Today, herbology identifies many medicinal plants that are used in folk medicine to treat hemorrhoids, but chamomile is considered the most effective among them. Yes, and modern medicine recognizes the enormous benefits of this plant and uses it to combat a wide variety of diseases. This is due to the fact that the flower has a huge number of useful properties and contains many minerals and useful substances necessary for the human body. Let's try to figure out how chamomile can be used for hemorrhoids at home and find out the most effective recipes that are highly effective in this insidious disease.
Useful properties, composition and methods of application

Let's take a closer look at this. Despite the fact that doctors are very skeptical of traditional medicine, they nevertheless recognize the treatment of hemorrhoids with chamomile. Decoctions prepared on the basis of this plant,are absolutely safe and have no effect on the human body, so they can be used even by women who are carrying a child or are breastfeeding.
The plant contains the following components:
- acids: oleic, octadecanoic, hexadecanoic;
- micronutrients: copper, potassium, zinc, selenium;
- azulene is a natural substance that relieves inflammation well and activates regenerative functions.
Due to its rich chemical composition, the discussed plant helps to stop bleeding and accelerate wound healing, relieves pain, and also disinfects and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, chamomile for hemorrhoids helps to dry the anus and heal microcracks, so that the patient experiences significant relief.
The plant is well suited for the following treatments:
- anus washing;
- microclysters;
- healing baths;
- lotions and compresses.
Also, this flower is used to make candles designed to fight hemorrhoids. In addition, it can be used to prepare decoctions and infusions, as well as brew tea.
Chamomile decoctions

So, what is their use? In the early stages of hemorrhoids, doctors advise brewing tea from chamomile petals, which not only has a unique taste, but also eliminatessymptomatology of the disease, making it less pronounced. It perfectly tones the body, relieves inflammation, helps cleanse the intestines, relieves pain and eliminates gas formation.
Chamomile decoction is also very effective for hemorrhoids. You can prepare it in the following ways:
- Four tablespoons of the dried plant are poured into two glasses of water and brought to a boil. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve to remove debris, and placed in the refrigerator for storage.
- Take a glass of raw materials, pour three liters of boiling water and leave for several hours to infuse the product. Then, it is cooled and filtered. If the broth is too steep, then it can be diluted with boiled water before drinking.
- Pour two cups of flowers into a deep saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. At the same time, it is important that the heat treatment is carried out for no more than two minutes, otherwise the plant will lose all its healing properties.
You can drink chamomile with hemorrhoids together with other medicinal plants. For example, sage, oak bark, marigold, St. John's wort and common yarrow would be a good option. If you add any of these cultures to the decoction, then its healing properties will increase many times over.
Preparing tincture of hemorrhoids based on chamomile

What are its benefits? Alcohol-containing products in the dosage form are best used immediately aftercooking once it has cooled to a comfortable temperature. The maximum time for which they are allowed to be stored is only 24 hours. Further, almost all healing properties disappear.
For hemorrhoids, chamomile infusion must be prepared from high quality raw materials. You can buy it at almost any pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The latter option is preferable, since in this case the flower will retain more nutrients. To do this, you need to collect chamomile flowers and dry them for one week in a place protected from light.
To prepare the infusion you need:
- Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water.
- Let the broth cool slightly, then strain well.
- Further, the product is diluted with alcohol or regular vodka and taken twice a day before meals.
This tincture is suitable for oral use. It is forbidden to use it for performing enemas and washings.
Healing baths
So what are they? Chamomile baths for hemorrhoids are very effective at any stage of the course of the disease, but they are best performed in mild forms of the disease, because, as mentioned earlier, this plant relieves inflammation, stops bleeding and promotes wound healing. If you start doing them on time, then no medical treatment will be required, since the disease will recede by itself.
As in the case of decoctions, to increase the therapeutic effect of the procedure togetherwith chamomile, you can add the following plants:
- sage;
- oak bark;
- thyme;
- esculus.
It is worth noting that the baths can be different. Doctors identify five main types:
- hot;
- warm;
- cold;
- steam;
- smoke.
Each of them has certain characteristics and has a different effect. Let's take a closer look at each of them and find out how to make a chamomile bath for hemorrhoids in order to quickly and without any problems defeat this dangerous disease.
Hot baths
These procedures allow you to quickly remove inflammation and swelling. Effective for any form of hemorrhoids, but best of all help in its early stages. To perform the procedure, you will need three liters of chamomile decoction, which is diluted with water, preheated to 40 degrees, until the required volume is obtained. The duration of the procedure should be at least 20 minutes. The course of therapy is 12 days, after which a week break is taken and the treatment is repeated again.
Warm baths

