Stomatitis is one of the most unpleasant forms of inflammation of the oral mucosa. This disease is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the inside of the lips, palate and cheeks. It brings a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations, interferes with drinking and eating, and in some cases even provokes high body temperature and swollen lymph nodes.
That is why, when the first symptoms of stomatitis are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin its treatment. Fortunately, this can be done with a simple and affordable drug called Rotokan. With stomatitis in adults, it can be used as a solution for rinsing, applications and mouth baths.
Form of release and composition of the medicine
The product is a brown liquid with a characteristic smell of medicinal plants. The drug is produced in small glass bottles with a volume of 25 ml. The solution contains the following natural ingredients:
- calendula;
- chamomile;
- yarrow.
In addition to herbs, the preparation contains 40% diluted and purified alcohol. It is he who is the basis for the medicine. "Rotokan" does not contain artificial flavors, dyes or other excipients. That is why it can be used without fear of side effects. The tool has a minimum number of contraindications. The most serious of them is individual intolerance or allergy to its ingredients.

Useful properties
The effectiveness of "Rotokan" in stomatitis is ensured by the presence of medicinal plants in its composition, known for their antiseptic properties. It is they who make the drug one of the best in its category. Chamomile has not only antibacterial, but anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. It helps to heal wounds on the mucosa very carefully, which is important for a disease such as stomatitis.
Another potent component of "Rotokan" is calendula. It heals ulcers and sores better than iodine and many other remedies. Calendula perfectly fights inflammation and at the same time kills microbes on the mucosa. With stomatitis, it is very important to stop the development of ulcers and prevent them from spreading throughout the entire lining of the mouth. Calendula as part of Rotokan will help to do this faster than other drugs. Yarrow perfectly stops the blood and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Indications for use
The drug is prescribed for the following dental diseases:
- Stomatitis - small sores on the mucous membrane of the mouth.
- Periodontosis - inflammation of the gum tissue.
- Inflammation of the oral mucosa after implantation, stone removal, dental treatment.
If one of the presented problems is identified, it is necessary to immediately use the Rotokan solution. With stomatitis, it is better to purchase it as soon as possible. To use it, you do not need a doctor's prescription, and you can buy medicine at any pharmacy.

Healing effect
The tool helps well with various diseases of the oral mucosa. Moreover, it is suitable not only for the treatment of ulcers in adults, but also in children. With stomatitis "Rotokan" is an indispensable drug. Using it gives the following effect:
- Anti-inflammatory. Rotokan solution helps to reduce pain, inflammation of the gums, swelling and other signs of stomatitis.
- Healing. Wounds on the mucosa will heal much faster if you use the drug for rinses, applications and mouth baths.
- Hemostatic. After one application of the remedy, the wounds will stop bleeding.
- Antiseptic. You can not be afraid of extensive damage to the mucosa with ulcers, as the solution will destroy all bacteria.
The sooner you start using "Rotokan" for stomatitis, the faster and easier this disease will pass. It is very important to use the drugregularly. Doctors recommend rinsing your mouth and applying to wounds at least 3 times a day.

Instructions for use
After purchasing the product, you must carefully study the instructions. With stomatitis, Rotokan will help in one week of regular use. For rinsing the mouth, the drug should be used in the amount of 1 teaspoon diluted in a glass of water. With stomatitis, you can increase the amount of solution to three teaspoons per glass. Rinse your mouth for at least 1 minute. After this time, the medicine is spat out. Residues of the prepared solution should be used immediately. It cannot be stored, as the beneficial properties quickly disappear when exposed to air.
With stomatitis "Rotokan" can not only rinse your mouth. It will also be useful to make applications or oral baths from it. The main thing is to observe the recommended duration of treatment - 7 days. Applications should be applied only to the affected areas of the mucous membrane and kept for no more than 15 minutes. It is forbidden to use an undiluted solution of the drug. In its pure form, the product can burn the mucous membrane, as it contains a large amount of alcohol.

Treatment of stomatitis with applications
Reviews of "Rotokan" with stomatitis indicate that in order to quickly get rid of the disease, it is necessary not only to rinse your mouth with a solution, but also to make applications from it. In doing so, the following steps should be followed:
- Prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of "Rotokan" anda glass of water.
- Dip the applicator thoroughly in it.
- Apply it on the ulcer and hold for 15 minutes.
- After application, you can not rinse your mouth, drink and eat for about 1 hour.
The procedure can be repeated up to 6 times a day. If Rotokan does not work with stomatitis after a week of regular treatment, it is necessary to take more serious therapeutic measures and consult a doctor.

Stomatitis bath
Another effective way to treat stomatitis with Rotokan is an oral bath. It is indicated for multiple inflammations and ulcers on the mucosa. Making it is easy. You just need to prepare a medicinal solution from warm water, take the liquid into your mouth, hold it for 2 minutes and spit it out.
The recommended amount of the medicinal composition in a glass of water is a tablespoon of the drug. But if there is a burning sensation or pain during the bath, you can reduce it to half a tablespoon. The procedure must be repeated at least three times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days.
Contraindications for use
Despite the fact that Rotokan is a natural remedy, it must be used carefully. Particular attention should be paid to contraindications. These include the following states:
- Alcohol addiction.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Allergic reaction to natural raw materials.
If you take into account these contraindications, and follow the instructions for use, the treatment of stomatitis will passmost successfully. The main thing is to try to stop his symptoms as quickly as possible.