Abundant periods: reasons for what to do

Abundant periods: reasons for what to do
Abundant periods: reasons for what to do

Heavy periods are a real problem for a girl. Normally, menstruation lasts up to 7 days, and up to 150 milliliters of blood is lost. But for some, the situation is different.

Abundant menstruation not only disrupts the usual rhythm of life, but also greatly depletes the body. To fix this, you must first understand the causes, and then proceed to treatment. However, this is what we will talk about now.

Heavy periods may indicate a serious illness
Heavy periods may indicate a serious illness

Hypermenstrual syndrome

This is the name of the phenomenon we are talking about now. Often, hypermenstrual syndrome is characterized not only by an increase in the volume and duration of menstruation, but by its constant presence. Periods just won't stop.

The reasons can be very different, here is just a short list of them:

  • Inflammation in the appendages and in the uterus.
  • Genital infections.
  • Pathologies of an endocrine nature.
  • Malignant and benign tumors.
  • Hematological diseases.
  • Surgical and traumatic injuries of the genital organs.
  • Intoxication.
  • Infectious diseasesand somatic character.
  • Intrauterine contraception.

There are also certain risk factors, which include smoking, sudden climate change, adverse living conditions and depression.

If a woman loses more than 80 ml of blood during each menstruation, then she is immediately put at risk of developing a disease known as iron deficiency anemia.

In any case, to determine the exact cause of heavy bleeding, you need to go to the gynecologist. The doctor will perform a rectal examination, Pap smear, hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy, and pelvic ultrasound. After reviewing the results, the woman will be diagnosed and given adequate treatment.

heavy periods after childbirth
heavy periods after childbirth

Hormonal disorders

This is one of the most common causes of heavy periods. They are usually caused by failures in the normal functioning of the hormonal system.

Most often, imbalance occurs in young girls during their first period, and this is normal. Then the cycle returns to normal, and the amount of blood released too.

This reason is also relevant for adult women. Their discharge may increase several years before menopause.

Also, an imbalance can provoke the use of improperly selected birth control pills and hormonal drugs.

But why do heavy periods occur, and not meager ones? The fact is that the ovaries of a he althy female body produce estrogen andprogesterone. Under their influence, the uterus becomes thicker and begins to put pressure on the mucous membrane. And during menstruation, its upper layer seems to be cleared. These fragments are excreted from the body along with the secretions.

And if a woman has a low level of testosterone and an increased amount of estrogen, then the process of ovulation is going wrong. In such cases, the uterine membrane becomes extremely thick, which provokes copious discharge.

Uterine pathology

This is the next common reason many women experience heavy periods. The most common pathology is myomatosis, in which the internal area of the uterus increases and its shape changes. Because of this, the separation of the endometrium takes much longer, and therefore the bleeding is characterized by profusion.

Also, some women are diagnosed with endometriosis. It manifests itself in the pathological growth of the endometrium in the muscular layer of the uterus. At the same time, the separation is also accompanied by unbearable pain, in addition to profuse blood loss. Often there are intermenstrual discharges.

Another cause of heavy periods may be Asherman's syndrome. It is characterized by the formation of intrauterine connective tissue adhesions. This disease not only entails endometritis and pain, but also makes it impossible to conceive. Because of these adhesions, there is no normal outflow of blood. It just lingers inside and curls up under the influence of temperature, and then comes out in the form of clots in a frighteningly large amount.

plentifullymenstruation is coming
plentifullymenstruation is coming

It is recommended to beware of very heavy periods after the age of 45. Especially when they are with clots, and if the woman has already entered the menopause. These abnormalities usually indicate the presence of cancer.

Postpartum Consequence

When a woman is pregnant, her body undergoes various changes and stresses for 9 months. After giving birth, he expects a long and difficult recovery. And it begins with heavy periods.

