Kakalia spear-shaped is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. It has horizontal rhizomes, and the stem reaches a height of 150 cm. It is straight, simple, almost naked.
Leaves are three-lobed, broadly spear-shaped, with sharp-toothed edges. During flowering, cream flowers appear on the plant, collected in paniculate inflorescences. And then the fruits ripen - naked achenes with a characteristic tuft. Flowering occurs in July-August.
Kakalia spear grows on the banks of rivers, in rare mixed and coniferous forests, in ravines. Grass can be found in the forest-steppe and forest zone.

Medical applications
Grass is used only in traditional medicine. Not used traditionally. And, of course, it is not listed in the State Register of Medicines.
Recently, scientists are increasingly tryingintroduce into medical practice herbal remedies with pronounced pharmacological properties. There is an active study of the composition of plants, activity, the type of impact is being determined.
Thus, after a series of experiments on the spear-shaped cacao, scientists were able to establish that the plant has a laxative, antispasmodic, wound-healing effect. In folk medicine, the plant has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of diseases.
Useful properties of kakali spear-shaped are due to the composition of the plant. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, alkaloids, tannins. The plant also contains tartaric acid, hastacin, and many useful trace elements.
After a series of experiments, scientists were able to establish that the plant has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, due to the constituent hastacin. And ascorbic acid and carotene, in turn, have a wound healing effect.

What heals
Kakalia spear helps to cope with the following ailments:
- Bruises, calluses, bleeding wounds.
- Purulent skin diseases.
- Arthritis.
- Applied for diseases of the respiratory system, including bronchitis.
- Rash.
- Used as a remedy for ulcers.
- Helps get rid of sciatica.
- Used as an antispasmodic, laxative drug.
Also, the herb helps to normalize urination, relieves infectious diseases.
Different peoples of the world usekakalia spear-shaped for the treatment of various ailments. So, in Tibetan medicine, the plant is used to stop bleeding and as a wound healing agent. And Mongolian healers use grass to fight liver pathologies.
Fresh leaves are used to stop bleeding from calluses. They treat boils, purulent wounds. The beneficial properties of the herb help to cope with dysbacteriosis, staphylococcal infection, abscesses, hemorrhoids. The unique healing properties of kakali spear help to cope with dysbacteriosis.
Plant scientists
Scientists are constantly studying the effects of different plants on the body, revealing beneficial properties and harm. During the experiments, they managed to establish the healing properties of kakali spear.
It has been proven that the main active ingredient in the plant is chastacin. It determines the main effect of funds from cocoa on the body. So, in the stage of proliferation, the use of infusions and decoctions helps to speed up recovery. An ointment prepared with a plant allows you to speed up wound healing by 5%. Moreover, the effect of cocoa liniment is several times higher than that of methyluracil ointment.
Scientists recognize that this plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, a stimulating effect on tissue regeneration, and also has a highly effective antimicrobial effect.
After all the discoveries, scientists began to talk about further study of the beneficial properties of the plant, up to the use of drugs in the clinic. But this is only in perspective.

Cure diseases
Before you start treatment, you need to know what beneficial properties and contraindications kakalia spear-shaped has and how it is used in traditional medicine.
Kokalia can be used not only dried, but also fresh. In this case, it is used as a wound healing agent for external use. For this purpose, the leaves of the plant are taken, crushed and applied to the damaged area of the skin.
You can make an alcohol tincture from fresh leaves. To cook it, you need to twist them in a meat grinder, put the resulting mass in a container and pour alcohol so that the gruel disappears under the liquid.
The composition is infused for a week, and then, without filtering, it is placed in the refrigerator. It can be stored there for up to a year. Alcohol tincture is used externally to treat all types of wounds, as well as a remedy for purulent infections.
Alcohol tincture of cocoa has a better effect than iodine and calendula. It is applied as follows: gauze is applied to the wound, and then, on top of it, gruel.
Treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers
Stomach and duodenal ulcers can be cured by taking a tincture of fresh cacao leaves. For its preparation, one hundred grams of vodka and a spoonful of gruel, made according to the above mentioned principle, are taken. The composition is allowed to brew for a couple of days, then filtered. Take a spoon three times a day.

Application of dry raw materials
For the treatment of diseases of the stomach and bladder, usethe following remedy: pour a spoonful of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water. The composition is allowed to brew for an hour, and then filtered. Fifty grams are taken up to four times a day.
A decoction is prepared from the roots of the plant, which is used as a laxative. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of pre-chopped roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Then the composition is boiled for five minutes. After that, the tool is allowed to brew for a couple of hours. Take after straining twice a day for half a glass.

After looking at the photo of the spear-shaped cacao, you can harvest raw materials yourself. All parts of this plant are useful - both aboveground and roots.
The leaves are harvested during the flowering period, which lasts from July to the end of August. It is recommended to cut the grass on a sunny day. The workpiece is dried in the shade under a canopy. Or in a well-ventilated area.
Harvesting of roots is carried out from the beginning of September until the end of autumn. At this time, many useful substances accumulate in them.
The roots are dug up and washed well. Then they are cut into pieces and dried in the same way as the leaves.
Storage of harvested raw materials should be no more than a year.

Where it grows
Kakalia is found throughout the European and Asian territory of the Russian Federation. There is also grass in the Far East and Siberia. The plant grows in mountain forests, in the steppes, along the banks of ravines, rivers, onmeadows.
The plant is found in Eastern Europe, Asia, Korea, northern Japan, China.