Common thyme (thumos), popularly referred to as Bogorodskaya herb or thyme, is a fragrant medicinal semi-shrub with a creeping branched stem, which is covered with pinkish-purple caps of small flowers since the end of May.

Ancient use
Useful properties of thyme have been known to man since antiquity. In Egypt, it was used to embalm bodies and as a perfume. The Greeks used it as a medicinal plant. Roman soldiers bathed in an infusion of thyme, gaining strength and courage. Therefore, the word "thyme" is translated from Latin as "strong". Already in those days, thyme was used as a spice, appreciating its taste and smell.
Useful properties of thyme in folk medicine
This plant has an essential oil, consisting of thymol by 40% and other components, due to which the plant is bactericidal. Infusion of herbs normalizes digestion, stops stomach colic. A decoction of thyme is a good expectorant, it helps to dissolve mucus in the bronchi in case of lung diseases: bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Rinse the inflamed mouth and throat with herbal decoction. Baths with this herb are soothingnerves, relax, help relieve stress and headaches, normalize sleep disturbances, heal festering wounds. On a decoction of thyme, clay dough is kneaded for compresses for arthritis.

Useful properties of thyme in cooking
Due to its pleasant smell and spicy-bitter taste, thyme leaves (fresh or dry, pounded before use) have been used in cooking as a spice and flavor - they give many dishes an exquisite aroma and spicy bitterness, while improving taste. Thyme is added to cookies, sprinkled on fatty and fried potato dishes with pork, lamb, seasoned with fish, game, and offal. With thyme, dishes are better digested. This spice is surprisingly combined with cheeses and eggs, enriches the taste of soup from legumes. Adds flavor to smoked meats and canned vegetables.
Useful properties of thyme in cosmetology
For impure and oily skin, an herbal compress from this plant is useful. For 2 tbsp. dry leaves and flowers of thyme will require 0.5 liters of mineral water without gas, heated to boiling water. Brew the herb, leave for 10 minutes in a sealed container. Strain, squeezing the mass into an infusion. Moisten a linen napkin in a slightly cooled infusion and apply it for 10 minutes on a previously cleansed face. Change the napkin to a towel moistened with cold water and wrung out. Then dry the skin after 3 minutes and apply a nourishing cream.

Moth protection
In the wardrobe, thyme will serve as a pleasant fragrance for clothes, andwill also scare away moths from things.
Thyme, the photo of which is given in the article, can be easily grown at home. The plant loves soft calcareous soil, windless and sunny places. You can grow it from seeds or by dividing a bush, planting according to a 40x40 cm scheme. Flowering branches are cut off over the summer 2-3 times at a height of 10 cm above the ground. The last cut - no later than the second half of August, so that the plant gets stronger before winter. Fragrant and he althy thyme will not only decorate the garden plot, but must be present in the home first aid kit and in the kitchen.