste is an important oral care product. But it is important to read the composition so that the selected products include only safe components. Then the toothpaste used will be completely he althy.
