When spring ends and summer begins, it saturates all cities with a wonderful aroma. Its flowers of different shades are an indescribable decoration of gardens, parks and squares. Who is she? Of course, we are talking about lilac. It is believed that whoever finds a lilac flower with five petals and eats it will be able to make a wish that will certainly come true.

From beauty to action
At first, people grew it as an ornament, admiring the unearthly beauty of the plant. However, after a while they realized that lilacs can not only be admired, but also used for medicinal purposes. Today, the medicinal properties of lilacs are widely used in folk medicine. As a medicinal raw material, all its components are used:
- flowers;
- leaves;
- kidneys;
- bark.
Decoctions, infusions, ointments are prepared from them. The remedies derived from this plant have different properties:
- antipyretic;
- painkillers;
- sweatshops;
- diuretic;
- anti-inflammatory, etc.

Home "doctor"
It is worth noting that the maximum healing properties of lilacs are manifested in its wound healing effect, as well as in the treatment of joints. Next, consider a couple of ways how you can use lilac to the maximum benefit for yourself:
- Lilac tincture. Lilac flowers are simply wonderful helpers in the treatment of rheumatism, bruises, and also in the deposition of s alts in the joints. To prepare the tincture, pour dry flowers with vodka (ratio - one to one), then leave for ten days. Rub the sore spots with the resulting product or make compresses out of it.
- Lilac leaves (necessarily fresh) excellently heal wounds, especially purulent ones. We are preparing the infusion. Pour two tablespoons of leaves with boiling water (200 ml) and bring to a boil. We insist about two hours, after which we filter. The infusion is ready. Soak a washcloth in it and apply it to the wound. Repeat the procedure three times a day until the wounds are completely healed. In addition, the leaves can simply be washed in water and applied to wounds by bandaging them.

Doctors say no
Note that traditional medicine opposes the use of lilacs for medicinal purposes. And all because of the fact that it is not well understood. In addition, if you use it inside in large quantities, then the healing properties of lilacs will easily turn intoharmful! It becomes toxic because it contains the glycoside syringin. During decay, it is able to release a strong poison - hydrocyanic acid.
Lilac treatment is strictly prohibited:
- with severe kidney or liver disease;
- during pregnancy;
- with individual intolerance.
If you still apply the healing properties of lilac with special fanaticism, then they can cause an overdose. Her symptoms are:
- a headache appears;
- bitterness in the mouth;
- nausea starts;
- mucous membranes turn bright pink;
- breathing becomes labored;
- possible convulsions;
- in especially severe cases (if a large amount of poisonous acid has entered the body), cardiac activity may stop.
In any of these cases, even if you just have a headache and a bitter taste in your mouth, call an ambulance immediately. It would be even better if you first talk to your doctor about lilac treatment. Stay he althy!