Tansy blooms along many highways and back roads in July. The medicinal properties of this amazing plant have been known for a long time. Tansy has a huge number of healing and simply useful properties and is used not only for healing, but also for domestic needs. For example, Chukchi hunters use this plant to preserve fresh meat by sprinkling the product with crushed tansy flowers or wrapping it in leaves. Special substances, which are present in large quantities in tansy, prevent the growth of microorganisms, and therefore the meat remains fresh for a long time.

Tansy, whose healing properties are recognized by medicine, is used to treat chronic trophic ulcers. The therapeutic effect is achieved by simply applying the powder from the flowers of the plant to the affected part of the skin. The healing substances contained in tansy can even cope with such a disease as bone tuberculosis, against which modern medicine is usually powerless. A special ointment is made to treat this ailment.
Fresh tansy inflorescences are poured with hot badger fat inproportions one to one and insist in a transparent vessel in the sun for two weeks. After a while, the flowers are extracted and the mixture will turn a bright orange color. After that, the mixture is carefully filtered and discarded cake. Bandages are impregnated with ointment, which close the wound for a period of up to three days. After two months of such procedures, the bone is completely cleansed and the fistula is closed.

Tansy, whose medicinal properties are not yet fully understood, is also used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, frequent diarrhea, headaches and many other ailments. Descriptions of this medicinal plant and methods of its use in the treatment of various diseases are often found in ancient herbalists.
Tansy, like dogwood, whose properties allow you to clean and have a healing effect on the genitourinary system, starts the process of dissolving kidney stones, cleanses the ureters and warms the stomach. If you make a compress with it and apply it to the sore head, then the pain will subside very quickly. When treating a stuffy nose, colds or dizziness, it is recommended to pour a warm decoction of tansy on the head. This plant is very helpful in the treatment of various "female" diseases and causes menstruation.
Tansy, whose medicinal properties have the widest application, is also useful in a processed state. The ashes of this plant, mixed with fat and taken orally, can heal ulcers and nodules of tumors in the female organs. Tansy is also used to neutralize the effects of intoxication due to the content of variousminerals and vitamins.

However, be careful when using this plant. Tansy, contraindications to the use of which are associated with the dosage and characteristics of the body of a sick person, can be poisonous. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and in some cases of hypertension. Before you start using any drug or tincture based on this plant, you should visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations. Otherwise, it may happen that in the hope of improving your he alth, you will cause even more damage to it.