Drug "Tamsulosin": instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues

Drug "Tamsulosin": instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues
Drug "Tamsulosin": instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues

"Tamsulosin" is an antidysuric drug and is used as a symptomatic modulator of the urination process in urological diseases caused by non-malignant prostate cell neoplasms. The reaction mechanism is expressed in a gradual decrease in tension in the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, as well as in the relaxation of the bladder neck. In addition, there is a selective blocking of urethral alpha-1A-adrenergic receptors, resulting in a minimization of the consequences of obstruction - a natural consequence of the development of adenoma.

Pharmacological features of "Tamsulosin"

Absorption of the active ingredients of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract can reach 100%. It has been experimentally confirmed that the level of absorption increases when the capsules are taken immediately after a meal. The degree of assimilation is proportional to the time elapsed sincethe use of the drug (that is, there is a linear kinetics). The peak concentration of reagents in blood plasma is reached after six hours (at a single dosage of 400 mcg). However, this time period may vary depending on the age of the patient.

It is noted that with a course of five days, the concentration of components in the plasma increases by 60-70%. Tamsulosin hydrochloride enters metabolic processes quite slowly: absorption is accompanied by the formation of stable metabolites, which are highly selective for alpha-1A-adrenergic receptors.

Indications for use

The drug "Tamsulosin" instructions for use classify as a remedy for the treatment of benign hyperplasia, symptomatic (adenoma, dysuria, other diseases of the lower urinary tract).

tamsulosin instructions for use
tamsulosin instructions for use

Since clinical studies have not revealed any critical reactions when interacting with other substances of the specified pharmacological group, there are no restrictions regarding the use of "Tamsulosin" as an auxiliary catalyst for drug selective blocking of alpha-1a-adrenergic receptors.

Recommended dosage and usage

The absence of an antihypertensive effect is a characteristic feature of Tamsulosin. Instructions for use states that there is no need for dose selection as such - it is enough to take 400 mcg orallythe drug after breakfast (2 capsules / tablets weighing 200 mcg each or 1 capsule / tablet weighing 400 mcg). Moreover, this daily rate does not need to be adjusted, even if the patient has slight deviations in the functioning of the kidneys or liver. Nevertheless, the start of the therapeutic course should be preceded by an accurate diagnosis in order to exclude the possibility of prostate carcinoma. Also, rectal examinations are mandatory throughout the treatment.

tamsulosin hydrochloride
tamsulosin hydrochloride

Capsules and tablets "Tamsulosin" should not be chewed - violation of the shell may adversely affect the rate of release of active reagents. Immediately after taking the drug, it is recommended to drink water. It is strictly forbidden to use "Tamsulosin" in the supine position.

Existing restrictions and contraindications

The drug "Tamsulosin", the price of which, depending on the manufacturer and packaging format, ranges from 400-1700 rubles, is intended exclusively for men. Therefore, studies regarding its effect on the fetus during pregnancy have not been conducted. These tablets are prescription-only, i.e. the diagnosis of benign hyperplasia must be made during the examination (with a mandatory preliminary check for oncology).

tamsulosin instruction price
tamsulosin instruction price

Among the contraindications is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug "Tamsulosin" (the instructions for use contain a detailed list of allauxiliary reagents). It is highly undesirable to use this remedy for orthostatic hypotension and chronic kidney or liver diseases (in such cases, the attending physician is obliged to evaluate the potential benefit from the appointment of "Tamsulosin" and determine the extent of possible negative consequences of the therapeutic course).

With regular use, mild dizziness is acceptable, which is sometimes replaced by a fainting state. Drivers of vehicles and workers whose jobs involve the risk of injury should take extra care when using this substance.

Side effects

Like any other medicine, Tamsulosin also has side effects (the price of men's he alth is high, and allergic manifestations are insignificant, so it is not worth considering adverse reactions as a significant drawback).

In parallel with the healing effect, there may be:

  • headaches;
  • irritation of the skin;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • pelvic pain.

