For a long time, nasturtium flowers have been valued not only for their natural beauty, but also for their beneficial properties. A large number of recipes based on this plant have been preserved, which are used today in cooking, traditional medicine and cosmetology.
Description of nasturtium flowers
The plant is a perennial that can reach up to 2 meters in height. On a creeping branched stem are orange, yellow and salmon-colored flowers. They are quite large - up to 5 cm in diameter.

Depending on the variety, there are simple and terry. The irregular shape of the flowers resembles a hood. They are located on long pedicels in the axils of the leaves singly. The brightly colored calyx has a spur at the base. A free-petaled corolla consists of five or more petals. Nasturtium is valued by gardeners for its long flowering period, which begins in June and ends in late autumn, when frost sets in.
One interesting feature of these flowers has been noticed: during sunset, when the sky turns orange-red, nasturtium flowers seem to burst into flames.
Useful properties
This plant is famous not only for its decorative, but also for its healing properties. Due to the presence in it of a large number of substances useful for the body, nasturtium is used as an antiseptic, diuretic and antiscorbutic agent. This is an excellent source of vitamins. Nasturtium is especially rich in vitamin C. No wonder these flowers have long been used to strengthen the body's defenses.

With inflammation of the lymph nodes, hormonal changes during menopause, remedies that include nasturtium flowers help. Their beneficial properties normalize metabolic processes, improve the general condition of the body. The composition of this plant contains antibiotics, so the use of nasturtium gives a good result for colds associated with the respiratory system.
Use in traditional medicine
When creating various medicines, almost all parts of the plant are used. A decoction made from buds is good for kidney and urinary tract diseases.

A vodka tincture made from a mixture of leaves, flowers and seeds is very effective against chronic bronchitis. Nasturtium juice will help get rid of various skin problems (warts, polyps, acne, burns). Inside it is used for anemia, rheumatism and gout, diseases of the liver and thyroid gland, one teaspoon per day. For a long time, nasturtium flowers have been used for hair to strengthen them and preventdropping out. At the same time, the root of the cinquefoil is added. The squeezed juice is rubbed into the roots of the hair or used as a rinse.
Nasturtium is often used in cosmetology due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Regular use of products containing nasturtium extract can rejuvenate the skin, giving it elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles. In addition, the plant has a whitening effect.
Nasturtium recipes
Decoction is prepared from dried leaves and flowers. One tablespoon is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. Then for 15 minutes the mixture is heated in a water bath and after cooling is ready for use. Strain and drink 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

An infusion of wine can raise vitality. Put fresh nasturtium leaves in a jar, pour white wine and put in a dark place for 14 days. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.
A tincture that helps with bronchitis is prepared from a mixture of leaves, flowers and seeds of the plant. They insist on vodka for 2 weeks and take 20 drops three times a day.
Use in cooking
Rare gardener does not grow nasturtium. But not everyone knows that nasturtium flowers can be used for food. This plant has been used in cooking for a very long time. All parts of it serve as food ingredients. In France, nasturtium flowers complement salads, adding spice to the dish, and decorate sandwiches. Due to its special smell and slightly spicy taste, this plant is added to many dishes asspices and appetite enhancer. Various collections of culinary recipes very often mention nasturtium flowers in the list of products needed for making salads, seasonings and marinades. Nasturtium flowers have even been used in some drinks.
Dishes from nasturtium
In the old days, the recipe for a salad called “cardinal” was kept in great secret, which included nasturtium. This dish was considered a source of he alth and youth. Modern nutritionists confirm the fact that the addition of nasturtium to various dishes endows them with dietary and medicinal properties. This is a useful and very original component.

Nasturtium flowers are used not only as decorations and spices. They are also stuffed with meat, fish, mushrooms or cottage cheese. To do this, take large flowers, up to 5 cm in size.
Besides, they make unusually tasty jam. And when dried, the flowers are added to tea and homemade wine as a flavoring.
The original spread for sandwiches is obtained from nasturtium petals mashed with garlic, if you add mayonnaise to them.
Nasturtium flowers are especially widely used in various salads. They are combined with boiled eggs, potatoes, nettle leaves, green peas. Unopened buds can be pickled with vinegar and dill, as well as with any other vegetables.
Contraindications to the use of nasturtium
In some diseases, this plant is not recommended for use as food. Before usingthe above dishes, you should make sure that you can eat nasturtium flowers with existing he alth problems, and whether this will cause any allergic reaction.
When taking medicines prepared with nasturtium, do not exceed their dosage so as not to injure the gastric mucosa. To preserve all the beneficial properties, this plant should not be subjected to heat treatment.
Features of growing nasturtium
Nasturtium is popular throughout the European part. The plant is planted both in single and in group plantings. For successful cultivation, the flower requires well-drained soil, rich in composition. Do not add fresh manure to the ground, because. excess nitrogen can impair flowering. During the summer, superphosphate is repeatedly fertilized.

The place for landing should be chosen open, well lit by the sun. Next to the plants, it is necessary to install supports so that the flowers do not spread over the entire area. In order for nasturtium flowers to form in large numbers, the properties of which are so multifaceted, it is necessary to limit watering during the flowering period.
Nasturtium is propagated by seeds. Sowing is usually carried out at the end of spring, when the period of the first frosts has passed.