Medical tampons: reviews of doctors, instructions

Medical tampons: reviews of doctors, instructions
Medical tampons: reviews of doctors, instructions

Medicated tampons are often used in gynecological therapy along with traditional pharmaceuticals. You can find such a tool in finished form or make it yourself, pre-soaked with oils (decoction of medicinal herbs, medical solutions and ointments). When choosing this method of treatment, it is worth remembering the obligatory consultation with a gynecologist.

medical tampons
medical tampons

From China

China seems to us to be a huge factory where products of many famous brands are made. For this reason, the famous phrase “Made in China” has become familiar to us. Russians are increasingly shopping on the famous Internet sites of the Celestial Empire, where you can find absolutely everything.

The exception is not even such areas as cosmetology and medicine. However, if masks with a snail secret no longer surprise anyone, then not all the fair sex have heard about therapeutic herbal tampons.

Clean Point

Beautiful Life and Clean Point –the most popular medical tampons. Under these brands, Jilin Shengshitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. produces the same product, which has international ISO, GMP and CE certificates.

Phytotampons, according to information from the manufacturer, are manufactured under sterile conditions and do not contain chemical additives. As a result of thousands of clinical studies, their safety and the absence of side effects have been established.

List of diseases that Clean Point tampons will help to cope with:

- polyps;

- cervical erosion;

- inflammation of the appendages;

- cystitis;

- endometritis;

- thrush;

- hemorrhoids in women;

- cystic diseases of the appendages.

Some sellers claim that medicated tampons will also be effective for infertility.

medical tampons reviews
medical tampons reviews

Instruction Clean Point recommends leaving the tampon for three days. After its removal, it is necessary to douche with a solution of furacilin or chamomile and take a break for a day. The recommended duration of the course is six procedures.

Be sure to pay attention to contraindications: lactation and pregnancy. Do not start the course seven days before the start of the menstrual cycle and three days after it ends. With caution: with diabetes, high blood pressure and poor blood clotting.


The manufacturer, of course, does not disclose the detailed composition. However, information about herbal ingredients is freely available:

  1. Angelicamedicinal: has antipyretic, tonic and disinfectant properties.
  2. Dragon tree resin has an analgesic effect and promotes the healing of bleeding wounds.
  3. Sophora yellowish root helps with inflammation of the appendages, pain and uterine bleeding.
  4. Meadow heartwood - anti-inflammatory effect, effective for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Chinese contis - antipyretic, analgesic, antimicrobial and diuretic properties.
  6. Tanning acacia helps to tighten erosion and reduces inflammation on the mucous membranes.
  7. Pomegranate bark - used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and to stop uterine bleeding.
  8. Mirra helps reduce period pain, thrush and adhesions.
therapeutic women's tampons
therapeutic women's tampons

A small herbal ball wrapped in a white mesh, individually wrapped - this is what Chinese medicated tampons look like.

Reviews of doctors

Clean Point and Beautiful Life are unlikely to be found in one of the Russian pharmacies. In addition, no gynecologist in a state medical institution, being of sound mind, would prescribe such “drugs” to his patient.

medical swabs instruction
medical swabs instruction

Oftencases when girls and women, after using such tampons, went to the doctor for help. As a result of the “experiment” with their own he alth, the fair sex not only remained with their old ailments, but also received vulvovaginitis, cystitis, thrush, or a chemical burn of the cervix and vagina.

Many gynecologists are surprised by the instruction that recommends leaving a tampon for up to three days. In addition, the detailed composition is not fully known, and all information on the package is presented in the form of hieroglyphs. It turns out that women can only blindly trust the seller and hope for good quality.

Chasing money

Medical tampons from China today are discussed by many ladies. However, positive reviews about their use are more like an advertisement than a description of the actual experience.

We want to believe stories of miraculous cures where only surgery could help. Most likely, these tales were invented by dishonest sellers - they only care about the increase in demand for therapeutic tampons. Reviews are sometimes even supplemented with a phone number or email address of a person from whom you can order “not fake”.

In a huge mass of laudatory odes, one can still sometimes find fair comments. For example, about the absence of such tampons in ordinary Chinese pharmacies. Perhaps this miracle remedy is produced only for export?


As we have already said, gynecologists quite often prescribe therapeutic female tampons soaked in medicines. Their mainthe advantage lies in the impact directly on the affected area or inflammation. At the same time, the body does not suffer from the side effects of antibiotics.

One of the effective remedies is Levomekol ointment, which is used for inflammation of the appendages, erosive changes in the epithelium of the cervix, as well as to accelerate the process of divergence of vaginal sutures. The course of treatment is 7-10 tampons, which are used only at night.

herbal medicinal pads
herbal medicinal pads

“Lidase” and “Dimexide”

These drugs are often given together to quickly relieve inflammation. "Dimexide" copes with viral and fungal infections, cervicitis and vulvovaginitis. Dimexide tampons also restore the epithelial layer (relieve inflammation and enhance cell renewal).

Lidaza solution has proven effective in case of adhesions.

The duration of one tampon is 8 hours. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.


“Troxevasin” is most often associated with the treatment of swelling and pain in the legs with varicose veins. However, the range of its use in gynecology is quite large, despite the lack of information in the instructions.

Vaginally "Troxevasin" is prescribed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood flow. Due to the expansion of the veins, women often complain of chronic pain in the pelvis - the drug will help restore the walls and relieve discomfort. In addition, Troxevasin successfully copes with postoperative hematomas.

Folk remedies

One cannot deny the effectiveness of folk remedies in the treatment of gynecological diseases. However, all components and cooking recipes should also be clarified with a specialist.

Cervical erosion is, alas, a very common diagnosis faced by every second woman. Traditional medicine to combat the disease suggests using a choice of: propolis, onion and honey, sea buckthorn oil or a 10% s alt solution.

Myoma is a benign tumor that is accompanied by severe bleeding. Medical tampons with onion or propolis will help to cope with this disease.

therapeutic tampons reviews of doctors
therapeutic tampons reviews of doctors

The cause of abdominal pain and prolonged menstruation is often an inflammatory process in the endometrium. In this case, it is recommended to use aloe with honey or sea buckthorn oil.

Many of the fair sex are familiar with the symptoms of thrush. To relieve itching and get rid of secretions, traditional medicine advises a decoction of oak bark with chamomile, a mixture of oils (sea buckthorn, tea tree, sage and thyme), honey or Kalanchoe.