Sometimes "Tamsulosin", analogues of which are widely available on the market, causes insomnia in patients or, conversely, excessive sleepiness. In isolated cases - a temporary violation of the stool and a weakening of potency.

tamsulosin instruction
tamsulosin instruction

Overdose, its manifestations and neutralization

Symptom of an overdose resulting from the drug"Tamsulosin" (instructions for use warns about this), there may be pronounced acute arterial hypotension. And although the likelihood of such a scenario is extremely small, the algorithm for providing assistance is still compiled:

  • immediately place the patient in a horizontal position;
  • if necessary, carry out a set of measures aimed at normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system of the body;
  • check kidney function (connecting an artificial blood purification device is impractical, since the active substance binds perfectly to plasma protein compounds);
  • induce vomiting in the patient in order to stop further absorption of reagents (gastric lavage with the parallel use of laxatives is also relevant);
  • in the absence of dynamics of improvement in the condition, use medications that stimulate blood circulation.

Drug Interactions: Nature of Reactions

"Warfarin" and "Diclofenac" qualitatively affect the rate of excretion of the drug "Tamsulosin" from the body (the price of the drug is considerable, but the result is worth it). However, long-term observations regarding the joint use of these drugs in a hospital setting have not been carried out, which is why it is recommended to exercise increased caution. "Atenolol" and "Enalapril" do not interact with the specified substance, "Cimetidine" promotes an increase in the concentration of "Tamsulosin" in plasma, and "Furosemide" gives absolutelyopposite result.

tamsulosin instructions for use price
tamsulosin instructions for use price

The process of lowering blood pressure, provoked by taking the medication, can be enhanced by the parallel use of other alpha-1A-blockers or diuretics and anesthetics. The instruction for use (the price of the above funds is 500-1400 rubles) does not determine a significant effect on the pharmacological kinetics of the free fractions of "Diazepam" and "Chlormadinone" from the side of the drug "Tamsulosin".

Storage conditions and expiration date

On the storage conditions of the drug "Tamsulosin" the instruction reports the following:

  • safe temperature regime - 15-25 degrees Celsius;
  • optimum air humidity is 70%.

It is imperative that the substance be stored in its original original packaging (out of the reach of children, well protected from direct sunlight).

When all instructions are followed, the manufacturer guarantees that the therapeutic effect of "Tamsulosin" will not weaken within two years from the date of its release.

Analogues of the drug "Tamsulosin"

The list of "understudies" is represented by two groups of medicines. The first includes drugs that are often found, the second - rare trade names.

Public funds:

  • "Omnic" (original - Omnic), manufacturer - the Netherlands, release form - tablets / capsules of 10/30 pieces per pack, price range - 380-1700 rubles.
  • "Proflosin" (Proflosin), Germany, blisters of 30 capsules, estimated cost - 500 rubles.
  • "Sonizin" (Sonizin), country of origin - Romania, standard package of 10 or 30 capsules, average price - 450 rubles.

Other trade names for the drug "Tamsulosin" (analogues that are less common, or release forms have already been discontinued):

  • "Omsulosin" (Omsulosin), India, capsules of 0.4 mg (30 pcs.), The price ranges from 350 to 550 rubles.
  • "Tamsulosin-TEVA" (Tamsulosin-TEVA), a product of the company "Famar-Actavis", Greece, the form of packaging and the price is the same as in the previous case.
  • "Tamsulosin-Retard" ("doubler" with delayed release of components), production line established in Russia, 400 mcg tablets, cost about 300-360 rubles.

"Tamsulosin": reviews of doctors and patients

Therapeutic therapy using this drug is usually successful and is expressed in the regression of manifestations characteristic of non-malignant neoplasms of the prostate.

tamsulosin reviews
tamsulosin reviews

Approximately after 90 days, the symptoms are reduced by 2 times, and the first noticeable changes are already observed on the 14-21st day. At the end of the course, the symptom index drops by 75% (compared to the starting stage), which is certainly an acceptable result.

tamsulosin analogues
tamsulosin analogues

Excellent tolerance of the drug "Tamsulosin" (instruction, price andthe most common generics are presented above) makes it very convenient to use when prescribing treatment to patients. However, to achieve the maximum effect of the potential of the substance is not enough, therefore, parallel therapy using other methods and pharmaceutical products is recommended.
