Propolis is one of the most valuable bee products. This substance has unique healing properties and helps to get rid of diseases when other methods remain powerless. This substance copes well with wounds, ulcers, infectious lesions of the throat, ear, nose, and mouth. The beneficial properties of propolis allow it to be used for burns, chronic diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, as well as for prostatitis, in gynecology and not only.

Propolis: what is it?
Propolis is another name for bee glue. This substance is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax with a sticky base collected from tree buds. The resulting glue is used as putty to fill small gaps in the hive. Large gaps are eliminated with wax.
Propoliscan have different shades, but most often it is dark brown. You can also find propolis green, red, white, black. At twenty degrees, it becomes sticky, and at lower temperatures, it becomes brittle and hard.
In temperate climates, propolis contains about fifty percent of resin compounds and vegetable balms, about thirty percent are waxes, and the rest is pollen, essential oils. This substance contains lipophilic acaricides that prevent tick infestation.
Useful properties of propolis are determined by the habitat of bees.
For many years, beekeepers believed that propolis bees cover the hive from rain, wind and snow. But recent studies have shown that insects feel great even with open cracks in the hive, left for the winter. Based on this, scientists came to the conclusion that bees use propolis to enhance the structural stability of the hive, reduce vibration, and provide more reliable protection. It also helps prevent the entry of pathogens and parasites.
Propolis also prevents decay processes. If any insect or pest enters the hive and dies there, the bees will not be able to remove it, but will try to cover the entire object with propolis. The result is something like mummification.

Propolis properties
Useful properties of propolis allow you to use this substance to treat a variety of ailments. Doctors recommend the use of the productbeekeeping for the treatment of childhood diseases, in otolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynecology. Propolis contains substances that have a positive effect on neoplasms. This substance is a powerful antibiotic and is able to suppress viruses. It can be used not only by those people who suffer from any ailments, but also by those who are completely he althy.
Useful properties of propolis well tone up, help relieve fatigue, increase the body's immune defenses. According to scientists, the constant use of bee products can significantly delay aging. This action is due to the beneficial property of honey with propolis to remove toxins from the body that are formed during various pathologies. Also, the bee product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves mood, removes anxiety.
At home, various solutions are prepared from the product, and it can also be chewed with honey in combs.
You can talk about the beneficial properties of bee propolis for a long time. This unique substance is used even for toothache, osteochondrosis, arthritis, and sciatica. To treat these ailments, a strip of the substance is applied to the sore spot. For skin pathologies, bee glue is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin.
Killer Thing
Our ancestors knew about the beneficial properties of honey with propolis. They constantly ate honey in combs, so they rarely suffered from colds, fungal, viral diseases. It has been proven that bee products are able to cope with a wide variety of microorganisms, fungi,including the fight against tuberculosis. Also, these substances have a "lethal" power against the following pathogenic viruses and microorganisms:
- Herpes virus.
- Influenza viruses.
- Yeast infections.
- Fungal pathologies.
- Hepatitis virus.
- Chickenpox viruses, etc.
The peculiarity of the application and the beneficial properties of propolis allow you to take the substance without fear for the natural beneficial microflora: it only affects pathogenic microorganisms, fungi, and protozoa. Water and alcohol solutions do not affect the natural intestinal microflora and do not cause dysbacteriosis, unlike antibiotics.
When comparing the action of propolis and a good antibacterial agent, scientists came to the conclusion that the bee product is more effective: it has a powerful inhibitory activity against many microorganisms.
Useful properties of propolis tincture allow you to use it for colds, flu. Through numerous experiments, scientists have proven that this substance has excellent antiviral properties not only in the oral cavity, but is also capable of destroying viruses throughout the body.
The product is especially effective in the treatment of skin lesions. When swallowed, the bee product is able to soothe and eliminate pain. It is used to treat gum disease, pain associated with wearing dentures. This substance gives good results in the treatment of caries.

Blood pressure andbee product
Bee products help normalize blood pressure, but it is important to know how to take honey with propolis. The beneficial properties of these substances help to reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow.
Propolis in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers
Since ancient times, people have known how to take propolis. Useful properties can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as get rid of peptic ulcer, gastritis. This substance has healing, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. Propolis reduces the acidity of the stomach, reduces intestinal spasms.
Bee products in the treatment of ODA
And what are the beneficial properties of bee propolis and how to take it for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system? This substance contains elements that can restore bone tissue.
Scientists have found that caffeic acid, contained in a bee product, stops and reverses osteolytic bone pathologies. They found that this element effectively suppresses inflammatory compounds that cause bone ailments. It has also been theorized that propolis may well be used to treat low bone density in osteoporosis.

