Using sandalwood oil at home

Using sandalwood oil at home
Using sandalwood oil at home

Sandalwood oil has been known since time immemorial. Some sources claim that even in ancient Egypt it was widely used to create embalming compositions. But the birthplace of this oil is India. There it was used for religious purposes, as well as during meditation.

use of sandalwood oil
use of sandalwood oil

The starting material for the manufacture of this essential tool is the core of sandalwood. It is first evaporated, and then the vapor is cooled, as a result of which it turns back into a liquid. In order for sandalwood oil to be of high quality, it must first mature. This process can sometimes take several decades. It is with this that the high cost of this tool is connected.

At present, the use of sandalwood oil in perfumery, medicine, and cosmetology is widely practiced. This is made possible by the many benefits that this essential composition has.

Firstly, sandalwood oil is an excellent antiseptic, which allows it to be used as a disinfectant. Itstops inflammatory processes, relieves swelling. Its pungent odor repels bacteria. All this makes the use of sandalwood oil in medicine simply necessary.

Secondly, among the features of this tool, its astringent properties are not the last. Sandalwood oil will save your skin from sagging, making it firm again.

sandalwood oil
sandalwood oil

Thirdly, sandalwood oil is a good sedative. It relaxes, calms, relieves headaches and relieves fears. The use of sandalwood oil in aromatherapy has long been a tradition. You can use it even at home by dropping a few drops into the aroma lamp. Or you can add it to the aroma bath, dissolving it before that in milk, foam or another emulsifier. It is also often used during massage. It is not immediately absorbed, but it allows you to warm up the skin quite well.

Fourthly, this type of oil is included in the group of aphrodisiacs. It has such a powerful effect on our emotions that it promotes the production of certain hormones that are responsible for sensual attraction.

Fifth, speaking about the features of the oil, one cannot help but recall the benefits it brings in skin care. Removing puffiness, getting rid of peeling and acne, tightening - this natural product can easily cope with all this.

Sixth, the use of sandalwood oil helps with respiratory diseases. A few inhalations are enough to get rid of a sore throat and feelease of breathing.

sandalwood oil from egypt
sandalwood oil from egypt

Seventh, if your curls have lost their color and their former volume, call on this essential remedy to help. It not only nourishes, but also strengthens the roots. To do this, you just need to rinse your washed hair with water with the addition of sandalwood oil. Usually 10 drops are taken per liter of liquid.

Recently, going on vacation to Africa, many people bring sandalwood oil from Egypt. This is a great gift for yourself and your family. After all, it can be breathed, it can be taken in baths, it can be used as an air freshener and as a cream.

Sandalwood oil will save you a lot of problems, the main thing is to use it correctly.
