The herbaceous plant Astragalus membranosus has long been known and widely used in folk medicine. Its healing properties are simply amazing in their diversity and wide range of coverage of various diseases. For medicinal purposes, all its parts can be used: flowers, leaves, roots, and fruits. The exceptional healing properties of this plant have been scientifically proven and recognized by Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian and Korean folk medicine. Traditional healers this amazing plant, astragalus membranosus, is presented as a very effective remedy for longevity. It noticeably prolongs a person's years of life.
Where does the plant grow? Composition
Before describing the beneficial properties of such a wonderful plant, it should be mentioned where Astragalus membranous grows. The area of its growth extends to the Balkans, Moldova, Hungary, Ukraine, and also widely covered the southern regions in the European part of the Russian Federation, where it grows in the vast expanses of the steppe. You can also meet him on the Korean Peninsula, in the EasternSiberia, on the territory of Manchuria in China, as well as in the Far East, where it grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, in the steppe zone, sandy soil of river banks, and even on mountain slopes covered with rubble.
This is such an unpretentious and resilient Astragalus membranous. A description of its composition and useful properties makes it possible to understand how important this plant is for humanity. Astragalus contains vitamins A, E and C, as well as almost all trace elements involved in ensuring the normal functioning of the human body. These are calcium, potassium and iron, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, silicon, cob alt and manganese, copper, aluminum and chromium, vanadium, sodium and selenium.

Perennial Astragalus is a herb with feathery unpaired leaves, yellow-white flowers, collected in loose brushes, growing from the axils between the leaves and the stem. The fruits are thin-skinned beans hanging from a stalk.
To date, the beneficial properties of astragalus have been well studied and successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. It has a very strong wound healing effect, is a hypotensive, diuretic, hemostatic, cardiotonic, vasodilator and diaphoretic. Such a wide spread of its therapeutic possibilities allows the use of different parts of this herb in a wide variety of fields of medicine. In addition, for those whose age is approaching a critical age, and for whom old age is not a joy, astragalus can give a comfortable life inquite old years, and bestow longevity.
Use in traditional and Tibetan medicine

The leaves, roots, flowers and fruits of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. At the same time, grass and leaves should be collected in May-June, when they bloom, and astragalus membranous root is dug up in autumn, in September, when it is most strong and useful. The fruits must be harvested in August while still immature, until their peel has opened. Dry the plants in a dry and dark place, providing a temperature of 50-55 degrees. Stored in linen bags for no longer than a year, until the next collection.
The amazing properties of astragalus membranosus are successfully used by healers practicing traditional Chinese, Tibetan, Korean folk medicine as urine and choleretic agents, as well as tonic and tonic drugs. Its rhizome is used in the treatment of eclampsia, diseases of the spleen and gastrointestinal tract, to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system and in violation of metabolic processes in the body. In China, the potency of the roots of this plant is equated to the famous ginseng.
In Europe and the USA, Astragalus membranous roots are used as an immunostimulating and diuretic drug. Its herb has a powerful obstetric effect, accelerating the separation of the placenta and its release. It is used in the complex therapy of infertility or dropsy and get good results.
Indications and useful properties
Next, we will consider the medicinal properties of astragalus and contraindications to its use. Drugits composition is extremely rich and diverse, which determines its high popularity and exceptional demand. This herb contains a variety of astragalosides, triterpene saponins, phytosteroids, carbohydrates, coumarins, sterols and alkaloids that are found to be very beneficial in the treatment of a wide range of ailments such as:
- leukemia, lymphoma and lymphosarcoma;
- neuroblastoma;
- atherosclerosis and hypertension;
- cancer of the stomach, liver, duodenum and kidneys;
- furunculosis;
- impotence;
- abscess and boils and many more serious diseases.

Due to its rich content of minerals and vitamins, Astragalus membranosus can be used quite effectively as an anti-aging, cardiotonic, antitumor, vasodilator, sedative, antibacterial, antidiabetic, diuretic, hepatoprotective and hemostatic agent. Its therapeutic effect is so obvious that even official medicine uses infusions and decoctions of various parts of this plant as an additional tool that helps in the fight against so many serious diseases.
In medicine, it is believed that there are no contraindications to taking this plant at all. But still, one should be careful and prudent in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and during the lactation period. Caution and restraint should be exercised during high blood pressure. And generally speakingstart taking decoctions and tinctures from astragalus membranous should be with small doses. This is necessary to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the drug. Side effects are possible if this medicinal plant is combined with the Warfarin medication, which can provoke bleeding, as well as with allergies.
Treatment with this herb is simple, anyone can prepare the desired tincture or other dosage form of this plant at home.
Medication Forms
Astragalus membranous can be used in many forms:
- Powder form.
- Dry leaves or flowers.
- Crushed fruits.
- Crushed root.
What can be made from astragalus?
The following medicines can be prepared from this plant;
- Lotions or poultices - for wounds, abscesses and boils.
- Classic concoction. Made from dried herbs: pour 10 g of raw materials into 100 ml of boiled water and leave under the lid until it cools. Drink two tablespoons four times a day to treat the heart and blood vessels, as well as high blood pressure.
- Infusion of water root. Pour 10 g of raw materials with boiling water cooled to 90 degrees. Infuse for a day, strain and drink ¼ cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals. This is an antitumor and general tonic, the course is 4 weeks.
- Alcohol root infusion. In the dark, insist 50 g of crushed roots, filled with 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka, the infusion period is two weeks. Periodically shake the tincture, readystrain. Drink three times a day, 20 drops diluted in water. The course is a month, the break between courses is 1 week. Has a healing effect.
- Tonic infusion. It improves brain function and produces a general tonic effect, for one serving of the drink you will need two tablespoons of dry raw materials, which you need to pour ½ cup of boiled water cooled to room temperature. Infuse for four hours, strain, drink half a glass three times a day.
- Root powder is a powerful immune stimulant. The root is ground with a coffee grinder to a state of fine powder. Mixed 1:1 with honey, take the mixture three times a day for 1-10 grams - depending on the weight and age of the patient.
Longevity and Astragalus
In terms of combating old age, the greatest value in the composition of Astragalus membranosus is selenium, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on metabolism and blood formation, and also accelerates the aging process of the body.
Today, Ekaterina Melekhova's book on the use of this plant in the treatment of famous political figures of the 20th century - Hitler, Stalin, Andropov and other important people has become very popular. In those days, information about the wonderful properties of this herb was kept secret from the general public. It was believed that regular intake of infusions from this drug insures against senile impotence, headaches and heart pains, preserves joint mobility and clarity of the brain, relieves other manifestations of senile changes - insomnia, swelling, flies before the eyes, atherosclerosis and other things.