Fight Allergies
Unique properties allow the substance to be used to combat seasonal allergies.
Scientists conducted an experiment during which the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are relieved. Due to the nature of the impact on the body, propolis is recommended for seasonalallergic rhinitis.
Help with sinusitis, runny nose
Antibacterial and antiviral properties, the ability to relieve swelling make propolis a highly effective substance for the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and other sinus pathologies. An aqueous solution is instilled into the nasal passages. Good results are also obtained when taken orally.
Cancer help
For a long time, propolis was taken by men to treat male impotence, and later it was proved that this remedy helps to fight not only prostatitis, but also prostate cancer. This substance not only prevents the development of this type of cancer, but also helps to treat it.
Scientists have proven that propolis is able to destroy intestinal cancer cells, causing their necrosis. In this case, there is no negative effect on he althy cells. This is one of the beneficial properties of propolis.

Like all substances, the bee product has its contraindications. It should not be used by people who are allergic to bee products. Although this substance is considered non-toxic, it is still worth observing the dosage and taking into account contraindications for use in order to avoid serious complications.
You should not take the substance for diseases of the biliary tract, liver, pancreatitis, kidney stones. In diabetes mellitus, this substance is taken only under the supervision of a doctor.
Also, you can not use the bee product in the following cases:
- Atonic bronchial asthma.
- Urticaria.
- Eczema.
- Diathesis.
To determine exactly if this substance can be used, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine whether propolis will help or not, set the dosage, method of application.

Recipes for solutions
The beneficial properties of propolis on alcohol, on a water basis, and also in fresh form are manifested. Different solutions are prepared for each case.
Water solutions can be prepared according to the following recipes:
- Take one hundred grams of water into a container and put ten grams of propolis into it. Everything is put in a water bath and boiled for an hour. The product is prepared every time before use.
- Pour one hundred grams of boiled, slightly cooled water into a thermos and add ten grams of propolis there. The product is infused overnight.
- One hundred grams of boiling water is poured into a container and ten grams of propolis are added. The container is placed in a water bath and boiled for forty minutes. Then it is chilled. Store the product in a dark container at room temperature. The solution is stored no more than a week.
Alcohol solutions can be prepared with propolis.
- Eighty grams of alcohol is taken twenty grams of propolis. The composition is infused for a week, periodically shaken. The medium is then filtered.
- If you urgently need to prepare an alcohol solution, then you need to mix one part of propolis and ten parts of alcohol, place the mixture in a water bath, heat to 40 degrees. After that, the tool is allowed to cool. During coolingcomposition is stirred.
- Thirty grams of propolis is poured with one hundred grams of alcohol, the mixture is infused for five days in a dark container under a tightly closed lid. The product is shaken daily. The solution is then filtered through gauze.
You can cook oil solutions with propolis.
- One hundred grams of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of propolis are taken. Everything is mixed and placed in a water bath - heated for thirty minutes. The prepared product is applied externally.
- One hundred grams of butter is mixed with five grams of propolis and the same amount of water. The composition is heated in a water bath for twenty minutes. The finished product is filtered, placed in a dark glass container. The composition is stored in the refrigerator. The resulting oil composition is taken orally.
On the basis of propolis at home, you can prepare ointments.
- Propolis, cleared of wax, is poured with a small amount of alcohol to soften for twelve hours and left overnight. In the morning, vaseline is placed in a container and melted in a water bath, then it is cooled to fifty degrees. Softened propolis is added to the chilled vaseline, the composition is again heated to eighty degrees with constant stirring, heated for about eight minutes. The finished product is filtered. The finished ointment can be stored for up to five years in a dark container with a tightly closed lid.
- Fifty grams of propolis is rubbed with butter (one hundred grams) or petroleum jelly. The finished product is placed in a dark container and stored in a cool place.
Good resultsin the treatment of diseases gives propolis milk. To prepare it, you need a liter of milk and one hundred grams of propolis. Milk is brought to a boil and mixed with crushed bee products. The composition is boiled for ten minutes, then cooled and filtered. The product is poured into a wooden bowl. After the milk has cooled, a layer of wax forms on top, which must be removed.
Knowing the contraindications and beneficial properties of honey with propolis, you can get rid of a variety of ailments. These substances can be consumed fresh. For example, in case of dental disease, a strip of propolis is applied to a diseased tooth. If you chew this substance, you can get rid of gum disease.
Propolis can be stored for a long time, but only at a temperature not exceeding twenty degrees. It is impossible to keep strongly odorous products, pesticides next to it. With proper storage, the bee product is able to retain its biological properties for a long time.

According to statistics, beekeepers practically do not get sick. This is due to the fact that they constantly use the resulting products. They have higher immunity, they practically do not encounter cancerous and inflammatory processes, and you don’t even need to ask them about SARS and influenza. Their body endures attacks of viruses.
Propolis is a wonderful natural remedy for getting rid of many diseases. Consult a specialist before using the product.