Ledum: medicinal properties. Ledum for cough

Ledum: medicinal properties. Ledum for cough
Ledum: medicinal properties. Ledum for cough

The official name of wild rosemary, indicated in the encyclopedia, is wild rosemary. And people call it by different names. You can often hear such names as swamp stupor, bagun, bedbug, gushatnik, puzzler.

In the East, wild rosemary is often used in medicine in the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, gynecological diseases and liver diseases. In Russia, wild rosemary began to be used a little later. Traditional medicine quickly appreciated rosemary. The medicinal properties of the plant allow you to get rid of a strong cough. After all, grass is a good expectorant. This plant has many beneficial properties: it can reduce pressure, disinfect and soothe.

Description of botanical properties

Ledum is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the heather family. The height of the plant is about two meters. It has a somewhat sharp, intoxicating aroma, somewhat reminiscent of camphor. Below is a photo of marsh rosemary.

wild rosemary medicinal properties
wild rosemary medicinal properties

The roots of the plant are located close tosurface, and its multiple branches are covered with reddish glandular hairs. The leaves of wild rosemary have an oblong shape with edges wrapped down. Their surface is leathery. One side of the leaf is shiny and has a dark green color, the other is brown with a rusty tint and small yellowish glands.

The flowers of the plant are white and collected in inflorescences resembling umbellate shields. They are clearly visible in the photo of marsh rosemary. The fruit of the plant is an elongated box. Flowering usually takes place in May-June, and the fruits ripen by July-August.

Growing place

Ledum grows in Siberia, the European tundra zone and the Far East. The soil on which forest rosemary grows should be peaty marshy. It may be the swampy outskirts of the pine forest.

Ledum, whose medicinal properties are widely used for medical purposes, is a poisonous plant. The grass is most popular in countries such as Russia, Germany and Sweden.

cough suppressant
cough suppressant

Application in official medicine

As mentioned above, wild rosemary, whose medicinal properties make it possible to use an infusion from it as an expectorant for coughs, also has a bactericidal effect.

An infusion of the tops of shoots, leaves and flowers has proven itself in the treatment of diseases such as chronic and acute bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and whooping cough. Marsh wild rosemary is used in combination with other medicinal preparations for pneumonia and bronchial asthma. The infusion has a positiveimpact, helping to thin and remove sputum from the patient's respiratory tract, softens the cough. He has the power to speed up the healing process.

If you use wild rosemary for coughing, it does not cause a negative reaction even with prolonged therapy. However, independent use in this case is undesirable, because this plant is poisonous. It is better if during the treatment of the patient the therapist will observe. If the patient begins to complain that he is dizzy or he has become more irritable, the use of wild rosemary for coughing should be urgently stopped.

wild rosemary medicinal properties and contraindications
wild rosemary medicinal properties and contraindications

The plant produces the drug "Ledin", which has expectorant properties.

Ledum in folk medicine

The use of wild rosemary in alternative medicine is more widespread than in the official one. A decoction of its flowers is used not only to treat colds, but also to get rid of:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • pain in the head,
  • rickets.

The main thing is not to forget one important rule before using various infusions, in which the main component is wild rosemary: the medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant must be studied.

In Tibetan medicine, they treat liver diseases. An oil decoction of wild rosemary is used as an anesthetic for bruises. Internally, it is used to eliminate colitis and spasms. It lowers body temperature, eliminates inflammation in the genitourinary system, treats malaria andbowel disease.

In order to enhance the beneficial properties of the plant, it is combined with grass such as coltsfoot. In Tibet, decoctions and infusions are used to treat tuberculosis, liver disease and inflammatory diseases.

photo of wild rosemary
photo of wild rosemary

The smoke from burning sprouts is soothing, promotes sound sleep, and is also an excellent insect repellent.

Ointment based on wild rosemary and fat (or flax oil) is used for skin diseases, frostbite, bruises and insect bites. Patches with this plant are treated with abscesses, for example, with furunculosis.

Drops from rosemary treat a runny nose, and baths - diathesis.

Cough remedies from wild rosemary

Raw materials for decoctions and infusions can be either prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. It is worth noting that rosemary is quite inexpensive in a pharmacy. The price of a pack of grass is an average of 35 rubles.

For a cough infusion, take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour them with a glass of boiling water, and then heat them in a water bath for fifteen minutes. After you need to cool and squeeze the raw materials. If the volume of the resulting infusion is less than 200 ml, then boiled water must be added. You can store the medicine for two days and best of all in a cool place. Take an infusion of a quarter cup up to two or three times a day.

wild rosemary reviews
wild rosemary reviews

Another recipe involves using half a spoonful of rosemary herb and half a spoonful of coltsfoot. Pour the mixture with a glass of hot water, boil for five minutes, cool and strain. Take an infusion everytwo hours on a tablespoon. Ledum has medicinal properties and contraindications. They will be discussed below. In no case should you increase the dose of the decoction.

Other applications

Besides medicine, rosemary can help in the fight against bedbugs, moths and mice. In such a case as leather dressing, the grass will be useful because of the tannins it contains. It can be added during the brewing of beer to give a bitter taste and heady effect. The plant treats intestinal diseases in pigs, attracts bees to beehives, and also achieves decorativeness when creating compositions in landscape design.

Contraindications for use

The plant can also cause harm. It is important to understand that, along with excellent healing properties, wild rosemary has contraindications. We list the main ones.

wild rosemary contraindications
wild rosemary contraindications
  1. Excessive intake of drugs containing rosemary can lead to poisoning. It is expressed in an excited state. In a particularly severe case, depression of the nervous system can be observed. Some patients may feel very nervous and dizzy. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking rosemary infusion.
  2. Due to excess dosage, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines may occur. This contributes to the development of enterocolitis and gastritis.
  3. Ledum honey can also lead to poisoning.
  4. Use herbal preparations during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. It is forbidden to take wild rosemary for those who have not yetsixteen years old.

Application reviews

Unique properties appreciated by modern residents. People who have experienced the healing effects of the plant emphasize its healing power. Patients note the grass as one of the best remedies in the fight against cough. Other properties of the plant with the amazing name "ledum" did not go unnoticed. Reviews testify to the effectiveness of the use of herbs for allergies, osteochondrosis and other ailments.

wild rosemary price
wild rosemary price


Thus, wild rosemary, whose healing properties are very extensive, can be an effective panacea, an excellent drug for many diseases. But it should be used only under the strict supervision of a qualified doctor. After all, any, even the most effective medicine, can turn into a poison for the body.
