Which tea reduces blood pressure: types, properties, methods of preparation and useful tips for hypertensive patients

Which tea reduces blood pressure: types, properties, methods of preparation and useful tips for hypertensive patients
Which tea reduces blood pressure: types, properties, methods of preparation and useful tips for hypertensive patients

Today quite a lot of people suffer from high blood pressure. Due to the fact that medicine does not stand still, there are effective drugs for this disease. Tea has different effects on people diagnosed with hypertension. Some varieties of tea are generally not recommended for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are varieties, on the contrary, stabilizing blood pressure. What tea lowers blood pressure? Who can drink it? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this review.

The effect of tea in case of illness

doctor measures blood pressure
doctor measures blood pressure

Of course, no tea for hypertension can replace medication. However, this drink may well be used as a maintenance therapy. Which tea lowers blood pressure - black or green? Particular attention should be paid to drinks that contain natural herbs. Their components are even used indrugs for the treatment of hypertension. Unlike drugs sold in pharmacies, herbal teas do not have a negative effect on the state of the body. They don't have any negative side effects. Thanks to a wide range of medicinal herbs, you can easily choose a drink that suits your taste. The effectiveness of this drink is confirmed by time. Next, we will look at which types of tea have an effect on blood pressure.

Which decoction to choose?

In order to choose a tea that brings maximum benefit in violations of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to determine the cause of dysfunction. Choosing the right drink will help keep blood pressure levels normal. In this review, we will look at some types of tea and their effects on the body.

Hawthorn tea

tea for hypertension
tea for hypertension

So what's special about him? The benefits of this plant in hypertension have been known for a long time. Hawthorn helps to restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the degree of nervous excitability, normalizes sleep, helps fight angioedema, tones the heart muscle and improves blood flow. Tea infused with this plant is especially effective in the early stages of hypertension. With high values of blood pressure, hawthorn solution helps well. However, please note that this medicine contains alcohol.

A blood pressure lowering tea can be made from different parts of hawthorn.

Let's consider the most common recipes:

  1. Pourdry fruits of hawthorn with a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes and strain. It is recommended to use this infusion as a tea, or you can just drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. If desired, the product is diluted with water.
  2. Berries are cleaned of seeds, poured with filtered liquid, infused for 10 hours. The resulting decoction should be drunk three times a day in a glass. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  3. One tablespoon of dried hawthorn flowers is mixed with the same amount of chamomile flowers and motherwort. The collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and filtered. The mixture is drunk 2-3 times a day.

This blood pressure lowering tea is not recommended for lactating and pregnant women, as well as people suffering from hypotension. In addition, excessive consumption of the drink can cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness.


tea in cups
tea in cups

What is its effectiveness? In the complex treatment of hypertension, Phytohyperton tea is often prescribed. It contains such components as fruits and flowers of hawthorn, cudweed, motherwort, birch leaves, yarrow, rowan fruits and strawberry leaves.

This drink has the following pharmacological action:

  • slows down the contraction of the heart muscle;
  • dilates peripheral vessels;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • reduces lipid and blood sugar levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Produced "Phytogiperton" in the form of sachets. For one serving, you need to use 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for several minutes. The medicine is taken daily twice a day during or after meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. The drink is not recommended for individual intolerance to individual components of the collection.


An excellent medicine for pressure is a drink from this plant or Sudanese rose. In addition to excellent taste characteristics, this tea has an excellent therapeutic effect. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels due to the anthocyanins included in its composition, helps to normalize blood pressure, removes s alts and heavy metals from the body. The composition of hibiscus includes various amino acids, vitamins and trace elements that stabilize the work of the whole organism. This is a completely harmless and environmentally friendly natural product. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to drink a glass of hibiscus tea twice a day. The drink is used both as part of complex treatment and for prevention. It can be consumed hot or cold.

