Despite the fact that it is one of the worst weeds in gardens and fields, wheatgrass has beneficial properties. This perennial plant has thin and long creeping rhizomes. They also contain substances due to which wheatgrass has beneficial properties. Sometimes herbs are used as medicinal raw materials.

Wheatgrass contains essential and fatty oils, silicon, ascorbic and amino acids, carotene, starch, saponins, gum, mannitol, various sugars, calcium, sodium, vanillin, inositol, pectin, iron, levulose. In addition, it has carbohydrates, hydroquinone, flavonoids and mucus. In order not to lose the beneficial properties of wheatgrass, a number of rules must be observed when harvesting it. Rhizomes should be collected during periods of tillage on agricultural land. As a rule, it is autumn or spring (rarely). In the process of harvesting, the rhizomes are cleaned of leaf sheaths, stems and everything else, washed with water and dried in air or in special structures at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, stirring and turning over at short intervals. The procedure is consideredcompleted, when the raw material stops bending, and with a certain effort, it folds at an acute angle. Rhizomes harvested in this way can be stored for up to three years, retaining the properties of wheatgrass.

This plant has sweat and diuretic, expectorant and tonic effects. In addition, it has enveloping, mild laxative and anti-inflammatory effects. Wheatgrass has useful properties that provide regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and mineral metabolism disorders. The silicic acid contained in it helps to strengthen the vascular walls. Flavonoids give it antioxidant properties that contribute to the normalization of the acid-base balance of the body. Silica has a positive effect on the fork gland - the central organ of the immune system. Saponins provide prevention of atherosclerosis.

Used in both traditional and folk medicine of wheatgrass. Its medicinal properties are used to prevent leukemia and cancer, allergic and autoimmune diseases, and diabetes. It also helps with gout, osteoporosis, rheumatism, fractures, arthritis, skin ailments, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, nocturnal enuresis, hypertension. It is also used as a mild laxative and analgesic, for diseases of the liver, biliary tract, urethra, kidneys, gastritis, edema, colitis, bladder neurosis, fever, cystitis. There are no special contraindications for use, but the dosage must be observed.
There are several common recipespreparation of wheatgrass for medicinal purposes. The juice obtained from its leaves and stems is mainly used for gallstone disease. An infusion of wheatgrass is made from rhizomes in cold water. They make a decoction of them. In this case, both water and milk can be used as a liquid. To increase the concentration of medicinal substances in prepared preparations, the liquid is evaporated to half of the original amount.