Prostatitis is a very common pathology of the genital organs among men. Outwardly, it is an inflammatory process concentrated in the prostate gland. Prostatitis can be both acute and chronic. As a rule, such an unpleasant ailment occurs both among middle-aged men and among young guys. The disease manifests itself in the form of pain, urination disorders, as well as sexual dysfunction. In addition, men suffering from prostatitis lose the ability to fertilize. However, over the years, folk remedies have been very effective methods of therapy. With prostatitis, alternative medicine can be used at home. However, before that, it is still recommended to visit a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, because some patients may have an individual intolerance to one or another component that is part of the recipe.
Causes of prostatitis
Basically, this disease occurs among overweight men, as well as among those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. At the initial stage of the development of prostatitis, as a rule, there are violations regarding the circulation of the circulatory system, concentrated in the pelvic area. As a result of this, stagnation of blood is formed, which leads to an enlargement of the prostate. After that, various microorganisms penetrate into the prostate gland area, as a result of which inflammation begins to develop.

Symptoms of the disease
When prostatitis develops, patients begin to complain that they experience a slight increase in the urge to urinate. In parallel with this, pain in the perineal region is formed. At the same time, mucopurulent threads appear in the urine. If at this stage the man does not start treatment, then the disease can become chronic. By the way, for therapy, you can use folk remedies for prostatitis. However, such treatment must be combined in combination with medications. Chronic prostatitis, which is of non-infectious origin, begins to develop against the background of a secret that stagnates in the follicles.
Periodically, the chronic form of the disease turns into an acute one due to hypothermia, excessive physical exertion, stressful situations, as well as abuse of food and drink.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis
As for the symptoms of the chronic form of the disease, the following signs should be included here:
- The burning thatfelt in the urethra.
- Pain in the perineum, lower back and testicles.
- Problems during urination, presented in the form of soreness, increased urge, and pain at the end of urination. The urine stream is sluggish and thin.
- Disorders regarding sexual function in males. In this case, pain appears during ejaculation, ejaculation may be early or delayed. In parallel with this, erection may worsen.
- Sperm begins to change its properties, due to which its color becomes cloudy, the consistency is more liquid, and the number of spermatozoa decreases.
- There is increased irritability and fatigue.
The use of folk remedies for prostatitis is effective. But in order to cure this disease on your own, you will need to have great willpower and in no case should you abandon the treatment you have started after a few days.

Features of the treatment of the disease by means of traditional medicine
For prostatitis, each prescription is designed for at least 3 weeks, unless it implies other terms. As a rule, various decoctions, vegetable-based juices, infusions, and bee products should be taken for an even longer period. But such folk remedies for prostatitis can put the entire male body in order.
As a rule, parsley, in addition to solving the main problem, is able to dissolve kidney stones, andalso get rid of s alt deposits in the joints. Garlic is a cleanser for the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques formed there. Pollen and honey can prevent heart disease.
Experts say home remedies for prostatitis can be used throughout life to reap great he alth benefits for the whole body.
Lifestyle & Diet
Therapy of this unpleasant disease should be carried out in a complex manner. Therefore, the treatment of prostatitis with the most effective folk remedies should be combined with other recommendations so that the disease does not worsen and is completely cured.
Doctors in this case recommend minimizing the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as quit smoking. The fact is that alcohol-containing drinks irritate the prostate, and smoking negatively affects blood vessels, making it difficult for blood supply. Folk remedies for prostatitis in men should also be taken in combination with a diet. Patients will have to give up those products that contain chemical additives. You will also have to minimize the content in the diet of those products that contain animal fats. As a rule, such dishes clog blood vessels with cholesterol.

