Dill tea is familiar to all new mothers, because it effectively prevents various digestive problems in babies. Symptoms of the disease appear immediately after feeding. The child cries, blushes and draws his legs. In this situation, a remedy proven over the years comes to the rescue - dill tea.
Features and composition of dill tea for newborns
Remedy used for colic in babies, tested for years. The composition of pharmacy tea includes fennel seeds. In appearance and their properties, they practically do not differ from the usual dill, which manifests itself in the form of the following properties of the drink:
- Relieves pain caused by colic.
- Able to reduce the accumulation of gases and remove them from the body faster.
- It has a positive effect on the immunity of the baby.
- Works in the intestines as a mild disinfectant, while not affecting the beneficial microflora.
- Produces enzymes that prevent these symptoms from occurring infuture.

Having many medicinal properties, dill tea is used both as a therapy and for the prevention of colic.
Main Benefits
Dill water has the following positive properties:
- relieves the body of increased accumulation of gas;
- produces beneficial microflora;
- relaxes smooth muscles;
- improves blood circulation and has a vasodilating effect;
- reduces pressure on the intestinal wall;
- has a diuretic effect;
- normalizes the work of the heart;
- improves appetite;
- promotes increased production of breast milk during lactation;
- reduces constipation;
- positive effect on sleep and nervous system;
- promotes the release of bile.

Dill tea relieves the baby from gases by relieving spasms in the intestinal muscles. If the child constantly takes this drink, it will relieve him of pain and lead to the normalization of digestion.
Indications for use
The main reason why dill tea is prescribed is colic and pain in the abdomen and intestines in infants. This problem is usually faced by parents of children in the first months of life.

In infants at this time there is a stool with a greenish color. Frequent bowel movements cause them discomfort, whichminimizes dill water. The drink can not only relieve tension in the intestines, but also return the baby to a he althy sleep.
How to get your baby drunk
To get rid of colic, you need to properly give the baby tea or dill water. The instructions for the pharmacy drug must indicate the required dosage.
In many ways, the amount of funds depends on the condition of the baby. It is customary to give this drink three times a day. The amount of medicine at a time is usually 1 teaspoon. Although the dosage may vary in one direction or another. The daily rate of the remedy in each case should be determined by the pediatrician.

A newborn baby is given baby dill tea as follows:
- If the baby is bottle-fed, the drink can be added directly to the formula bottle.
- Drip into your mouth with a pipette.
- Add appropriate amount of tea to a bottle of expressed milk and give to baby if breastfeeding.
- You can give a baby from a spoon.
- Pour a drink into a water bottle.
If colic does not bother a newborn often, then you can give him tea only before bedtime. After all, it is at this time that such problems most often bother babies.
Dill tea can be of particular benefit if it is taken by a nursing mother. She can use the remedy 1/2 cup three times a day. It is best to take the drink 30 minutes before feeding so that the active substancesfrom the infusion could penetrate into breast milk, and then into the children's body.
Which remedy is best to take
Which is best: dill water or children's tea? The first version of the product in finished form is extremely difficult to purchase. Dill water can be bought at pharmacies that are licensed to prepare such a remedy.
If you can't buy it, you can use "Plantex". The preparation consists of fennel powder. It is approved for infants over 2 weeks of age when they have colic.

If parents for any reason do not want to use a pharmaceutical preparation, then dill tea can be prepared independently. This is done according to this recipe:
- Pour 1 teaspoon of fennel seed powder into a glass.
- Pour 250 ml of hot water.
- Infuse for 30-45 minutes.
- Strain.
- Tea 1 teaspoon added to breast milk or infant formula.
You can drip dill water 12-15 drops into the baby's mouth with a pipette. The shelf life of the drink should not exceed 24 hours.
If there is no powder on hand, you can use dill seeds. For this you need:
- 1 teaspoon of seeds pour 250 ml of hot water;
- insist for an hour;
- strain.
Sometimes a healing infusion is prepared from fresh dill. This is done as follows:
- You need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dill.
- Pour 100 ml of boiling water.
- Infuse for 40-60 minutes.
- Cool and then strain.
This dill tea can be given instead of water. To prepare such drinks, it is necessary to take purified water, and pour boiling water over the dishes. It is best to give an infant a freshly prepared drink.
Dill water has almost no restrictions. However, in rare cases, fennel seeds can cause allergies.
Parents should also monitor the condition of the child who is taking the remedy. Sometimes he may experience individual intolerance.
A contraindication to taking dill water may be an allergy to a protein found in fennel. It is not recommended to drink the product constantly during the day of the baby. This will lead to an overdose and increased colic.

If an allergy to dill water has been noticed, then children's tea can be attributed to an alternative drink. It is used to treat colic. In such a drink, fennel is included in a minimal amount. It can be brewed and given to a newborn three times a day before meals.
Allergies can occur for the following reasons:
- inflammatory process in the digestive tract;
- not enough enzymes;
- bad diet;
- genetic intolerance to this kind of protein.
Contraindications include the fact that dill water contains substances that are too heavy for an unformed baby stomach.
Experts advise to give newborns to drink dill water of pharmaceutical preparation. After all, in this case, the raw materials undergo a special check and purification from harmful impurities.
About all changes in the he alth of the baby, parents should inform the pediatrician, who could judge the state of the intestines.
Parents' opinions
Reviews about dill tea have been mostly positive.
One group of mothers is satisfied with the effect of water on the baby's body. As a result, pain and spasms in the intestines are reduced. Mothers gave dill water to babies in a bottle without a certain dosage. They did not observe any negative consequences.
The second group of parents gave the child the remedy regularly, starting from 2 weeks of age. Thanks to this, they managed to practically save the baby from colic. At the same time, parents gave the remedy to both their older and younger children.
Dill water against colic is an effective remedy for newborns. It is necessary to give the remedy to the child in the correct dosage so as not to harm the child's body.