Do many people know that bees make honey? Of course, everyone knows this. But not everyone knows about other waste products of these insects. And among them there are many substances useful for human he alth. These are propolis, perga, bee royal jelly, larval or drone jelly, wax, zabrus, bee venom.
This article talks about propolis, one of the most valuable bee products, what diseases it can be used to fight, how it should be used, contraindications, and other important and interesting information on this topic.
What is propolis?
This is bee glue - a substance produced by bees to seal cracks in the hive and to maintain a special microclimate in it. Propolis is also used by bees to disinfect and polish combs before the queen lays eggs in them. There is another important function of propolis. When any animal enters the hive - whose corpse the bees are not able to throw out of their dwelling (most often these are small rodents or snakes) - propolisused by insects for mummification, which prevents the corpse from decomposing.
Chemical composition and properties
Propolis looks like a resinous substance. And by its origin (it still causes controversy in the scientific community) it is most likely a sticky substance that bees collect from tree buds.
According to another version, the chemical analysis of the composition of propolis allows us to conclude that it is the result of the first phase of pollen digestion by bees. This opinion is partly based on the fact that there are areas in which there are few or no woody plants, but only herbaceous ones. From this it is clear that the propolis collected in different regions differs in composition - after all, a lot depends on which plants the bee visits when collecting nectar.
Propolis contains many biologically active substances, including balms and vegetable resins, wax, essential oils, pollen, trace elements, vitamins, acids and alcohols.
Propolis is collected by scraping it from the walls of the hives using a special grid. During the season, a little is obtained from each hive - a maximum of 150 grams of the product.

Propolis melts quite easily, so some beekeepers use a water bath to purify the product and rid it of impurities. This process does not deprive propolis of its healing properties. Interestingly, even boiling it does not spoil it, this nuance should be taken into account when using bee glue.
Fresh propolis is plastic and easy tostretches in the fingers. With prolonged storage, this bee product hardens, sometimes crumbles and becomes like dark rosin.
Propolis is soluble in alcohol and gasoline, and also partially in vinegar and ammonia.
General readings
Pharmacologists are well aware of the properties of propolis as a medicine. In reviews of the therapeutic effects of this substance, it is most often called antimicrobial, antifungal, immunostimulating and, as a result, anti-inflammatory, as well as antioxidant. Since it is a vasodilator, the use of propolis in hypertension is fully justified. Bee glue is also used as a cardioprotective drug. Relatively recently, in the United States, conclusions were made about the antitumor properties of propolis.
Traditional medicine most often uses propolis as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent that slows down or stops the growth of pathogenic flora. It is no coincidence that among the people he received the name of a natural antibiotic. This bee product is well known as an anesthetic. In this regard, the propolis treatment of toothache has proven to be excellent.
Ointments for wound treatment, drops for eyes and ears, solutions for rinsing and ingestion are made from this product. Plates of whole propolis are applied to diseased bleeding gums. And in the old days, with tuberculosis, patients were even asked to breathe over ignited bee glue (G. Popov writes about this in his book Russian Folk Household Medicine, 1903).
Contraindications tothe use of all types of medicines from propolis are individual intolerance and the appearance of allergic reactions. With elevated body temperature, headaches of unknown origin and weakness, you should also not turn to propolis preparations. It is necessary to consult a doctor first.
A few more diseases in which you should either not be treated with propolis, or do it with extreme caution. These are eczema, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, urolithiasis, liver dysfunction, chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage.
How to use propolis correctly? The following is a description of the most common uses of this bee product for medicinal purposes.
How to use pure propolis
Before starting treatment with any propolis preparations, a person prone to allergic reactions should conduct a small test on himself. Place a small piece of propolis on the back of the palate. If within 15 minutes it does not cause you discomfort, then the use of, for example, candles will be painless.

One of the simplest methods of treating a number of diseases with this substance is chewing a small piece of propolis.
However, the answer to the question "Is it possible to use propolis inside?", The answer will always be negative. It is important to remember that propolis itself cannot be swallowed. According to its chemical composition, it is a complex substance consisting of heavy resins. When ingested in its pure form, this productmay impair liver and kidney function. When chewing, natural extraction occurs, and all the substances necessary for treatment are released and enter the body with saliva.
Indications for the use of pure propolis (chewing) are as follows:
- Toothache. Propolis as an "ambulance" is able to quickly help with acute pain, relieve swelling of the gums. After use, the remaining product is discarded.
- Periodontosis and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. With these problems of a dental nature, daily sucking and grinding of a small piece of propolis with the teeth is recommended. 10-15 minutes will be enough.
- Cold. With all kinds of colds and flu infections, especially in the early days of the disease, traditional medicine recommends keeping a piece of the product in your mouth. The longer the better. You can take it out of your mouth only when eating or falling asleep. The same is recommended to be done while in the focus of infection or when an influenza epidemic begins.
- Gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach walls and other inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract are also indications for the use of propolis, not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. The usual daily dose is 5 grams. It is suggested that it be divided into several (2-3) servings for a single dose (chewing).
An effective way to use propolis for the treatment of respiratory diseases, including the common cold and tuberculosis, is inhalation. The steps of the procedure are as follows:enamelware is placed 50 g of propolis, 40 g of wax and 300 ml of water.