When treating prostatitis at home with folk remedies, it is also recommended to use more greens in parallel, for example, celery, parsley, cilantro, horseradish, nettle. Also in the diet should be garlic and onions, whichare excellent home remedies to improve potency. The menu should be diversified with products that contain a considerable amount of zinc. First of all, this should include peas, pumpkin seeds, nuts, seafood, onions. The fact is that zinc shrinks the prostate. Vitamin E is very useful in the treatment of this disease. To maximize its intake, you should include a large amount of fruits and natural vegetables in the diet.
Since polyunsaturated fatty acids are able to overcome adenoma and prostate, fish, rosehip oil, linseed oil should be present in the diet. These foods should be consumed on a regular basis.
Carrying out the treatment of prostatitis with the most effective folk remedies, for this period you will also have to give up spicy foods, as they provoke a rush of blood to various pelvic organs. In addition, spicy food contributes to a strong swelling of blood vessels, so mustard, pepper, vinegar, canned spices should be excluded from the diet.
Parsley for the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies
Reviews suggest that the most effective alternative medicine in the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma is parsley. To prepare a miracle cure, you must carefully grind the seeds of this plant, obtaining a powder. One and a half tablespoons of the resulting powder must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Let this remedy brew in a thermos for a quarter of an hour. After this time, cool the infusion, then strain through cheesecloth. Ready folka remedy for prostatitis and adenoma is taken one spoonful several times a day.
Another very effective ingredient in the fight against this disease are parsley roots. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to grind half a glass of parsley roots, then pour them with one liter of boiling water. Boil the roots over low heat for another 20 minutes. Cool the finished broth to room temperature, strain through gauze, and then use it instead of water throughout the day. Reviews of the treatment of prostatitis with a folk remedy using parsley suggest that improvements are already observed 1 month after the start of therapy.
Pumpkin seeds
Another very popular folk remedy in the fight against chronic prostatitis and adenoma are pumpkin seeds. To effectively treat chronic prostatitis with folk remedies using this product, it must be consumed regularly 30 minutes before meals in the morning.

Seeds are best eaten throughout the day. In total, experts recommend consuming at least 3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds per day. There are also various recipes using pumpkin seeds that can be used in the home treatment of this disease:
- Pumpkin seeds need to be dried a little, then grind in a coffee grinder without peeling. Sift the resulting powder through a sieve. This powder is used 30 minutes before meals, two tablespoons twice a day. It is necessary to drink the drug with onea glass of warm water in which one spoon of honey should be stirred. Considering how to cure prostatitis with folk remedies based on pumpkin seeds, it should be noted that this will take a lot of time. Therefore, you will have to be patient, and it is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
- Another recipe that can be used to treat prostatitis with folk remedies using pumpkin seeds involves cleaning 500 g of this product, grinding it with a meat grinder, and then stirring the gruel with one glass of natural honey. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator. The remedy is taken in the morning in half a tablespoon. You can drink the mixture with tea. It should be noted that prostatitis is treated with this remedy once a year.
Pear for the treatment of prostatitis
You can treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home using a pear. To do this, experts recommend drinking compote based on this fruit throughout the year. In winter, dried pears are used. The most useful are wild pears that grow in the forest. However, it is quite difficult for those people who live in the northern regions to get such fruits.
In addition, unsweetened pear compote is effective in the fight against diabetes. The fact is that this drink is good at lowering blood glucose levels. It is for this reason that this folk remedy is considered ideal in cases where a man, in addition to prostatitis, also has diabetes.
Chestnut fruit
To healprostatitis folk remedies on their own, experts also recommend using chestnut peel in alternative medicine recipes. To do this, consider the two most effective recipes for preparing miracle cures:
- Pour 250 ml of alcohol into 25 g of dry chopped chestnut peel. Let the tincture brew for a week and a half, after which the finished product is taken twice a day before eating 10 drops. It should be noted that the treatment lasts for the first 3 weeks of each month.
- Pour 500 ml of vodka into 50 g of chestnut peel. This remedy is used in 30 drops. If the effect is not observed, then the number of drops can be increased.
Vegetable juices in the fight against prostatitis
Considering how to treat prostatitis with folk remedies, it should be noted that vegetable juices are very effective. Cooking recipes:
- Squeeze juice from fresh asparagus. The finished drink is consumed in the amount of 2 glasses throughout the day. To achieve the best effect, the juice can be mixed in equal proportions with the juice of carrots, beets or cucumbers.
- A very good result can be achieved if you drink two glasses of juice made on the basis of cucumbers and carrots in equal proportions throughout the day.