How to brew?

benefits of tea
benefits of tea

Let's take a closer look at this. Many lovers of hibiscus are interested in whether tea reduces blood pressure. If you prepare the drink correctly, it will give the maximum effect. There are several rules for brewing Sudanese rose tea.

Here are some of them:

  1. It is better to use fresh petals. The brighter they are, the fresher the product. Termstorage of tea is 3 years. Old inflorescences with a dusty coating should not be used for making a drink.
  2. Hibiscus is usually brewed in ceramic or glassware.
  3. Before brewing, the inflorescences can be placed in cold water for a couple of hours.
  4. To preserve vitamin C, the drink must be poured with non-hot water and infused for several hours.

Hibiscus tea perfectly quenches thirst. However, excessive consumption of the drink will not lead to anything good - you should drink no more than two glasses a day. With a stomach ulcer, gallstone and urolithiasis, it is better not to drink this drink.

Herbal tea for hypertension

Which tea lowers blood pressure? An important part of therapy for lowering blood pressure is the use of herbal drinks. Treatment with such means is quite effective. Herbal tea should be consumed strictly according to the doctor's instructions. Each composition has its own contraindications. It should also be borne in mind that the use of herbal tea does not replace drug therapy. Active substances in plants are contained in small concentrations, so in critical conditions they will not be very effective. Herbal tea treatment should only be used as a supportive measure.

Effect of herbs in hypertension

green tea
green tea

Which green tea lowers blood pressure? Depending on the components, the drink can have different effects on the body. For example, mint, lemon balm, calendula and linden blossom help to reduce pressure in the event thatif it was provoked by psychogenic causes. These herbs have a pronounced sedative effect. They also reduce anxiety and nervousness.

With increased vascular tone, tea with cumin, anise, fennel, dill, dandelion root will help. These herbs have an excellent vasodilating effect. If hypertension is caused by blood clotting, raspberries, willow, hawthorn, sweet clover, linden and red grape varieties will help. In chronic hypertension, it is recommended to use herbal teas with a diuretic effect. Nettle leaves and birch buds are best suited for this purpose.

Can I add sugar?

Does tea reduce blood pressure if it is slightly sweetened? Experts believe that one of the reasons for the development of hypertension is the excessive consumption of sugar. Therefore, tea should be drunk unsweetened. However, if you cannot completely limit yourself from all sorts of goodies, then it is better to give preference to marshmallows or dark chocolate.

Many people prefer to improve the taste of tea by adding various additives to it. So, for example, tea with honey is very useful. It can be used to prevent colds. Tea with lemon reduces blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. So you can easily get used to drinking unsweetened tea.

Advice for hypertensive patients

cup on saucer
cup on saucer

Many patients suffering from hypertension are interested in what kind of tea reduces blood pressure. Doctors do not recommend black tea because it contains caffeine.

However, if you follow some recommendations, it is quite possible to afford a couple a daycups of such a drink.

Here are some of them:

  1. Don't drink very strong tea.
  2. Before brewing, be sure to rinse the teapot with warm water. This will help remove the caffeine residue.
  3. Try not to drink too much tea.
  4. Remember that a hot drink has a stronger tonic effect.
  5. Don't drink tea on an empty stomach and before going to bed.
  6. Caffeine can be mitigated with milk.

Many, answering the question of what kind of tea reduces blood pressure, think that green is best suited for this purpose. Much is known about its properties. Green tea contains a huge amount of beneficial trace elements. With hypertension, it is recommended to drink at least three cups of this drink per day. It is better not to add sugar and milk to tea. To slightly sweeten the drink, use honey. It is not recommended to use green tea for tachycardia, nervous exhaustion, stomach ulcers and other chronic diseases. It is best to drink a freshly brewed drink.


hibiscus tea
hibiscus tea

Which tea lowers blood pressure? It is not so easy to answer this question. Today you can find a wide variety of teas that have a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels. You can easily choose a drink that best suits your taste and effectiveness. Tea has a mild gradual effect on the body, but only if consumed regularly.
