Rezi and pain during urination are one of the main signs of the development of cystitis. Many women all over the world suffer from this disease. Much less often, cystitis affects the stronger sex. The treatment of such an unpleasant disease should be complex. In addition to the use of various medications, you can also apply traditional medicine recipes. Baking soda is very effective. With cystitis, this product helps to quickly overcome the symptoms of an unpleasant disease. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with several recipes for this folk remedy in more detail.

Benefits of baking soda for cystitis
In women, as in men, the main reason for the development of cystitis is the entry of various pathogenic bacteria directly into the urinary tract, where there is increased acidity. At the same time, pathogenic microbes feel quite good in an environment with high acidity, due to which they begin to actively and rapidly multiply. If aif the treatment of the disease is not started in a timely manner, then it can become chronic, as a result of which it will remind of itself even with slight hypothermia and during a decrease in immunity.
Soda, which is very effective for cystitis, is a kind of alkali. And many more from the school course in chemistry know that alkali neutralizes any acids well. By using this product, you can reduce the acidity of the environment, as well as destroy the favorable conditions in which bacteria multiply.
Baking soda for acute and chronic cystitis has the following effects:
- Produces a diuretic effect while simultaneously selecting various pathogenic bacteria from the ureters.
- In the bladder creates unfavorable conditions for the development of microbes, because of which they begin to die.
- Removes all toxic compounds from the body.
- Reduces soreness, relieves discomfort, burning of the mucous membrane and pain.
- Reduces inflammation and irritation in the bladder area.

Treatment of cystitis with soda at home can be organized even during pregnancy. Soda is the natural product that is approved for use by expectant mothers, since it is not able to have a negative effect on either the fetus or the woman. But before proceeding with the treatment of cystitis with soda, it is still recommended to consult a specialist.
How to use baking soda
Forsoda can be used to treat this disease both for oral administration and for organizing external procedures. A soda-based solution is used for douching and sitz baths. If you regularly wash yourself with soda for cystitis, then after a few days you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.
There are several recipes for douches and baths. Some of them can be used to treat both women and men.

For douching, boil 1 liter of water. Let the liquid cool down to a temperature of about 40 degrees. After that, 1 tablespoon of baking soda is dissolved in water. The solution is thoroughly stirred, after which it is collected in a rubber syringe. If there is no such house, then you can use a regular enema. After that, the soda solution is injected directly into the urinary tract. In this case, it is necessary to slightly raise the pelvis for a few minutes. Such a folk remedy with soda for cystitis quickly relieves burning and itching. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such douching is not recommended too often, since an overabundance of this product can lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance. After the procedure, you need to lie down for half an hour in bed. Douching is carried out no more than 2 times a day.

Another miraculous recipe with soda for cystitis are baths. It is worth noting that theircan be used to treat both women and men. To do this, boil 2 liters of plain water. Allow the liquid to cool to an acceptable temperature. Dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda in water. The finished soda solution should be poured into some convenient basin or other container, sit in it, and cover with a blanket or thick towel on top. It is necessary to sit in the solution until the water has completely cooled. However, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. After taking such a bath, there is no need to get under the shower. The body from the soda solution can simply be wiped with a towel. After that, you should lie down in a warm bed. Experts recommend organizing such events with the use of soda for cystitis at bedtime.

Washing with soda solution
In addition to baths and douching, women can also wash themselves with a soda solution. The recipe for preparing such solutions will be exactly the same as for organizing douching. In addition to being a very effective soda for cystitis, this product also easily fights thrush, which can appear in the fair sex at absolutely any age.
Contraindications for use
Folk remedies with the use of soda for the treatment of cystitis should not be used by those who have an allergic reaction to this product. In addition, soda is not recommended for those women who suffer from oncology, low acidity of the body, diabetes mellitus, and also heart disease.vascular diseases. Those people who have been diagnosed with gastric ulcer and acute inflammation of the intestinal tract will also have to refuse such therapy.

It is also impossible to start treating cystitis using soda in cases where there is blood in the urine. If this unpleasant symptom appears, you should contact a specialist who should prescribe adequate correct treatment.
Important to know
Those women who decide to treat this unpleasant disease with soda should consider some recommendations:
- Therapy using a garden solution should be agreed with a specialist, since self-treatment should not be started if cystitis is acute.
- Before using baking soda, it is recommended to take a urine test to determine the pH level and determine the main causative agent of the infection.
- Soda-based folk remedies should act as auxiliary, but not the main ones.
- The entire course of therapy with antibacterial and folk remedies must be organized to the end, otherwise relapses of the disease may occur.
- If after using a solution of soda inside there is bloating and pain in the epigastric region, therapy with this folk remedy should stop.
- In order to achieve a speedy recovery, it is recommended to stay in bed if possible, drink as much liquid as possible, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and do not get cold.

Reviews about soda for cystitis
Before you start self-treatment of cystitis at home using a soda solution, it is recommended that you read some reviews. As a rule, most of them say that already on the 3-4th day there is an improvement. As for burning and itching, they stop bothering you on the second day after using this miraculous remedy.
Cystitis is a rather painful disease among women, as the symptoms are accompanied by soreness and frequent urge to urinate. It is not surprising that the fair sex wants to overcome this disease at home as soon as possible, since it is not always possible to allocate time for visiting a doctor. Soda is a fairly effective and harmless drug that can fight cystitis in a very short time. The main thing in this case is not to carry out more than two procedures of douching or taking baths per day.