One of the first signs of an incipient viral or infectious disease is a sore throat. It can also occur when the pharyngeal mucosa is affected by bacteria and fungi. In the treatment of diseases, traditional medicine, which is used to rinse the mouth, is very effective. With sore throat and inflammation of the mucosa, medicinal plants are recommended for treatment not only by herbalists, but also by representatives of official medicine. Today we have prepared a material for you, in which we will tell you in detail about whether it is possible to gargle with tincture of calendula, and let's talk about the beneficial properties of the plant.

Sore throat
When this organ is affected, the inflammatory focus can be treated locally, so rinsing is most often used to eliminate this problem. According to experts, one of the universal and safe methods is gargling with calendula. Is it possible as medicinalmeans in therapy to use aqueous and alcoholic solutions, juice and decoction of this plant? Knowing the allowable dosage, you can choose the appropriate composition for a patient of any age. These procedures should be carried out when the following diseases are diagnosed:
- angina;
- throat burns;
- tonsillitis;
- laryngitis;
- pharyngitis;
- traumatic throat injury;
- flu (as adjunct therapy).
Note that calendula has a rather strong effect, and therefore patients, according to reviews, feel better at the end of the first day of treatment.
What is the effect of calendula
Calendula (another name is marigolds) in the treatment of diseases has a wide variety of effects on the body. For this reason, it is perhaps the best natural medicine for diseases of the throat and mouth. When gargling with calendula, the following therapeutic effect occurs:
- softening;
- regenerating;
- antiseptic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- reducing symptoms;
- eliminating purulent masses, plugs;
- enhancing local immunity.

The wide spectrum of action of calendula is due to the fact that it contains many medicinal substances, the beneficial properties of which together help to cope with a large number of throat ailments. In some cases, this plant can even replace antibiotics.
When the tincture is applied
To relieve exacerbation of diseases of the larynx and treat angina, preparations with calendula should be used for gargling. You can purchase an alcohol tincture based on a plant at a pharmacy or prepare a healing potion yourself. Each patient can independently choose one or another option that best suits him.
How to use a pharmacy drug
How can I gargle with calendula tincture when choosing a remedy from a pharmacy? If you have chosen to use a pharmaceutical preparation for yourself, do not forget that when using a remedy for children, you must first of all dilute it correctly, otherwise you can get a burn of the larynx.
Adults can gargle with calendula tincture using a more concentrated solution. This is done so that the dense tissues of the pharyngeal mucosa are better processed. Permissible norms for the use of the drug: in two hundred milliliters of boiled and chilled water, 1 tsp should be diluted. drug. In the event that the patient has purulent tonsillitis, it is allowed to use a slightly more concentrated solution, for this you need to add a dessert spoon of the drug instead of a teaspoon.

How to gargle with calendula tincture for children? When treating with a pharmacy, only ½ teaspoon can be used to prepare the solution. However, if the child is older than 10 years old and he has too severe a sore throat, in this case it is allowed to gargleuse of adult dosage.
Home cooking recipes
When choosing a marigold preparation for gargling, it is still better to give preference to aqueous formulations. Phytomedicine can be prepared at home using dried raw materials for this. Please note that the concentration of such drugs when used is the same for children and adults, because they do not contain alcohol components. It is for this reason that self-prepared medicines do not irritate the sore throat. By the way, the use of such procedures is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
Calendula water infusion
Calendula medicine for gargling can be prepared as follows: take 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed marigold flowers and pour them with a glass of boiling water. It is best to insist in a thermos for 1.5-2 hours.

After that, the healing infusion must be filtered very carefully, because even small particles can damage the throat or cause a coughing fit. For one procedure, about 200-250 milliliters of infusion (not diluted) should be used. Please note that such a medicine should not be made in reserve, since its medicinal properties disappear during storage.
Plant juice
According to the reviews of herbalists involved in herbal medicine, calendula juice is considered to be a particularly effective remedy for diseases of the larynx. Naturally, such treatment is possiblecarried out only in the warm season, during the flowering of plants. In order to prepare medicinal raw materials, you will need at least 1 kg of flowers. They should be scrolled through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice out of the mass through gauze or a cloth suitable for this. To gargle with calendula for 200 ml of water, you should take a large spoonful of marigold juice. In the event that you managed to prepare a large amount of juice, you can freeze it for the winter.
Marigold decoction for rinsing
If you have been diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, you need to gargle with a decoction prepared from calendula flowers. The recipe is as follows: pour a large spoonful of raw materials with a glass of water and put in a water bath, simmer for 20 minutes, not allowing to boil. The resulting product (previously carefully filtered) is used in its pure form for rinsing. For greater effectiveness and a speedy recovery, you can take a decoction of one small spoon orally up to 3 times a day.

How to prepare your throat for gargling
Before proceeding with medical procedures, it is necessary to treat the throat with a water composition as high as possible. To do this, it must be intensively rinsed with warm water, to which a few drops of alcohol infusion of calendula are added. Thanks to the measures taken, it will be possible to maximize the effect of the decoction or infusion used for rinsing.
Procedures for adults
Nursing mothers and women during pregnancy garglecalendula should be carried out using water decoctions. Other categories of persons can use an alcohol-based marigold remedy for this procedure. These activities should be carried out 5 times a day, the consumption of the drug is one glass for each dose. Take one sip of the product in your mouth and rinse for 40 seconds. There are no restrictions on the duration of the use of calendula. It should be noted that eating or drinking should not be earlier than an hour later. Do not smoke or drink alcohol during herbal medicine.
How to gargle with calendula for a child?
Please note: only children over the age of three can gargle. Young children, due to the still insufficient development of the muscular ring of the larynx, can simply choke. For treatment, a predominantly aqueous composition should be used. For children 7 years old, no more than 120 ml of decoction can be used in one procedure, for older children - up to 1 cup. Rinsing should be maintained for 30 seconds, prolonged use of the procedure can cause even more pain due to overload of the muscles of the larynx.

In the treatment of angina, the procedure is carried out in the first three days according to the following scheme: every 2 hours 5 times a day. The next week, the throat should be rinsed 3 times a day. For all other diseases of this organ, the procedure should be carried out up to 4 times a day until complete healing. You should not worry if a child accidentally swallowed a healing decoction, there is nothing to worry about, because the same infusionsused for oral administration. Mild bowel irritation can only occur if the child has taken too much medication.
Contraindications for use
It should be noted that the medicine based on calendula has no contraindications. The only restriction to its use is an allergy to plant components. Anyone who does not have allergic reactions to calendula preparations can gargle without any restrictions, but still observing the dosage and rinsing rules.

Speaking of contraindications, it should be said that preparations prepared on the basis of calendula cannot be combined with herbal remedies that have a sedative effect, since it can greatly enhance this effect. The same rules should be followed when taking sedatives, such as barbiturates.
According to reviews, this tool quickly helps to stop the symptoms of diseases. Improvements come after three days of procedures.