Why do my knees crackle? The most common reasons

Why do my knees crackle? The most common reasons
Why do my knees crackle? The most common reasons

Crunching in the knee joints is not only an unpleasant and annoying phenomenon. Sometimes it is also a symptom of more important problems in the body. So why are your knees cracking? What is the reason for this discomfort? How dangerous is this to he alth? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many people.

why are my knees cracking
why are my knees cracking

Why do my knees crackle? Physical activity

The knee joint acts like a shock absorber while walking. It is on him that the main load falls. And in people who are constantly exposed to intense physical exertion, the articular surfaces wear out over time. This phenomenon is not uncommon, for example, among athletes, people of heavy physical labor or representatives of those professions that require a constant standing position (for example, waiters, salesmen, etc.). It has been proven that even the constant wearing of 5-6 kilograms of weight negatively affects the condition of the joints.

On the other hand, crunching in the knees can also be associated with an inactive lifestyle, lack of physical activity. Certainly, peoplewho move little and spend most of their time sitting, there are violations in the work of the whole organism, including the knee joints.

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how to heal joints

We should also mention uncomfortable shoes. The constant wearing of high heels not only causes changes in the arch of the foot, but also leads to an incorrect distribution of body weight - as a result, the knees are put on a much greater load.

Why do my knees crackle? Overweight and malnutrition

If wearing 5 kg can have a bad effect on the quality of life of a person, then one can only imagine what kind of load the knee joints experience if the excess weight is 10, 20 and even more kilograms. Of course, in people who are obese, the articular surfaces wear out much faster.

Crunching can also be associated with malnutrition, especially with the abuse of s alty and spicy foods. In the absence of a balanced diet, the body does not receive the required amount of nutrients and building materials, which affects the functioning of the joints - quite often s alt deposits are localized in them.

Why do my knees crackle? Arthrosis

Arthrosis is a fairly common disease of the joints, which is associated with wear and changes in the articular surfaces. Its main symptoms are crunching and pain in the affected joints. In fact, all of the above factors can lead to osteoarthritis of the knee. In addition, the disease can be hereditary, be the result of trauma, surgery, metabolic disorders.

how to treat joints
how to treat joints

How to treat joints?

This question invariably comes to people suffering from crunching and discomfort in the knee. But such a problem should not be ignored - it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the cause and tell you how and how to treat the joints. Sometimes the patient may be prescribed some medications or vitamin complexes. In other cases, regular massage and proper nutrition will be more than enough. And, of course, do not forget about physical activity - in case of diseases of the knee joints, the doctor will select the right set of therapeutic exercises.
