Gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory

Gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory
Gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory

A woman should take any inflammation of a gynecological nature very responsibly and immediately begin its treatment. In addition to drug therapy or after it, you can take a course and drink a gynecological anti-inflammatory collection. But how can it help, what herbs are in its composition and how to take it correctly?

How do herbs work?

Despite many medical advances, most women still turn to herbs to treat gynecological inflammation. Any gynecological collection must be applied for at least ten days, and only in this case a healing effect is achieved. Also, the effect of herbs does not come instantly. Gradually accumulating in the body, beneficial substances relieve inflammation and normalize impaired functions that were unbalanced during the illness. That is why after the use of medicinal herbs, you can expect a lasting result.

What herbs are used in gynecology?

Gynecological fee may includeherbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, stop bleeding and affect the hormonal background. Plants that can relieve inflammation usually include sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. To stop uterine bleeding, the collection includes yarrow, nettle, barberry, water pepper.

gynecological collection
gynecological collection

Horsetail, St. John's wort, oregano, red clover, knotweed help normalize hormonal disruptions. They are being taken to stabilize the menstrual cycle, act on the adrenal glands, stop the growth of fibroids and other hormonal disorders.

For a more effective result, it is recommended to brew more than one type of medicinal plants, but several. But what are the properties of these and other herbs that are commonly found in gynecological preparations?

Oak bark

Often gynecological collection includes young oak bark. This component contains up to 20% tannins, pentosans, quercetin, pectins and others. The bark improves the general condition, has astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and sedative (calming) effect. Also relieves irritation. Can be used both externally and internally.

Prescribed for cervical erosion, heavy menstruation, colpitis, vaginitis.


gynecological collection reviews
gynecological collection reviews

This plant is a semi-parasite because it does not grow on its own, but on other trees. Despite this, substances useful for the body are found in it, for exampleviscerin, vitamin C, provitamin A, many amino acids, carotene and other substances. Often, mistletoe is included in the gynecological collection, as it has a hemostatic effect. It also tones and soothes, is effective in menopause. Mistletoe may have mild analgesic effects.

Often, a collection of herbs, which includes mistletoe, is prescribed for women suffering from chronic miscarriages and inflammation of the uterus. It is also effective for whites, heavy menstruation, adnexitis, fibromyomas and cervical erosion. But it is worth considering that exceeding the duration of taking the drug can cause poisoning.

White locust

Another plant that is included in the gynecological collection of herbs is acacia, or Robinia. The chemical composition of the plant is complex. It contains acids, sugars, oils and tannins. Poisonous constituents have also been found in the bark. Usually the flowers are used as anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antispasmodic.

Prescribed for fibroids and inflammation of the uterus and appendages. Effective in diseases of the urinary tract.

gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory
gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory


The next flower that is included in the gynecological collection of herbs is oregano. This plant has analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Oregano is able to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve pain these days. Also, this plant is prescribed if it is necessary to adjust the hormonal background or alleviate the condition with menopause. Its so commonused in gynecology, that he was given another name - female grass. But it is worth remembering that oregano has many contraindications. It is especially harmful during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage.


One of the most popular medicinal plants, which is most often used in folk recipes, is chamomile. It is often included in the gynecological collection of anti-inflammatory herbs. Its value lies in the fact that it has an antimicrobial, wound healing, analgesic effect. Chamomile also effectively relieves inflammation. When the dosage is observed, it does not give side effects. With many gynecological disorders, chamomile is included in herbal preparations.

gynecological herbal collection
gynecological herbal collection


For medicinal collections, grass and inflorescences of the plant are used. Yarrow is known for its general strengthening effect on the body. But in gynecology, its hemostatic, analgesic, antispasmodic effect is also valued. It is effective for thrush, fibroids and fibroids, for uterine bleeding, inflammation of the ovaries, heavy menstruation and with a disturbed cycle. It is important to consider that this herb is contraindicated for a woman who is preparing for motherhood.

gynecological anti-inflammatory collection
gynecological anti-inflammatory collection

Gynecological collection reviews

Many women have tried a gynecological collection. Reviews prove that herbal treatment is really effective and strengthening. Of course, some are uncomfortable with the brewing process.collection and the fact that he does not begin to help as soon as he wanted. But the advantage of this method of treatment is that it has no side effects (if all contraindications are taken into account), as well as the duration of its beneficial effects. It is worth noting that some types of fees can be purchased in sachets, which facilitates their preparation. In addition, some women claim that after a course of taking a gynecological collection, their skin, hair and nails have improved. But before you start taking herbs, you should consult a specialist for advice, since some plants may have serious contraindications, which are important to consider in order not to harm your he alth.
