Clove is a condiment with a very bright aroma and spicy taste. It has a wide range of culinary uses and many he alth benefits. Consider how cloves are useful in traditional and folk medicine.
What is this spice?
Carnations are unopened dried buds of the clove tree. In folk medicine, not only flowers are used at the budding stage, but also the fruits of the clove tree. This evergreen tropical tree from the myrtle family is grown mainly in Indonesia, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Cloves are one of the most commonly used spices in cooking. It owes its popularity, first of all, to its exceptional aroma and piquant taste, thanks to which it goes well with meat dishes, mushroom dishes, sauerkraut or pickled products. This spice is a must-have addition to winter drinks - tea with honey and oranges or mulled wine.

To take advantage of the substances contained in the spice, it is advisable to buy it in its entirety. Ground cloves quickly lose their aroma and healing properties. It is best to grind it just before use.
Nutritional value
To answer the question of how cloves are useful, consider the nutritional value of this seasoning. Dried clove buds contain an oily substance that is responsible for the main he alth benefits of the spice. It contains eugenol - compounds that, in addition to good taste, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effects, and are also a very strong antioxidant.
Spice holds the absolute record on the ORAC scale, which measures the strength of an antioxidant food. The seasoning is a very good source of manganese, an element that is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, is responsible for fertility and sexual function, has a positive effect on metabolism and increases bone strength. It is also rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C and K, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
What is the use of cloves?
Due to the antioxidant properties of eugenol, as well as vitamins A, C and manganese, the constant presence of this spice in the diet prevents the development of tumors, slows down the aging process of the body (including the skin). Reduces the risk of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as degenerative brain diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's).
The eugenol contained in the seasoning has analgesic properties. This substance has a relaxing effect.and pain reliever. Due to such beneficial properties, the spice of cloves is used in dentistry - when held in the mouth, it effectively relieves toothache. In case of diseases localized elsewhere, you can apply the essential oil.
Spice strengthens the immune system, and thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral action, it supports the body in the fight against infections. Regular chewing of cloves prevents diseases or relieves existing symptoms. Provides relief from sore throats, helps with coughs, and clears a stuffy nose.

Useful properties of cloves-spices are used in the fight against candidiasis (fungal infections of the skin, nails and mucous membranes), dermatophytosis and athlete's foot. People suffering from such diseases are advised to drink tea from it or lubricate fungal skin lesions with clove oil with an appropriate concentration.
Even a few pieces of dried clove buds in your daily diet promote insulin production and lower blood glucose levels, which reduces the risk of diabetes. The use of spices affects lipid metabolism - it reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, while maintaining "good" cholesterol at the same level.
Seasoning from it stimulates digestion, improves intestinal motility, facilitates the removal of gases from the body. Therefore, it is worth adding it to your daily meals. The spice not only enriches the taste, but also prevents disordersdigestion and flatulence.
Clove essential oil
Huge popularity among the means used in traditional medicine is clove oil, the properties and use of which have been known since ancient times. This essential oil is one of the best herbal ingredients with a variety of he alth and care properties. Can be successfully used as a valuable addition to other natural oils.

The following are the main properties and uses of clove oil:
- Gives relief from headaches. For this purpose, it is mixed with s alt and applied to the forehead. The tool creates a cooling effect and brings relief. It contains many flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory effects. When applied to the temples or neck, it reduces inflammation and tension associated with headaches. For the same reasons, this remedy is used to relieve pain in other parts of the body, such as joints or muscles. Helps fight pain, inflammation and swelling.
- Promotes the natural treatment of barley. Clove oil in folk medicine is a well-known cure for barley. A stye is an inflammation inside the eye that can be very painful and can interfere with the proper functioning of the organs of vision. Due to its antibacterial properties, clove oil prevents eye infections.
- Helps fight respiratory diseases. It has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect. Often used to clear the airways of the nose. Howan expectorant that helps treat many respiratory conditions, including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis.
- Provides effective stress reduction. Essential oil of clove is a natural aphrodisiac, thanks to which it further reduces stress. Stimulates the mind, relieves fatigue and mental exhaustion. Consumed in the right amounts, it refreshes the mind and stimulates the brain. The oil makes it easier to fall asleep. It is also useful in the treatment of neurological disorders such as memory loss, depression and anxiety.
- Helps reduce nausea. The oil helps fight nausea and vomiting. Often used for toxicosis and poor he alth in pregnant women.
- Affects the reduction of ear pain. A mixture of warm clove and sesame oil is a good remedy for earache.
- Clove oil helps cleanse the blood. Studies have shown that aromatic compounds can reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood and stimulate the action of antioxidants inside the body, stimulating the immune system and cleansing functions of blood cells.
- Helps in the treatment of diabetes. Along with being a blood cleanser, clove oil also helps control blood sugar levels, making it an effective remedy for diabetics. Studies have shown that mechanisms related to the action of insulin and glucose after a meal can be better regulated by the action of this essential oil. This occurs due to an abnormally high, compared with other medicinalplants, the concentration of phenol in the essential oil of clove.

