Often, for various diseases, the doctor prescribes a blood test for the TSH hormone. This is the abbreviated name of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which ensures the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland. Deviations from the norm can cause various malfunctions in the body. What is TSH analysis and what this hormone is responsible for, we will analyze below.
What is TSH
TSH is a hormone synthesized by the pituitary gland and controls the human endocrine system. It affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, in which the production of thyroid hormones - T4 and T3. They are responsible not only for metabolic processes, but also affect the proper functioning of body systems. TSH together with thyroid hormones interact with each other. If the level of T4 and T3 is reduced in the body, the pituitary gland begins to increase the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone to normalize the thyroid gland. Conversely, if T3 and T4 are produced in large quantities, TSH levels decrease. This allows you to maintain a normal metabolism and ensures the stability of the hormonal background. If certain diseases are suspected, TSH analysis is prescribed in conjunction with the determination of thyroid hormones.
What is TSH responsible for
TSH affects the production of thyroid hormones and affects the entire body, taking part in the following processes:
- glucose production;
- maintaining heat exchange;
- complete protein production;
- RBC production;
- activate metabolism;
- ovum maturation;
- cell oxygen uptake;
- supports the respiratory system;
- takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids and phospholipids.
Also, interacting with thyroid hormones, thyroid-stimulating hormone provides processes such as:
- work of the cardiovascular system;
- mental activity;
- oxygen exchange;
- motor activity;
- mental state;
- functioning of the digestive system;
- sexual sphere.
Indications for testing for hormone levels

TSH is responsible for many processes that occur in the body. Therefore, an analysis of its level in the blood is prescribed primarily for many diseases. This is especially true for women, because these hormones have a direct impact on reproductive function.
An analysis of thyroid hormones is prescribed for the followingpathological conditions:
- infertility;
- amenorrhea;
- cycle breaking;
- hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism;
- depressive states;
- enlarged thyroid gland;
- baldness;
- failures in the work of the cardiovascular system;
- unreasonable decrease in body temperature;
- early sexual development or lag in it;
- pregnancy with thyroid pathologies;
- goiter;
- decrease in libido;
- in children - with developmental delays and poor weight gain.
If thyroid disease is suspected, such tests are the most informative diagnostic method.

When analyzing TSH, the norms will differ depending on age. The maximum values are diagnosed in newborns - this is important during the formation of the nervous system. With age, the norms of indicators decrease. It is also worth noting that men have slightly higher normal values than women.
Age | TSH norm, honey/l |
Newborns in the first 2 weeks of life | 0, 7-11 |
Up to 10 weeks after birth | 0, 6-10 |
2, 5-14 months from birth | 0, 4-7 |
From 1.5 to 5 years | 0, 4-6 |
From 5 to 14 years old | 0, 4-5 |
After 14 years | 0, 4-4 |
Pregnant | 0, 2-3, 6 |
After 50 years | 0, 27-4 |
Men | 0, 4-5 |
When testing blood for TSH, the norm of indicators may have slight differences depending on the laboratory. Hormone levels can fluctuate throughout the day, peaking at night. An accurate interpretation of the TSH analysis should be carried out by the attending physician.
Since TSH along with thyroid hormones are interconnected with each other, very often an analysis for their level in the blood is prescribed at the same time. Consider some decoding indicators:
- TTH is low, T3 and T4 are normal. This situation may be normal during pregnancy or indicate the manifestation of subclinical hyperthyroidism (when the disease has begun to develop, but the symptoms are not yet expressed).
- TSH is low, T4 and T3 are elevated - as a rule, this is how thyrotoxicosis manifests itself.
- TSH, T4 and T3 are lowered - violations of the relationship between the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.
Preparing for analysis
Since the hormone is quite sensitive to the influence of external factors, in order to obtain the most accurate values, you need to know how to take an analysis of TSH:
- Blood donated on an empty stomach. If for some reason the doctor prescribes an analysis not in the morning, then this should be done no earlier than 4-5 hours after eating.
- It is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy, fatty, s alty foods.
- It is not recommended to smoke and drink alcohol during the day.
- Try not to be nervous.
- Do not acceptmedications. If this is not possible, the laboratory assistant should be notified.
Reasons for elevated values

If the results of the analysis show an increase in the level of TSH in the blood, this may indicate the risk of developing diseases such as:
- hypothyroidism;
- lack of iodine in the body;
- inflammatory processes of the thyroid gland;
- autoimmune diseases;
- thyroid injury;
- malignant thyroid tumor;
- insufficient adrenal function;
- thyroiditis;
- endemic goiter;
- Hypothalamus hyperfunction;
- insensitivity to thyroid hormones;
- pituitary tumors;
- hyperprolactinemia;
- physical activity;
- high stress;
- complications of SARS and influenza.
Also, elevated values of a blood test for TSH can provoke the use of medications. These include the following drug categories:
- hormonal ("Prednisone", "Methimazole");
- antiemetic ("Motilium");
- neuroleptics ("Perazin", "Clopentixol");
- anticonvulsants ("Benserazide");
- cardiovascular ("Lovastatin");
- diuretic ("Furasemide");
- antibiotics ("Rifampicin") and others.
Symptoms of increased hormone
Elevated TSH often occurs when there is insufficientthyroid gland, in connection with this, the symptoms will be similar to hypothyroidism.
A person may be disturbed by the following conditions:
- weight gain;
- swelling of limbs, eyes, lips;
- chills and a feeling of chilliness even in a warm room (this is often associated with metabolic disorders);
- hearing loss;
- disturbances of the nervous system, which are accompanied by depression, apathy, lethargy;
- bradycardia;
- shortness of breath;
- brittle hair and nails;
- vision deterioration;
- menstrual irregularities - cycle failures, lack of ovulation, scanty or heavy discharge;
- disorders of the digestive system, resulting in constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
- mastopathy may occur;
- lack of sex drive.
It happens that a slight increase is asymptomatic.
Treatment for elevated TSH

