Spanish moss: medicinal properties, uses, contraindications

Spanish moss: medicinal properties, uses, contraindications
Spanish moss: medicinal properties, uses, contraindications

Spanish moss is a common lichen belonging to the Bromeliad family. It contains a lot of useful components, due to which this plant has long been used to treat people. It can be found in pine forests and in the tropics.

Origin story

spanish moss
spanish moss

The birthplace of this plant is not Spain at all. Spanish moss (photo in the article) came to Europe from South and Central America. It got its name from the thick beard of the Spanish colonizers. The Indians of America, who never wore beards, were amazed to see the long growth on the face of the Spaniards. They immediately associated it with long moss falling in soft waves growing on trees.

There is also a beautiful Indian legend associated with this plant. According to legend, Spanish moss is nothing more than the hair of a beautiful girl. After her death, the inconsolable groom cut off the long black braids of his beloved and hung them on the trees. Over time, the hair turned gray and turned into moss. It is noteworthy that in the USA, in the homeland of this plant, Spanishbearded moss is called Louisiana moss.

Appearance description

plant stems
plant stems

It has thin thread-like stems with small thorn-like leaves. They are completely covered with scales, which are used to feed the plant. As the old stems grow, they gradually die off. They form long whitish tatters resembling gray beards. Outwardly, this plant looks unusual and bewitching. With its roots, it is attached to tree trunks, from which it receives part of its nutrition. The most favorite trees are cypress and oak.

These plants reproduce mainly vegetatively, although they form seeds that are in boxes. With the help of Tillandsia (the so-called Spanish moss) on trees, you can make beautiful compositions in the garden or in the home greenhouse. It's not that hard to grow it. He loves regular watering and spraying. And this plant is bathed in the bathroom no more than once every seven days. It is propagated by side shoots or seeds. In winter, this plant is dormant.

It is often affected by fungus or aphids. But in general, this plant can be considered resistant to diseases. Spanish moss is an excellent stuffing material for pillows or mattresses. And the dry stems of this plant have always been stuffed with Voodoo dolls.

Chemical composition

Plant features
Plant features

This amazing plant contains the following substances:

  • Vitamins representing group B: B1 and B12.
  • Quite a large amount of vitamins-antioxidants - A and C.
  • Acids inherent in all lichens: protolichesteric, usnic and lichesteric.
  • Cetrarin is about three percent of the total mass. This element has medicinal properties, thanks to which tillandsia has been used in folk medicine for a long time.
  • This plant also contains such an important trace element as iodine, thanks to which Spanish moss has pronounced wound healing properties.
  • It is also a source of elements such as zinc, copper, chromium and sodium.
  • Approximately eighty percent of the vegetable carbohydrates are isolichenin and lichenin.
  • Tillandsia contains a lot of sugar and wax.
  • And also this plant contains a fairly large amount of folic acid.

All of the listed components are of particular value to human he alth.

Healing action

Moss has the following properties:

  • It has shown itself to be an excellent laxative, thanks to which it is used in folk medicine to prepare preparations for constipation.
  • On its basis, tinctures are made, which are subsequently used to heal wounds and diaper rash.
  • Tillandsia decoction also has diuretic properties. It perfectly tones the body and cleanses it of toxins.
  • Has Spanish moss and anti-inflammatory properties.

He is able to cope with bronchitis, as well as smoker's cough, despite the fact that this symptom is quite difficult to treat. ExceptIn addition, people who have experienced the decoction of this plant have been able to safely quit smoking.

Cough treatment

Moss in the greenhouse
Moss in the greenhouse

In order to prepare a medicine, pour dry raw materials into a container and pour hot milk. The ratio of components, as a rule, is standard and is one tablespoon of dry parts of the plant per two hundred milliliters of liquid.

You can prepare a remedy with milk in another way. Raw materials are poured with cold milk and boiled over low heat for thirty minutes. Thus, the raw materials will have more opportunity to transfer their useful components to the milk broth. Use it throughout the day in an amount not exceeding one hundred milliliters. It is especially recommended to drink this remedy before going to bed.

Use in cosmetology

tree with moss
tree with moss

Means based on this plant relieve dandruff, heal boils, relieve rosacea. The prepared decoction is rubbed on the skin of the face twice a day. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the drug copes well with acne and inflamed acne. Moreover, to get rid of this cosmetic problem, a decoction is used not only externally, but also internally. Often on the Internet you can find advice on the use of Tillandsia in cosmetology. If you use moss regularly, then there will be no problems with the skin of the face and body.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The mucus, which is part of this plant, envelops the walls of the stomach and heals them. Tea from it can be used fortreatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The medicine is made as follows: flax seeds, moss and crushed roots of marshmallow grass are taken in equal parts. The dry mixture is poured with boiling water and drunk as tea throughout the day.

From tuberculosis and whooping cough

green moss
green moss

Means based on this plant have long been used to treat tuberculosis. The decoction is prepared in a water bath or over low heat. Take this remedy in a dosed manner, in a small amount.

In the treatment of whooping cough, in addition to this plant, thyme was also taken. Both components were brewed in boiled water and taken in small amounts throughout the day.

Alcohol tincture

For its preparation, they use medical alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, and Spanish moss. The medicinal properties of this plant are transferred to the tincture. After the plant is infused, the alcohol is filtered through double gauze and poured into a separate container. Use the tincture in the usual way: two to three tablespoons a day half an hour before meals. It perfectly treats diarrhea and loss of strength, accompanied by loss of appetite. And also a good cure for a sick stomach.

Contraindications for use

moss in the garden
moss in the garden

Do not use this plant for complex autoimmune diseases. Despite the anti-inflammatory properties, it is undesirable to use Spanish moss at high temperatures (more than 39 degrees). During the acute stage of gastritis or cholecystitis, the use of funds based on this plant should be abandoned. Besides,Spanish moss in large quantities can cause constipation. There are usually no side effects when using this plant. Exceptions to the rule are people with individual intolerance. Thus, Spanish moss, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been practically studied, can bring clear benefits to human he alth.
