Lactation crisis: signs, periods and timing

Lactation crisis: signs, periods and timing
Lactation crisis: signs, periods and timing

When is a lactation crisis and what to do? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.

Lactation crisis happens to almost every woman at least once during breastfeeding. This is an ordinary physiological phenomenon, which causes quite a lot of anxiety. That is why all nursing mothers need to be aware of the possible occurrence of such a situation, be prepared for it and know its usual duration, as well as the procedure.

lactation crisis
lactation crisis

Mature lactation and its relationship with breastfeeding crises

Mature lactation is a period when breast milk is produced not due to the influence of hormones, but as a response to the stimulation of the female breast by the baby. At the same time, the breast is soft, and milk arrives only directly at the time of feeding. It has no stock. The timing of the establishment of lactation of the mature type during breastfeeding is individual.

Mature lactation in some women begins as early as the thirdweek, but most often it is set on the 3rd-4th month.

lactation crisis per month
lactation crisis per month

When the amount of milk is regulated artificially, for example, through pumping, such a self-regulating system, in principle, may not be formed. The immune characteristics of milk deteriorate, but breastfeeding can be easily stopped. To do this, you need to gradually reduce the number of pumping, and then feeding.

Mature lactation can proceed completely calmly or be accompanied by periodic crises, that is, a short decrease in the volume of milk within 3-7 days (usually 2-3 days). However, it cannot be spontaneously stopped without consequences for women's he alth. It ends itself in the form of a natural involution. The volume of milk decreases, while in terms of the composition of antibodies it becomes similar to colostrum, and then completely disappears. Most often, the child is already eating regular food by this time.

But what to do with a lactation crisis?


This is a temporary decrease in milk volume during established lactation. Typically, breastfeeding crises occur between three and six weeks, and then at three, six, and twelve months. However, deviations may also occur. Some women breastfeed their babies without any complications.

lactation crisis how to overcome
lactation crisis how to overcome

Signs of a lactation crisis:

  • The baby practically "hangs" on the chest, it is applied more often and sucks longer.
  • The baby is nervous and crying near the chest, hiscrying "hungry", it is clear that he does not have enough food, no matter how much time he sucks.
  • Woman feels like her breasts are not filling up.

How to overcome a lactation crisis?

Periods and timing of the crisis

We have already found out that a crisis is a temporary decrease in the volume of milk during mature, established lactation, which has a natural character. This phenomenon is especially common in the following ages of the child: 1, 2, 3, 6 months and 1 year. Some mothers don't have it at all. It lasts an average of 2-3 days, most often does not exceed a week. If the course of the crisis is longer, then this indicates hypogalactia, and then it is necessary to search for the causes and, perhaps, begin treatment.

Why is the volume of milk decreasing?

Milk supply is declining for the following reasons:

  • Mistakes in breastfeeding, for example, infrequent feedings, not latching in the morning, using a pacifier.
  • A lactation crisis in a month can provoke a bad mood and fatigue of a nursing mother. A woman's life changes quite a lot with the birth of a child. No matter how long-awaited and loved it is, life gradually sucks and does not contribute to a good mood. Prolonged lack of sleep, routine, lack of communication cause apathy, and sometimes even lead to depression. Mothers do not recognize themselves. This condition negatively affects breastfeeding.
  • The lactation crisis at 3 months is facilitated by the increased growth of the child, that is, the jump that happens incertain time periods. The need for food suddenly increases in the baby due to accelerated growth or the emergence of new skills that increase his motor activity. At the same time, the child sleeps less, learns to crawl first, and then walk. Of course, he needs more food. The mother's body is sometimes not able to adapt so quickly to the growing needs of the baby. Milk does not become less, but it seems to the woman that this is exactly the case. You just need to give the body time, gradually the food will become exactly as much as the child needs.
  • Sometimes people associate lactation fluctuations with lunar phases. This point of view, of course, is not recognized in official medicine, but it has the right to exist. So, it is well known that the number of births increases on the full moon.
lactation crisis at 3 months
lactation crisis at 3 months

Many people wonder how to overcome the lactation crisis at 3 months.