What makes them special? These baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids are used if the patient has open bleeding in the anus. They are aimed at strengthening the walls of the blood vessels of the anus, giving them elasticity and toning. In addition, chamomile acts as an excellent natural antiseptic, depressing effect on harmful microorganisms, whichpositively affects the patient's condition and speeds up the process of his recovery.
To prepare a warm bath, water, the temperature of which must correspond to that of a human body, must be boiled. The procedure is performed for 10 minutes twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10 days. After taking a bath, you do not need to wipe the perineum. It is worth blotting it a little with a paper towel, after which the anus is treated with any ointment that has a calming effect, which contains aloe.
Cold baths
Cool water, approximately 20 degrees, perfectly relieves pain, stops inflammation and bleeding in the anus, and relieves swelling. This type of bath is prescribed for the severe stage of hemorrhoids, which occurs in an acute form. The procedure helps especially well if a weak solution of potassium permanganate is added to chamomile broth.
Besides this, it is also good to combine the following plants with medicinal flower:
- oak bark - dries the anus and promotes the healing of microcracks;
- sage or St. John's wort - increases the healing effect of chamomile on the body.
Take baths daily for 7 minutes. The course of therapy continues until the bleeding completely disappears. Next, it is recommended to switch to warm baths.
Steam baths

What are they? Chamomile for hemorrhoidsbe used not only for the preparation of decoctions and infusions, as well as for taking healing baths, but also for steam treatment. This method of therapy relieves pain much better than many drugs. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to pour a hot decoction of chamomile into a metal bucket and sit on top of it. You need to steam no more than 10 minutes. The course of such treatment should be 14 days, and the daily number of procedures is three.
Smoke baths
To perform these procedures, essential oils of plants such as chamomile, sage and St. John's wort are used. You can also add oak bark powder to them. The drug is poured into a deep container, for example, into a zinc bucket, after which a red-hot brick is placed in it. The patient should sit on top of the bucket and wrap himself up a little so that the precious vapors do not come out too quickly. As in the case of other types of baths, the duration of one procedure should not exceed 10 minutes, and at the end of it, the person must wrap himself in warm clothes.
Compresses and lotions
One of the best remedies is chamomile. With hemorrhoids, lotions based on it have an almost magical effect and allow you to quickly cope with the disease. At the same time, the procedures are very simple, so they do not take much effort and time. However, they are excellent for external hemorrhoidal bumps, microfissures and knots.
To prepare the lotion, you must first grind the grass, pour it with a small amount of boiling water until a homogeneous mushy mass is obtained, and insistfor approximately five minutes. Further, the resulting consistency is wrapped in sterile gauze or bandage and applied to the affected areas of the anus for 10-15 minutes.
Chamomile for hemorrhoids can also be used to prepare compresses. They are highly effective in the fight against this disease, so they are very often recommended by many doctors to their patients.
To prepare the dressing you will need the following:
- 2 tbsp. l. flowers pour one glass of boiling water, let it brew for two hours, then strain;
- moisten a piece of gauze, rolled up in several layers, in a decoction and apply to the inflamed area of the anus. Repeat this procedure twice.
With hemorrhoids, chamomile should be kept on the inflamed area for no more than twenty minutes. You need to apply a compress every morning and before you go for a night's rest. You should also remember that the product is only suitable for use for the first 6 hours after preparation when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Further, it loses all its medicinal properties.
Enema with healing herbs

This issue should be given special attention. Chamomile micro enema for hemorrhoids is another powerful weapon in your arsenal in the fight against this unpleasant disease. In the later stages of the disease, when the inflammatory process has affected large areas of the soft tissues of the anus and the intestinal mucosa, and bumps and nodules are already pronounced, put compresses and usehealing ointments becomes impossible. In this case, microenemas are the only solution.
They have the following effect:
- activate regenerative processes and accelerate the healing process of wounds;
- disinfect and suppress pathogens;
- promote bowel cleansing;
- dry the affected area;
- relieve pain, itching and burning.
Despite its high efficiency, microclyster with chamomile is contraindicated for hemorrhoids:
- in violation of the intestinal microflora;
- in the late stages of hemorrhoids;
- open bleeding;
- presence of allergic reactions to the component;
- formation of blood clots in hemorrhoidal bumps.
Don't ignore these restrictions. To avoid the many dangerous consequences that an enema with chamomile can cause for hemorrhoids, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialized specialist. If he approves of this procedure, then it will be possible to use it to combat the disease.
Microclysters are performed as follows:
- chamomile decoction is being prepared according to the method described earlier;
- heated in a water bath for about 10 minutes;
- is drawn into a microclyster, the tip of which is smeared with Vaseline or baby cream;
- anus thoroughly washed and dried;
- a man lies on his side, bending his legs under him;
- syringe is gently inserted into the posterior perineum and slowly insertedmedicine.
Active ingredients are quickly absorbed by the intestines and after a short period of time the patient feels relief. It is worth noting that it is forbidden to perform enema more than 10 times a day. Also, to increase the effectiveness of therapy, chamomile is recommended to be alternated with a decoction of sage and St. John's wort.
Reviews of patients

This article details how to treat hemorrhoids with chamomile. According to people suffering from this disease, this medicinal herb is really very good at helping to cope with pain, relieve inflammation and swelling, stop bleeding, and also speed up the healing process of wounds. Especially the flower helps excellently in the early stages of the disease, when hemorrhoids have not yet formed. In this case, the disease can be overcome at home without going to the hospital for qualified medical assistance.
But even if hemorrhoids do not cause you great inconvenience, you should not forget that self-treatment can be dangerous. Before taking any action, it is best to first be examined by a proctologist, who will select the most optimal treatment program.