This container is placed in a water bath and heated. Inhalation can be carried out up to 15 minutes once a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.
With this method, a piece of propolis of a suitable size is kneaded in the fingers until soft and superimposed on the place that bothers. It can be a bad tooth and even an area on the back with sciatica, osteochondrosis. You can also use this treatment option for skin lesions, such as fungal.
Propolis water - what is it?
Do not confuse tincture and infusion (in pharmacology). In short, an infusion is a water-based medicine, and a tincture is a medicine in which the product is infused with alcohol or an alcohol solution.
Water infusion of propolis (otherwise called water propolis) is suitable for those patients who for some reason cannot use alcohol-containing preparations. It is also usually prescribed for pregnant women and children. However, this product does not keep for a long time, and, of course, you are unlikely to buy it in a pharmacy.
There are several ways to make it. Here is one of them.
So, if you are sure that the propolis you have has been pre-cleared from impurities, skip this paragraph. If not, then clean up on your own. To do this, first put the pieces of propolis (or ball) in the freezer. Time interval - from 30 minutes to an hour (thansmaller pieces of the product, the less time required). After the expiration of the period, the bee glue is crushed (it is desirable to have a stone mortar with a pestle), poured with clean cold water and left for an hour at normal room temperature in a dark place. Then, the fraction that forms on the surface of the water is discarded, and what settles to the bottom is dried. This is the purified ingredient for the future water propolis.
Water for infusion is better to take bottled, specially purified. You can freeze the water in the freezer (leave it there overnight or for 8 hours, then defrost it) or pass it through a filter.
Next, 10 g of dry propolis is poured into a glass (190 ml) of clean water at a temperature of 50 degrees. Water must first be brought to a boil (but only once). The liquid prepared in this way in an enameled or ceramic container is placed in another container, a larger one, in a water bath. The temperature in the bowl with propolis should be maintained within 50-55 degrees for an hour. The future infusion must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. Then it is poured into a thermos and left for 48 hours, shaking from time to time. After that, you need to strain the contents of the thermos through gauze from several layers and pour into a hermetically sealed container. In this way, 5% aqueous propolis will be obtained. You can store it in a cold place for 30 days.
Indications for the use of water infusion
This drug is taken by mouth when:
To improve performance andemotional stability when the immune system is weakened due to overload

- To prevent and increase the body's resistance to colds of various origins.
- Gargling with water infusion relieves pain and disinfects the upper respiratory tract.
- The use of water infusion inside helps to fight helminth infections of the body.
- Since propolis promotes tissue regeneration, its external use is effective for any wounds and cuts, as well as for long-term non-healing, including fungal, skin lesions.
How to apply propolis to children? It would be better for little patients who have a cold, using the general technology of preparing aqueous propolis, mix it with chamomile infusion, and add a spoonful of honey to the drink before drinking.
The same recipe can be applied to all patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including infectious ones.
How to use propolis for sinusitis and colds? To do this, its water infusion is heated and inhaled. The procedure can be carried out 2 times a day for 10 minutes. After inhalation, you should take a teaspoon of a 5% propolis solution. In order to strengthen immunity, the infusion is usually drunk for no more than seven days. In general, with sinusitis, medicine most often recommends exactly the water infusion as a nasal rinse, since it does not burn the nasal mucosa, which is already inflamed.
How to apply propolis tincture on alcohol?
For medicinal purposes, alcohol solutions (tinctures) of propolis of different concentrations are used. Those that are used most often are mostly ten to thirty percent.
Alcohol tincture is quite convenient: it can be stored in a cool place for up to 3 years without losing its healing properties, and can be used in the manufacture of medicinal ointments. With undoubted convenience, one cannot ignore the unsafety of this drug - because it contains ethyl alcohol.
Propolis tincture is also used orally (naturally, only diluted in a drink - tea, water or milk). The dosage is usually given in drops. Take the tincture as directed by your doctor, either on an empty stomach or after a meal.