If today old age is not a joy for you, immediately start taking this miraculous drug, after consulting with your doctor first, who will determine your individual dose and form of administration. After some time, the joy of life and mobility will return to you, all organ systems will work more efficiently and noticeably improve your well-being.
Madrid scientists from the cancer center believe that astragalus is able to turn a simple mortal human cell into an almost immortal one. Here are recipes for longevity that anyone over the age of 30 can use. The Tibetan recipe for aging of the body involves the use of astragalus root powder as the main preventive and therapeutic agent. It can be applied to any dosage form.
Root with honey
Mix dry astragalus powder with honey, which further activates the beneficial properties of the plant, in a ratio of 1: 1 - the weight of honey in grams=the weight of the powder. Take half a teaspoon of this mixture three times a day for three months.
Concentrated product

Honey (1 tablespoon) mixed with 3 tablespoons of astragalus powder, stored at room temperature in a closed glass container, taken in small doses on the tip of a bean-sized teaspoon, washed down with half a glass of water, juice or tea.
Tips for using herbal remedies
For prevention, drink in spring and autumn 1-3times a day for those whose age is in the range of 30-60 years. Persons over 60 - 3-4 times a day, in spring, autumn, winter.
For people with serious he alth problems, from the age of 21, take 3-4 times after consulting a doctor. When restoring strength in the post-morbid period - 2-4 times a day until full recovery.
Take an anti-aging remedy from astragalus should be, after equal time intervals. But the greatest effect comes if you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before the first meal, and during the day - two hours after each meal.
Price of this plant in a pharmacy
This magical remedy is available to almost everyone. It is in any pharmacy in absolutely free sale. Not only any working citizen can afford such a luxury, but even a pensioner who is not very financially favored. After all, the price in a pharmacy for astragalus (packing of 25 grams) is about 136 rubles.
There are many recipes for preparing useful medicines from various parts of the plant. Some of them are given as an example.
General Recipe
Astragalus root, 1 tsp, insist in a thermos in 1.5 cups of boiling water for 45-50 minutes. Take half a glass three to four times with each meal.
Leaf drinks

In folk medicine, they are called astragalus tea and are recommended for seasonal beriberi, fatigue, strong physical exertion and high mental stress. Steep ¼ teaspoondry leaves in a glass of boiling water, pour, cover and leave overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and at night for ½ cup. There is also an express preparation method - brewing for ten minutes, but the effect of such a drink will be weaker.
Astragalus root extract
Applied for diseases of moderate severity. To prepare the extract, pour 1 teaspoon of root powder into 200 ml of boiled water and leave for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon six times a day - regardless of when the meal took place.
Classic Herbal Decoction

It is taken in case of problems with blood vessels or in cardiac activity, as well as at high pressure - 10 g of dry herbal powder is infused in 100 ml of boiling water until it cools completely. Drink 2 tablespoons four times a day.
In case of gastrointestinal disease
Bring to a boil 1 tablespoon of herbs or chopped root in a glass of water, boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes, strain and drink the extract for a whole month - 1 tablespoon thirty minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.
For liver disease
Powder of herb or root ½ teaspoon eat on an empty stomach without water, and do not drink after that 1.5 hours. For 1.5 months, repeat this procedure daily. The break between courses should be the same interval - 1.5 months.
Prevention of myocardial infarction
Pour two liters of warm water seven tablespoons of chopped grass or root,bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Strain and then keep in the refrigerator. Drink a course of two weeks 3 times a day for ½ cup an hour after eating.
Small conclusion
In our article, we examined the medicinal properties of astragalus and contraindications to the use of the plant. You can believe or not believe in its miraculous properties. However, no one can deny the presence of positive properties. To strengthen the body and improve well-being, it will not hurt anyone to drink this remedy - this is only good.