"Angelik": reviews of women who took the drug and doctors

"Angelik": reviews of women who took the drug and doctors
"Angelik": reviews of women who took the drug and doctors

Hormonal failures and disorders caused by disease or age can come on suddenly and take a woman by surprise. They cause a lot of anxiety and unpleasant symptoms, not only preventing the fair sex from enjoying sexual life with a partner, but also affecting the ability to work, emotions and well-being.

According to the numerous reviews of women and doctors about Angeliq (a hormonal drug that can eliminate unpleasant manifestations), you can achieve good results using this remedy when used correctly.

Angelique reviews of women taking the drug
Angelique reviews of women taking the drug

What is this drug? What are the recommendations for its use? And, most importantly, what are the real reviews about "Angelik" of women who took the drug? Let's find out.

A little about the composition

According to the reviews of doctors, "Angelik" consists of two main active ingredients - drospirenone (2 milligrams) and estradiol (1 milligram). These two hormones play an important role in a woman's body. Any deviations from the norm of these substances can adversely affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle,fertility and general he alth.

For example, drospirenone is responsible for the accumulation of fluid, and estradiol reduces the negative symptoms of menopause and serves as a prevention of osteoporosis after the onset of menopause. Below we discuss the actions of both hormones in more detail.

Additional components of the tablets are lactose monohydrate, regular and pregelatinized corn starch, povidone K25, macrogol 600, hypromelose, magnesium stereate and microdoses of talc, titanium dioxide, iron dye. According to the reviews of women and doctors about Angelique, these substances can enhance the effect of the main components and improve the patient's well-being.

But what is the scope of active substances? Let's find out.

Two words about the hormone estradiol

As we learned above, this substance is the main component of "Angelique". Reviews of women who took the drug show that this hormone, produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands and placenta, is necessary for the satisfactory functioning of the reproductive system and its organs (vagina, uterus, mammary glands).

Also, as already mentioned, estradiol lowers cholesterol levels, thereby being a prophylactic for such serious diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, diabetes.

Moreover, this substance serves to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, and also improves the appearance - it slows down the process of wrinkles.

Two words about drospirenone

This hormone, which is a synthetic progestogen, is an addition toestradiol, since the latter is capable of causing uterine oncology. Drospirenone neutralizes this negative manifestation and removes sodium and excess water from the patient's body. Thus, the hormone removes puffiness and prevents weight gain. Reviews of women who took the drug "Angelik" are almost completely consistent with this statement. Therefore, it can be 100% stated that patients who monitor their figure are not at risk of excessive weight gain during treatment with this drug. However, we will discuss this below.

Now let's talk about how this product is produced.

Issue form

According to the reviews of women who took the drug, "Angelik" is a rounded, convex on both sides of a gray-pink tablet, covered with a thin shell. On each of the miraculous pills, a regular hexagon is embossed on one side, which contains two symbols - DL.

The hormonal agent is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer in cardboard packs, one or three blisters in each. That is, in a package of 28 or 84 tablets.

Basic analogue

The drug we are interested in has one analogue, completely similar to it in composition and spectrum of action. This is Angelique Micro. Reviews of women and doctors about these drugs indicate that they differ from each other only in the dosage of the main components. The composition of the analogue of the drug "Angelik" includes 0.5 milligrams of estradiol and 0.25 milligrams of drospirenone. Both tablets are produced by the same company.

Angelique micro reviews of women taking the drug
Angelique micro reviews of women taking the drug

According to the reviews of women who took Angelique Micro, its tablets are yellow in color, but their effect is similar to that of regular Angelique.

When an analogue is prescribed

When can Angelique Micro be prescribed? Reviews of women who took the drug indicate that this analogue is prescribed by doctors in cases where the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are mild and not very critical. Moreover, such a small dosage of hormones helps doctors choose the most accurate and effective schedule for taking the drug for the patient. Expert reviews also point to these two advantages of the analogue.

angelique reviews women
angelique reviews women

The essence of the action of the remedy

According to reviews, Angelique replenishes hormones that lose their properties or are completely depleted during menopause or hypogonadism.

Thanks to this, all the negative manifestations caused by female diseases are normalized, and the emotional, psychological and physical well-being of the patient improves. Moreover, thanks to its components, the drug promotes rapid fat metabolism and lower blood cholesterol.

When is this drug prescribed?