Baby at three months: a leap in development

Feeding at this age is already established, but the baby may begin to behave restlessly near the breast, refuse it, constantly being distracted, or “hang” on it. This is due to the fact that by the age of three months the baby begins to show an active interest in the world around him, he has a lot of new activities.

You need to pay attention to how the baby falls asleep. It is better to do this with a breast, and not with a pacifier. Otherwise, milk production will decrease due to insufficient stimulation.

If the baby refuses, it is impossible to leave GV in any case. Needto offer him a breast both at night and during the day, while not forcing him to suck by force. The baby will get hungry sooner or later and will want milk anyway.

lactation crisis what to do
lactation crisis what to do

You need to endure whims, calming the baby with affectionate conversations, strokes, walks and entertainment. But don't overprotect him either.

At three months, the lactation crisis may be due to the fact that children do not have enough freedom, because there are a lot of interesting things around. Sometimes a child just needs to lie down on a developing mat or in a crib, watch what is happening around him or play with rattles. When he gets bored, he will be more willing to eat milk.

How to deal with the crisis?

To overcome the crisis period, you need to follow a number of recommendations. They will help you get through this time easier. The main thing is to remember that everything is fixable.

Psychological attitude

The most important thing is to try not to worry and always remember that everything is fine with the baby's he alth, lactation is enough. His dissatisfaction with the volume of milk will provoke active actions in the child, he will suck more diligently. It may take the support of the breastfeeding mother to have a positive experience of the crisis, but the baby will eventually get it. It must be remembered that anxiety will only worsen the situation and interfere with milk production.

Better quality of life

What to do? A lactation crisis at 3 months most often occurs with a lack of time, fatigue and a bad mood. Requires proper rest, sobreastfeeding mothers need to rest with the baby during the day.

how to overcome lactation crisis at 3 months
how to overcome lactation crisis at 3 months

It is recommended during the crisis to free yourself from household chores: cooking, cleaning, and take the help of relatives and friends in the household. You need to devote all your time to the baby, on demand, apply it to the chest. For successful lactation, sometimes you need to escape from the daily routine. You can go to the movies or meet a friend. Lactation depends directly on the well-being and mood of the mother.

Physical stimulation

The nervous system will help to calm down massage, which will strengthen the he alth of a woman. Stimulation of blood circulation will improve lactation. Exercises for the muscles of the chest and collar part will also be useful. It is not necessary to apply excessive force, light strokes are enough.

Food and drinking regimen

Nursing mom needs to eat well, because it plays a very important role in stimulating lactation. Her diet should be high in calories and include plenty of protein. During a lactation crisis, you need to drink more hot drinks. It can be teas with milk, compotes. You also need to remember that when breastfeeding, it is recommended to drink about 5 liters of fluid, even if lactation is normal.

Increase the number of attachments

The baby must be applied on demand. In some cases, you need to do this in a circle, applying it to each breast if it looks empty. If a child criesyou need to console him, distract him, play, and then offer him food again.

Don't feed him formula. The lactation crisis most often does not last long, the baby will not be hungry and will help resolve the situation with his own efforts. When supplementing, the situation is aggravated, you can harm his digestion and cause allergic reactions.

Feedings at night

It is at night that hormones are produced that stimulate lactation (oxytocin and prolactin). Every breastfeeding mom knows that feeling when her breasts fill up in the morning.

Milk production is well influenced by co-sleeping and constant bodily contact. Thanks to night feedings, lactation is established in the first days after the birth of the baby and is restored during a crisis without the use of additional funds.

lactation crisis at 3 months what to do
lactation crisis at 3 months what to do

It must be remembered that a woman's milk is indispensable for a child. With maximum effort, you can achieve successful breastfeeding. If you tune in to failure, then you can’t avoid a lactation crisis. Also, women are often afraid that breastfeeding will spoil the appearance of the breast. However, breast deformities occur during pregnancy, so not breastfeeding will not improve the situation.

This is a natural phenomenon. Every woman has natural resources to help her cope with the problem and continue to feed her baby.

We looked at when there is a lactation crisis and what a nursing mother should do during this period.
