Infantile personality disorder: symptoms, signs and treatment

Infantile personality disorder: symptoms, signs and treatment
Infantile personality disorder: symptoms, signs and treatment

Any personality disorder includes a system of characteristics that violate the generally accepted behavioral standards of society. The patient in any scenario experiences a negative attitude of society, resulting in problems with adaptation. Such disorders are difficult to treat, since the individual transfers the blame to his environment, which does not perceive him, and does not feel the need for medical assistance. There are several types of personality disorders. This article will focus on infantile disorder.

Why does ?

Infantile personality disorder according to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) belongs to the section "Other specific personality disorders" (F60.8). One of the most common factors in the occurrence of the disease is considered to be heredity. In addition to havingancestors with mental pathologies, alcoholic parents can also be attributed to the reasons: sick children are most often born in such a family.

Uncontrolled anger and aggressiveness can provoke hormonal imbalances. Often the cause of a tendency to depressive states is insufficient production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin.

infantile personality disorder treatment
infantile personality disorder treatment

Some symptoms in children can be explained by inappropriate developmental conditions. For example, hyperactivity is a consequence of lack of space, stiffness of movement. Emotionally unstable parents or other people who are constantly near the child cause concern. But a balanced atmosphere in the family helps to reduce the severity of symptoms of disorders.

Signs of infantile personality disorder

The mind of a patient with this mental illness is extremely immature. He does not adapt to stressful situations: like a child, a person diagnosed with "infantile personality disorder" is not able to plan, confused and shy.

Disease can be detected already in adolescence. Constant changes in hormonal levels in adolescents often provoke emotional jumps. There are difficulties in identifying an infantile disorder in children with some mental disorders, which can be taken as a rationale for making this diagnosis. It should be understood that it is optimal to put it when a person is already 16 years old.

With age, symptoms become moreexpressed. The disorder manifests itself in the fact that the patient cannot control any emotions: joy, fear, anger, anxiety.

infantile personality disorder symptoms
infantile personality disorder symptoms

Living in an imaginary world, a person with infantile personality disorder cannot cope with harsh realities. Encountering difficulties causes panic in such people. In addition, they are easily excitable, emotional, panicky and avoid responsibility, they often experience mood swings.

This kind of pathological manifestations are not included in the acceptable norm, so do not confuse the disorder with pronounced character traits (accentuation) that are on the borderline of the norm. The difference is that a person with an accent has no problem adjusting.

Types of infantile disorders

Depending on the symptoms and emotional state of the patient, 4 types of infantile disorders can be distinguished:

  • Borderline represents extreme mood swings. The disease persists most often after puberty.
  • Antisocial disorder includes a complete reluctance to interact with society, make partnerships and friendships.
  • Narcissistic disorder is an unhe althy, uncontrollable propensity for power, authoritarianism.
  • Theatrical disorder is expressed in envy, the desire to manipulate, attract attention through eccentric, overly emotional behavior.
  • infantile personality disorder mcd 10
    infantile personality disorder mcd 10

Should a patient with infantile disorder serve in the military?

Due to constant nervous tension, patients with infantile personality disorder are not allowed into the army. The same applies to any service in military conditions, work in law enforcement agencies.

General patterns of treatment

Treatment of infantile personality disorder is usually difficult. The complexity of treatment can be explained by the fact that psychotherapists most often have to work with people who have an advanced stage of the disease with pronounced symptoms. The success of therapy also largely depends on high-quality diagnostics.

Most often, specialists carry out treatment with psychotherapeutic methods. When symptoms of other abnormalities are added to infantile personality disorder, specialists treat with medications.

Treatment of borderline infantile disorder

anger and aggression
anger and aggression

Treatment for this type of disorder often involves a flexible plan that combines different techniques. The following methods can be used:

  1. Cognitive behavioral therapy (aimed at eradicating negative thought patterns from the mind of the patient).
  2. Dialectical behavioral therapy (develops coping skills).
  3. Cognitive - based on awareness (prevention of relapse by addressing the mind and thinking of the patient).
  4. Group therapy.
  5. Searching for a point in the patient's visual field, eye contact with which will lead to improvementstate (Brainspotting).

Treatment for infantile theatrical disorder

The most effective method in dealing with this problem is group therapy. Communication with the team helps to build the atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding necessary for treatment. Other methods are used in combination with group therapy:

  1. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.
  2. Yoga and meditation.
  3. Psychotherapy based on social interaction.
  4. Brainspotting.

Treatment for narcissistic-type infantile disorder

Therapy largely depends on whether the patient is aware of the problem and is ready to deal with it. Psychotherapists most commonly use:

  1. Cognitive behavioral therapy;
  2. Dialectical behavioral.
  3. Group therapy.
  4. narcissistic disorder
    narcissistic disorder

Treatment for antisocial infantile disorder

Antisocial disorder is difficult to treat. Often doctors use psychotherapy, but this method is rarely effective. He is powerless if the symptoms of the disease are severe or the patient is unwilling to admit that he has serious problems. It is often possible to diagnose a disease only by finding out the patient's relationship with loved ones.

There are no specific drugs to treat antisocial disorder. Psychotherapists prescribe drugs only to relieve certain symptoms, such as aggression, anxiety, or depression.

Antisocialpersonality disorder in most cases brings a lot of suffering to people around. To overcome aggression and protect against violence and anger, there are support groups for families and friends of people with antisocial disorder. If you have a loved one with this personality disorder, it is very important that you also get psychological help.

antisocial disorder
antisocial disorder

Until now, the diagnosis of infantile personality disorders is extremely difficult, since it is impossible to bring all patients under one pattern of disease development. The most important thing in treatment is to find a qualified doctor who can create an individual treatment plan that takes into account all the features of the course of the disease.