In what cases is it justified to take hormones

A specialist can recommend this drug to you only if there are serious complications caused by menopause or hormonal failure caused by other reasons.

Main symptomsfor the appointment of hormones, according to the reviews of women about the tablets "Angelik", there are malfunctions of the ovaries and a strong decrease in the usual physical activity.

Angelique reviews
Angelique reviews

How else can the drug help?

Wide range of activities

What unpleasant symptoms eliminates the hormonal remedy "Angelik"? Reviews of women who took the drug almost unanimously assure that it will help to cope with intense hot flashes, profuse sweating, frequent mood swings, incomprehensible aggression and (or) depression, sleep disturbances, frequent urination, and so on. Moreover, miracle pills can help fight acne, wrinkles, hair loss and other cosmetic defects, although this is not their main area of \u200b\u200baction.

As you can see, the tool is really useful and effective.

However, remember that in no case should you self-medicate, that is, prescribe a pharmacological agent for yourself! This should only be done by the attending physician. He also describes the dosage and schedule for taking. Sometimes, as mentioned above, a specialist may consider it appropriate to prescribe the drug "Angelik Micro". Reviews of women about this analogue are similar to reviews of the main tool.

It is very important to take pills with caution, carefully weighing the intended benefit and general condition. The fact is that, according to the reviews of women, “Angelik” has many contraindications and side effects. Let's analyze them in more detail.

When not to use

It is strictly forbidden to take this hormonal remedy for girls under twenty years old, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Reviews of women about the drug "Angelik" are unanimous that it is not prescribed for such diagnoses:

  • malignant breast tumors;
  • hormone-dependent oncological neoplasms;
  • unexplained vaginal bleeding;
  • severe liver disease;
  • liver tumors of any etiology;
  • renal/adrenal insufficiency, severe kidney pathology;
  • stroke and rehabilitation period;
  • heart attack and post-infarction period;
  • pathology of the endometrium of the uterus;
  • venous thrombosis.

In addition, as evidenced by the reviews of "Angelique", the remedy should not be used with individual intolerance to its components. For example, sometimes allergic reactions to lactose, which is part of the drug, may occur.

However, this is not the whole list of contraindications. There are a number of diseases during which pills are prescribed with extreme caution, given the likely harm and the intended effect.

When to take prudently

According to experts, such ailments are:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • endometriosis and uterine fibroids;
  • diabetes mellitus of varying degrees;
  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • lack of calcium in the female body;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • high cholesterol;
  • heavy formmigraines;
  • obesity starting from the second degree;
  • hereditary predisposition to oncology or thrombosis (the patient's parents were ill).

If a woman suffers from the diseases listed above, then doctors prescribe the drug only as a last resort. According to the reviews of women who took Angelique in the presence of uterine fibroids or other ailments mentioned above, they had to visit the attending physician's office every month for a detailed examination, passing certain tests and adjusting the therapeutic process.

Angelique pills reviews women
Angelique pills reviews women

Moreover, as experts themselves explain, pills are not prescribed as contraceptives. If a woman has hormonal disruptions and, in addition, she needs contraception, then doctors prescribe another drug, not Angeliq.

How to take this remedy?

Dosage and schedule

According to the instructions for use, as well as the recommendations of experts, one tablet should be taken per day with a small amount of water. It is advisable to take a hormonal agent at the same time in order to maintain a cycle. If the patient forgot to take a pill, then you should not take two at once or reduce the time interval between doses. It is necessary to continue treatment at the usual interval of 24 hours.

To make it easier for women to take the drug, the manufacturer made sure that each tablet was placed in a separate cell, next to which the day of the week is indicated. Thus, the patient willeasier to follow the schedule of drug use.

You can start taking it from any day of the menstrual cycle. The course of treatment is prescribed by the specialist himself, usually it is quite long: from several months to several years.

Additional information

Is it possible to take hormones and do daily activities? Yes, according to the instructions for the drug and numerous patient reviews, this remedy affects the amount of hormones, but it is not a contraindication to driving a car or working with complex mechanisms. Angelique does not cause drowsiness or lethargy, so its use does not interfere with activities that require concentrated attention and speed of reaction.

Does the drug have side effects? Yes, and we'll talk about it below.