Indications are almost the same as in general for propolis. Tincture treats acute colds and respiratory diseases in the chronic phase. Gargle is prepared as follows: 15 ml of tincture is dissolved in 1/2 cup of warm water. Rinse should be 4 times a day for 4-5 days.
How to use propolis for sinusitis, if you only have a tincture? In this disease, 10 parts of saline solution (isotonic sodium chloride solution) is taken for one part of alcohol propolis. This mixture is used for washing the nose no more than 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
Propolis tincture will also help with inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach - it promotes healing of the mucous membrane, but nevertheless, treatment should be approached with extreme caution, realizing that it is too strongconcentration can damage the mucosa.
How to use propolis for gastritis? Usually, alcohol tincture is used to treat this disease, but not more than 30 drops. With low acidity, the medicine is drunk before meals, with high acidity - an hour after. To heal erosion, 20 drops are taken per glass of milk.
In acute and chronic inflammation of the ear (otitis), propolis tincture will also help: insert a swab dipped in medicine into the sore ear for 1-2 minutes. Or you can bury the tincture - no more than 2 drops in the ear 3 times a day.
Dilute propolis in alcohol is indicated for depression, insomnia, headaches, as it has a general calming effect on the body.
Tincture is used topically - for the healing of trophic ulcers, a number of skin diseases, nails. And also in the treatment of articular and diseases of the spine. But in any case, the treatment of each specific ailment with tincture must be discussed with the doctor.
There are general average data on how to apply propolis on alcohol. Depending on the type and course of the disease, drops are prescribed from 20 to 60 at a time. From one to three times a day with a maximum course of treatment of 30 days. But sometimes a five-day course is enough.
Propolis tincture cannot be recommended for children under 3 years of age. There is a general scheme according to which, at an older age, a dose not exceeding 1 drop per year of life and only once a day is usually advised. That is, a five-year-old baby, for example, can drink no more than five drops once a day.

It should be borne in mind that alcohol tincture, as well as propolis itself (and even any beekeeping product in general) can cause allergic reactions. Children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, can feel them especially acutely. Therefore, for children under 12 years old, it is still better to replace the tincture containing alcohol with water propolis. And of course, at the first sign of allergy (redness, skin rash, itching), as well as intolerance to the drug, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.
Propolis tincture is perfect for those who care about their appearance. For example, it helps well with hair loss, strengthening them and giving them a he althy look. Helps to get rid of dandruff. It is recommended to lubricate the hair with tincture after shampooing. True, it is better to use this method for a long time.
Propolis tincture for uterine myoma
How to apply? With uterine fibroids, not only drugs are effective, but also traditional medicine. In particular, propolis preparations can stop tumor growth, as they help restore and strengthen the body's immune defenses. They also normalize the endocrine background. Propolis, in addition, contains many phytoncides, which helps with inflammatory processes with the presence of benign tumors. True, the effectiveness of this bee product is noted only at the initial stage of the disease.
How exactly to use propolis tincture on alcohol for uterine myoma, doctors do not have a consensus. Some doctors give theirvotes for taking the tincture only in the form of drops, since the alcohol that is part of it can cause some harm to the uterine mucosa. Others argue that maximum benefit can only be achieved by inserting cotton swabs soaked in tincture deep into the vagina. Moreover, in parallel with this, the patient should additionally take 10 ml of tincture diluted in water, shortly before bedtime. The optimal duration of this method of treatment is ten days.
It is possible to moisten tampons in tincture of medicinal herbs and propolis before the introduction. For its preparation, 20 g of celandine, pine buds, yarrow, boron uterus and propolis are taken. All this is filled with pure medical alcohol (0.5 l). Infused in a dark place for about two weeks. Herbal tincture with propolis is also recommended to be taken orally - for 10 days, 1 tablespoon.
Candles with propolis
Candles with propolis can be used for the same purpose. How can you cook them at home?
Propolis (200 g) is crushed, after which 300 ml of medical alcohol is poured, slightly preheated over low heat. The container with the mixture is removed for 12 days in a dark place. Propolis tincture is recommended to shake well daily. After 12 days, the mixture is put on low heat and boiled until a homogeneous brown mass with the consistency of fresh honey is obtained. At the end, 50 ml of tea tree oil and 150 g of cocoa butter are added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and heated for another 25 minutes.
Mixes givecool at room temperature, after which oblong-shaped candles are formed from them. Suppositories should be stored in the refrigerator.

Suppositories with propolis are recommended to be inserted into the vagina twice a day. The duration of the course is set individually, but, as a rule, does not exceed ten days. If necessary, the course is repeated after a short break.
Doctors advise before starting such treatment to cleanse the intestines with an enema. To improve the absorption of medicinal substances, it is advisable to diversify your diet with fresh fruits or dried fruit compote.
Similar candles can also be purchased at the pharmacy.
Reviews of propolis preparations are most often positive. With proper use of this medicinal raw material, side effects and allergic reactions are rare.
The article describes how propolis can be used in the treatment of various diseases.