With high TSH levels, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Therapy should be prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis, based on the results of the tests. In most cases, hormonal preparations are used that contain synthetic thyroxine - "L-thyroxine", "Eutiroks" and others. It is noteworthy that in the past, dried animal thyroids were used to treat elevated TSH.
Synthetic analogue is available in the form of tablets of different dosages, which is selected individually by the doctor. He hasconstant activity and predictable composition.
When treating hormones, there are certain rules that must be followed in order to achieve maximum effect and not harm your body. These include the following:
- hormonal medicine should be started with small doses, gradually increasing the dosage;
- during the course of treatment, the level of the hormone in the blood must be monitored;
- dosage is selected by the doctor individually;
- treatment should be stopped when indicators return to normal.

Besides medications, there are certain herbs that can help normalize TSH levels. They are used in the form of infusions, alternating every month. Such herbs include chamomile, St. John's wort, wild rose, chicory. Taking herbal teas along with medications will speed up the process of hormonal regulation.
If autoimmune processes in the body have been diagnosed, as well as in genetic diseases that destroy thyroid tissue, lifelong use of drugs can be prescribed.
Reason for low values
Despite the fact that low TSH results are not as common as high ones, they can also be a sign of the development of dangerous diseases. A decrease in hormone levels can cause conditions such as:
- toxic goiter;
- injury to the pituitary gland;
- hyperthyroidism;
- thyrotoxicosis of pregnant women;
- Plummer's disease;
- for tumorsthyroid gland analysis TSH also shows low values;
- disorders of the hypothalamus;
- malignant tumors;
- decrease in pituitary function;
- trauma, inflammation and brain tumors;
- strong stress and anxiety.
Drugs that lower TSH levels include:
- hormonal - corticosteroids, "Dopamine" and others;
- anticonvulsants ("Carbamazepine");
- drugs for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia;
- Incorrect dosage of drugs prescribed for the treatment of hypothyroidism.
Symptoms of low TSH levels

Symptoms of a decrease in the hormone coincides with the signs of thyrotoxicosis. Often a person leaves these signs unattended, which can lead to further development of diseases.
The patient may be disturbed:
- apathy, drowsiness;
- drastic weight loss;
- sweating and fever with no visible signs of infectious disease;
- frequent stool;
- bulging eyes;
- muscle weakness;
- tachycardia, which if left untreated can progress to heart failure;
- goiter is well visualized;
- mental disorders - irritability, mood swings, panic attacks, obsessions.
Treatment for low TSH
In the treatment of low values, it is necessary to conduct additional examinations to determine the cause of this pathology. Analyzes are prescribedhormones, ultrasound and other diagnostic methods. Based on the results of these studies, individual treatment is determined. If nodular goiter is diagnosed, radioiodine therapy may be indicated, and B-blockers are used for Graves' disease.
In a situation of lowering the hormone, herbal teas are sometimes prescribed. Mountain ash, seaweed powder, cocklebur, nettle, eleutherococcus and others help very well. It is very important to consult your doctor before taking herbal preparations, as in some cases their use can aggravate the course of the disease.
TSH during pregnancy

When pregnant, you need to carefully monitor your he alth. Especially for the state of the hormonal background, since violations of the endocrine system can provoke serious deviations in the development of the child and complication of pregnancy. A low level of TSH is more dangerous than an elevated one, as it can cause malformations in the child and the threat of miscarriage. If hormonal disorders are suspected, the doctor directs TSH and thyroid hormones for analysis already in the first weeks of gestation. At this time, the fetus is completely dependent on the hormonal background of the mother.
Any deviations from the norm require a more thorough examination and the appointment of appropriate medicines. Therapy is determined by the attending physician.
Hormonal imbalances can lead to irreversible consequences. But you need to remember that at the initial stage they are quite easy to adjust. The TSH hormone, together with thyroid hormones, is able toaffect the functioning of many organs and systems, so their blood levels should be monitored systematically. It is recommended not to neglect planned examinations and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Self-prescription of hormonal drugs, which in most cases are used to adjust the hormonal background, is unacceptable. It is important to remember that in order to draw up an optimal treatment plan, you need to know the exact cause of the hormonal imbalance, and this requires the results of many tests that only a doctor can correctly interpret.