Clove in aromatherapy and perfumery
Clove essential oil blends well with many essential oils, including rosemary, rose, cinnamon, grapefruit, lemon, mint, orange, lavender. Because of this, it is a popular ingredient in aromatherapy, as well as in various herbal blends. Clove oil is used in the perfume industry for its unique, rich aroma. Its note of smell can be recognized in the most famous perfumes and eau de toilette of the best brands in the world. This oil is also often used in soap making, often as the active ingredient.
Taking care of oral hygiene
As mentioned above, clove oil finds its main use in oral hygiene. Its bactericidal properties make it effective in soothing toothache, irritated gums and mouth ulcers. The characteristic smell of clove oil also helps fight bad breath.
In India, caries is traditionally treated with this remedy at an early stage. To do this, soak a small cotton swab with clove oil and place it on the surface of the diseased tooth every day before going to bed. The discomfort disappears after a few days. Because of this, clove essential oil is added to numerous foods, medicines, and dental preparations, including mouthwashes and toothpastes.

Dentists mix it withzinc oxide to produce a white filler, a temporary alternative for root canal treatment. However, be careful, because this essential oil, used in the wrong dosage, can cause burns in the mouth.
Clove and skincare
Natural essential oil of clove is recommended for skin care, especially for acne sufferers. The best effect is achieved when applied as a liquid, spread with a dry, clean cloth. This oil is also widely used in cosmetics for the skin of the eyes, because it has rejuvenating and stimulating properties. It stimulates blood circulation, makes the skin he althier and younger. It is a common ingredient in creams and lotions, as well as many other natural skin care products. Widely used as a massage oil, providing relief from pain and stress.
Carnation from parasites
Spice effectively eliminates parasites, as the essential oils contained in it inhibit the reproduction of these organisms. Moreover, this product makes it so that these organisms do not release toxins into the human circulatory system, helping him, thanks to this, to avoid further complications. Clove parasite remedy reduces stomach irritation, swelling and recurring abdominal pain.
Clove and flaxseed product - how to prepare
Home remedies made with cloves and flaxseeds can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of parasitic infections. However, it is recommendedtheir regular use for preventive purposes. Below is one way to get rid of parasites in the human body with the help of cloves.
- one and a half teaspoons of cloves (20 g);
- 3/4 cup flaxseed (about 100g).
Cooking method:
- cloves should be ground into powder;
- grind the flax seeds and mix both ingredients together.
- Dissolve two tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a glass of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach.
- Repeat the remedy for 3 days in a row, then take a break for three days and continue treatment.
- Optional, you can also add the product to fruit juices or breakfast smoothies.
This method of how to get rid of parasites in the human body is best for dealing with various types of helminths.
Clove tincture
Must take:
- 1 part chopped cloves;
- 5 parts 60% alcohol.
To prepare the tincture, grind the cloves, pour alcohol in a dark bottle. Let sit for about 6-8 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 30 drops in honey or milk with honey. Clove tincture helps with bronchitis, coughs, colds, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Take drops for inflammation of the gums, with bad breath and flatulence. Helps kill oral infections and also relieves toothache.
Clove and orange mulled wine recipe
Prepare 500 ml red wine, 4 cinnamon sticks, 2 vanilla sticks, 6-8 anise stars, 6 cloves, 2 thick slices of unpeeled orange (you can stuff a couple of cloves into their peel), cane sugar to taste.

Heat red wine with sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, anise and cloves in a saucepan. Stirring, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cut orange slices in half, put into mugs or glasses and pour wine over. The finished drink can be sprinkled on top with a pinch of vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Recipes with cloves are an essential component of the Christmas holidays. Holiday pies and cookies are prepared with this spice.
The fragrance of clove provides insect protection in the home
Clove oil is widely used as an ingredient in insect repellant candles. Its vapors strongly affect the sense of smell of many insects. Applying a few drops of clove essential oil to your bed sheet at night will protect you from insects. Carnation from midges in the house is especially effective. To get rid of these insects, after cleaning your cabinets, you can:
- Wipe them with balsamic vinegar or a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar with clove essential oil.
- Set a cup of hot vinegar on the shelf, close the cabinet and wait for the vinegar to cool.
- As a remedy for midges, you can stuff an orange with cloves and leave it in a place where insects live.
Contraindications and dangers
When using cloves, care should always be taken as theyvery powerful even in small amounts. The oil from it must be diluted before application or ingestion. Some people develop a severe allergic reaction when taking too large doses.

It should be added that clove oil can cause a drop in blood sugar, so diabetics should use it very carefully. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be careful when using clove oil because it is not known if its high-potency components will pass into the body of a newborn, for example, through mother's milk. Therefore, in case of any change in diet or the introduction of a new supplement, it is best to consult a doctor first.
Now you know what cloves are good for and how to use them to promote he alth.