A few words about the side effect

Many people use Angelique for menopause. Reviews of women say that this remedy can cause aching pains in the chest, the mammary glands can enlarge and cause any other discomfort to the patient. Sometimes taking the drug can provoke the development of a benign tumor in the mammary glands. Moreover, neoplasms can occur in the organs of the genitourinary system, which is also serious and entails unprecedented difficulties.

Another side effect of the drug may be slight bleeding. Therefore, if you encounter such a problem, wait a little while the body gets used to the introduction of hormones, and the condition stabilizes. If the bleeding does not stop within a month, it is desirable assee a specialist as soon as possible.

In general, “Angelique” (according to women over 50 and younger) has a huge number of side effects, causes unpleasant, painful symptoms that can accompany a lady throughout the course of treatment, especially at the very beginning, while the female body gets used and adapts to new substances for him.

Among such annoying sensations can be pain in the abdomen, joints and veins. Shortness of breath, muscle spasms, bloating, and diarrhea may occur. Sometimes, judging by the reviews of consumers, a woman will be bothered by dry mouth, nausea or increased appetite.

It is worth noting that the symptoms listed above are not dangerous if they last a short time. If side effects accompany you for more than two weeks, or even a month, then you should inform your doctor about this. Then, most likely, a full examination will be carried out and the replacement of the drug "Angelik" with another, more suitable one.

What else can a patient face while taking hormonal pills? Possible manifestations of psychological disorders, expressed in irritability, tearfulness, mood swings, depression …

Often women describe their physical condition as unsatisfactory due to frequent dizziness, ringing in the ears, pathological changes in the skin, decreased sexual activity.

Of course, in this article it is impossible to list all the side effects of the drug. It is also difficult to predict what kind of “side effect” this or that patient will encounter. It is likely thatsomeone will not experience the discomfort of taking the drug at all and will be completely satisfied with its positive effect.

Angelique reviews of women who took in the presence of fibroids
Angelique reviews of women who took in the presence of fibroids

However, one more question remains open: "Can I take Angelique with other drugs?" What does the instruction say? Let's find out.

Combination with other pharmacological agents

If you are constantly taking Angelique, you should be aware that other treatments can slow down or, conversely, speed up the process of this drug. For example, other hormonal drugs reduce the effect of estradiol on the female body, and paracetamol, on the contrary, slows down the excretion of this hormone from the female body. With regard to some antibiotics (for example, the penicillin group), it should be warned that their simultaneous use can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Bad habits

How do alcohol and tobacco affect the active ingredients of the drug "Angelik"? Alcoholic beverages reduce the beneficial effect that the remedy has, so women taking hormones should minimize alcohol consumption. You can use it, but in moderation.

Cigarettes also have an even more negative effect on the female body that takes the drug. Therefore, if the patient smokes, the attending physician will attribute Angelique to her with extreme caution.

Treatment and overweight

Many women worry that they will gain a lot while taking this hormonal drug. Are these fears justified? Partially.

The fact is that it is no secret to anyone that all hormonal drugs can actually provoke weight gain in patients. However, as some women respond, they did not feel that they had recovered significantly. Many people advise to carefully monitor nutrition and lifestyle during the period of hormone use.

If you eat in moderation, avoid excessively fatty and sweet foods, as well as do gymnastics and move more, then the problem of excess weight will bypass you. This is confirmed by numerous real reviews of those who have experienced the effects of hormones and the tips listed above.

A little more about reviews

Yes, Angeliq and Angeliq Micro are very popular drugs to combat hormonal disruptions and disorders. Many women note that, using them as directed by a doctor, they got rid of such terrible manifestations of menopause as excessive sweating, irritability, hot flashes. Moreover, some patients drink the drug for years, which helps them to keep themselves normal and feel like a woman for a long period of time.

Angelique reviews of women and doctors
Angelique reviews of women and doctors

However, as mentioned above, not everyone is enthusiastic about the tool. Real cases have been recorded when the use of the drug provoked neoplasms and tumors of the reproductive organs, and also caused other unpleasant sensations - pain in the pelvis, veins, muscles, chest.

Also, many women recognize that it is better not to use the drug for a long time. For example, there are real reviews whenwomen took Angelique for more than five years, after which their body began to reject the medicine on its own. Painful symptoms appeared - edema, heart failure, asthmatic attacks.

In closing

As you can see, Angelique is an effective hormonal drug that can really help a woman get through a difficult time for her. However, you need to take it wisely, weighing all the pros and cons, consulting with your doctor and carefully studying the instructions for use.
