How to make living water at home: recipes, the specifics of the use of living and dead water

How to make living water at home: recipes, the specifics of the use of living and dead water
How to make living water at home: recipes, the specifics of the use of living and dead water

Among the alternative methods of medicine with full confidence can be attributed living and dead water, which seemed to have descended from the pages of Russian folk tales. In fact, these are liquids obtained in the process of electrolysis, endowed with healing properties. The article will tell you how to make living water, as well as how to use it most effectively.

What is this

So, living water is a negatively charged liquid, characterized by an alkaline structure (pH - 9-12). And dead, sour, has a positive electrical potential. Both fluids have found widespread use in alternative medicine.

The birth of living water
The birth of living water


Let's find out what beneficial effects these liquids had. Alive (ZHV) is a genuine biostimulant that has a whole range of effects on the body:

  • Improvement of immunity.
  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Accelerationwound healing.
  • Rejuvenation.

Dead water (MW) is no less useful:

  • Has a bactericidal effect.
  • Cures colds.
  • Disinfects.
  • Helps fight fungus.

Such a wide range of useful properties has become the reason for the popularity of liquids in traditional medicine. Next, we will learn how to make living water using electrolysis.

Non-standard treatment with water
Non-standard treatment with water

Required Tools

There are special devices on sale called water activators, with their help you can easily prepare the desired liquids. However, you can assemble the simplest installation on your own. Consider how to make living water. This will require the following:

  • Water itself. It is better to take a spring, but if there is none, then ordinary tap water, previously settled for at least 24 hours, will do.
  • Two glass cups.
  • Two forks (stainless steel).
  • Diode.
  • Lamp (approximately 20-25 W).
  • Wadding.
  • Bandage.
  • Wire with plug.

Such items are sure to be found in every home. If not, they are easy to buy.

The girl drinks living water
The girl drinks living water


Let's continue to consider how to make water alive at home. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Put the forks into the cups with their teeth up.
  2. Attach a diode to one of them, connect its other end to a wire.
  3. Strengthen the structure with duct tape.
  4. Connect the other end of the wire to the second plug.

The installation is ready, to check its performance, just connect the plug to the network and lean the diode against the lamp - if it lights up, then everything is normal, you can turn it off from the network for a while. Next, a kind of “bridge” is made for ions from cotton wool wrapped in gauze.

Now you should pour water into both cups, approximately equally. Dip the cotton "bridge" into the liquid and place it so that it becomes a link between the containers. The device for obtaining living and dead water is completely ready. Now it is reconnected to the network and wait for 10 minutes, this time is enough to separate the electrodes.


After 10 minutes, the device is turned off from the socket, the cotton bridge is removed. In the cup, in which the diode was attached to the plug, the water has a positive charge, that is, it is dead water. And in the second - alive with a negative charge.

Please note that you can remove the plugs from the vessels only after turning off the device from the outlet, otherwise an electric shock is inevitable. In this simple way, you can make water alive at home.

Perfectly clear water
Perfectly clear water

Molten water

Let's consider how to quickly freeze water. The result will be a very useful liquid, of course, by no means living water (as some unscrupulous authors position), but also necessary. It can be used for drinking, as well as for the preparation of ZhV and MV according to the described method. The first step in preparing such water from ordinary tap water is to clean it with a filter. In the absence of such, the liquid should be allowed to stand for at least 12 hours. Next, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil, this will help get rid of some of the harmful impurities.
  2. Let the liquid cool at room temperature.
  3. Freezing in a regular freezer helps purify water from harmful deuterium. These structures freeze at much higher temperatures than the beneficial constituents of water. That is why the first ice should be thrown away, it contains only deuterium and is harmful.
  4. The purified liquid is re-placed in the freezer, the formed ice of two types will gradually be noticeable - transparent at the edges and white in the center. These are harmful impurities, which are easy to get rid of: just pour boiling water on the central part of the container, they will quickly melt. It remains to pour the resulting water, leaving white clean ice. The indicator of water quality is full transparency.
  5. The remaining ice is transferred to room temperature. You need to wait until it thaws and use it for drinking or washing.

You should not boil melted water, it loses its qualities.

Melt water in a glass
Melt water in a glass


Let's get acquainted with some recipes for the use of living and dead water. In case of allergies, it is indicated to gargle MB for 3 days after eating. 10 minutes after rinsing, you should drink half a glass of ZhV. ½ cup live will help and solve the problem of constipation. Also:

  • Rubbing the face with dead liquid can curepimples, rashes and acne. The course is not less than 6 days.
  • With sore throat 10 minutes before meals, gargle 5 times a day for 5 days, use MB. After that, drink ¼ glass of YV.
  • Diarrhea can also be cured with an unusual liquid. To do this, first they drink half a glass of dead, then wait for 60 minutes, if there is no result, they drink another half a glass.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver. Unique liquids will help in this case too. The treatment regimen is as follows: on the first day, use ½ cup of MB four times. Then, for the next 6 days, drink ½ cup of ZhV 4 times a day.
  • Quickly get rid of migraine will help MV, in just 30 minutes (maximum - an hour), the result will be noticeable. It is enough to drink half a glass of this liquid.
  • Gastritis. In this case, a JV is required. You need 30 minutes before meals three times a day to drink like this: the first day - ¼ cup. The second day (and all the rest, from 3 to 7 days) - ½ cup each.
Water is the source of life
Water is the source of life

Another recipe for using living and dead water will help solve the problem with pressure. At low levels, ½ cup of ZhV is crushed twice a day, at high - MV, the duration of the course is no more than 7 days. It is better to use freshly prepared liquids.