In two months it will be possible to see the first results in the fight against prostatitis. Reviews of folk remedies that use vegetable juices indicate thatthat they help to overcome not only the underlying disease, but also improve overall well-being.
Bee products in the fight against prostatitis
Very good results in the treatment of prostatitis can be achieved if used in therapy recipes that contain honey, as well as other bee products. Experts recommend drinking one teaspoon of honey several times a day. In parallel with this, it is also recommended to consume one incomplete tablespoon of pollen several times a day. This is done on an empty stomach. As a rule, such products well saturate the human body with essential trace elements and vitamins, rejuvenate the skin, and are also effective folk remedies in the treatment of prostatitis. Most popular recipes with honey and bee products:
- Propolis is famous for its antibacterial action. This product is able to perfectly fight inflammation of the prostate. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to take 40 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis with a strength of 20%. The tincture is dissolved in 100 ml of water, after which the resulting product is consumed 30 minutes before eating. The duration of therapy should be one and a half months. In parallel with this, for effective treatment, doctors recommend using propolis suppositories every day for 1 month.
- Two spoonfuls of subpestilence must be filled with 0.5 liters of cold water. Boil, then cook on low heat for 2 hours. Bee subpestilence is used one dessert spoon three times a day. You can eat it alonea teaspoon of natural honey. The finished broth is stored in the refrigerator.
- Reviews of the most effective folk remedies in the treatment of prostatitis suggest that quick results can be achieved if candles with honey are used. To prepare them, you need to mix one teaspoon of natural honey, 1 egg, 4 dessert spoons of rye flour. All ingredients must be mixed together to form a cool dough. Roll up candles from the resulting mixture, then send them to the freezer. Ready-made candles are placed in the morning and also in the evening. The course of therapy should be about 1 month, after which a break of 10 days is taken. Further, if necessary, the course of home treatment is recommended to be repeated.
Garlic for the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis
To prepare homemade medicine, you need to chop 5 garlic cloves, then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Let the infusion stand throughout the night, after which the finished product is filtered and taken 50 ml twice a day before eating. The course of home treatment should be about 1 month. And since garlic has long been recognized as an effective folk remedy for cleaning blood vessels, it also effectively helps in the fight against prostatitis, restoring impaired blood circulation.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs
You can overcome prostatitis at home much faster if folk remedies are combined with various herbal preparations. The most effective herb in the fight against this diseaseis a round-leaved wintergreen. In alternative medicine, herbs are used that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antitumor and immunostimulating effects. Also in the recipes are used plants that can improve blood circulation in the prostate gland, for example, chestnut or sweet clover.

It should be noted that the course of therapy with herbal preparations should be 1 month, after which you will need to take one break for 10 days, and then, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. You can use another or the same collection for re-therapy. An infusion of 100 ml is taken three times a day, approximately 1 hour before eating. The most effective recipes are:
- Mix equal amounts of birch leaves, horsetail, common hazel. Add four tablespoons of this herbal mixture to 1 liter of water, boil for 7 minutes. Next, let the broth brew for 1 hour. After that, the finished medicinal drink is taken 100 ml three times a day.
- It is necessary to mix 10 parts of hawthorn fruit and the same amount of rose hips. Add to the resulting mixture 5 parts of marsh cudweed, as well as 4 parts of pharmacy chamomile and meadowsweet flowers. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then add another 3 parts of cranberries, birch, dandelion roots, fireweed, knotweed herb. At the end, 2 parts of wintergreen and sweet clover grass are added to the finished collection. Take 8 tablespoons of the finished mixture and pour them in the evening with two literssteep boil. Let it brew throughout the night, while the container should be well wrapped. The next morning, the broth is filtered. The finished product is consumed warm in 7 glasses throughout the day. In addition, such a remedy is very effective for strengthening the heart muscle, treating hypertension and cleaning blood vessels from the cholesterol present in them.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma at home, it is recommended to combine the use of several folk recipes at once. In any case, before self-therapy, you should visit a medical institution for a consultation in order to exclude possible complications that may appear due to individual intolerance to any ingredients.