Such discharge cannot be called standard menstruation. These are actually the consequences of a bleeding, unhealed uterus, from which the placenta was exfoliated during childbirth along with the fetus. But they are accompanied by the release of large clots, so they can be confused with menstruation.

Heavy periods after childbirth last about 40 days. During this time, the structure of the uterus is restored and its functioning normalizes.

After the end of the discharge, periods are completely absent for a rather long period due to breastfeeding. But ovulation occurs despite this.

Then, when the menstruation is restored, it will last about 5 days. Sometimes the period is from a week or more, but this is already a cause for concern. The reason for this duration is the uterus enlarged during pregnancy and the stretched endometrium.

Also, women who have experienced any of the following are also prone to very heavy periods after childbirth:

  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
  • Caesarean sectionor difficult childbirth.
  • Change in the balance of prolactin, which is responsible for the reproductive function and the normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Anemia of iron deficiency nature.
  • Constant stress and tension during and after pregnancy.
  • Advanced chronic diseases.

By the way, a separate cause may be particles of the placenta left inside or an ectopic pregnancy.

heavy periods
heavy periods

Uterine fibroids

If a woman has very heavy periods, then there is a chance that she has formed this benign hormone-dependent formation.

The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown to this day. Doctors are inclined to believe that this is due to a violation of the hormonal function of the ovaries, which produce estrogens in large quantities.

Also risk factors include abortion, cysts, inflammatory diseases, difficult births, obesity, endocrine and immune disorders, as well as a hereditary factor.

The main symptom indicating the presence of fibroids is long and heavy periods with clots, acyclic uterine bleeding and anemia that develops against their background. Accompanied by the growth of the formation of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. If the fibroid grows slowly, then these sensations do not go away.

Also, because fibroids compress nearby organs, which include the rectum and bladder, a woman experiences problems with urination (it becomes either difficult or rapid) and suffers from constipation.

Advanced disease leads to more serious consequences - heart problems, shortness of breath and abnormal pressure surges.

very heavy periods
very heavy periods

Hemostatic pills

So, what can be the cause of heavy periods and why they go in such numbers, it's clear. It is important to make a reservation just in case: everything is very individual here, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. He then prescribes treatment. As a rule, the following tablets are prescribed:

  • "Vikasol". This medication is an artificial analogue of vitamin K. It compensates for its lack in the female body, which helps to normalize blood clotting and stimulate the formation of prothrombins. There are contraindications. Rash, hives, bronchospasm and itching can occur if allergies are present.
  • "Dicinon" (e tamsylate). If a girl is interested in how to stop heavy periods, then you should pay attention to this drug. These tablets can improve blood microcirculation and normalize vascular permeability. Etamzilat does not affect clotting, but it is incompatible with any other drugs.
  • "Ascorutin". The composition of these medicines includes ascorbic acid. The drug reduces the permeability of blood vessels, makes them stronger and more elastic, and also has a hemostatic effect. With regular intake, menstruation becomes not only less abundant, but also shorter. This drug is indicated for women who have entered the period of menopause, as well as those who have undergone a caesarean section.

What exactly will be assigned to the girl depends on the reason why she has abundant periods. In the presence of a serious illness, the doctor may even prescribe a detailed course of therapy with the appointment of several drugs.

Hemostatic injections

Above were listed drugs prescribed for heavy menstruation. But also the girl can be prescribed injections. Injections have a faster therapeutic effect. Tablets take at least an hour to work, and injections take 5-15 minutes.

One of three drugs is usually prescribed:

  • "Tranexam". This is a hemostatic medication aimed at stopping heavy hemorrhages. Works almost instantly. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.
  • "Oxytocin". This tool reduces the uterus and helps stop blood loss. It is prescribed, as a rule, to women after childbirth. Injected into a vein or muscle.

Depending on the specifics of the discharge, other medications may be prescribed.

With heavy periods, you need to change your diet
With heavy periods, you need to change your diet

Using birth control

Most girls are prescribed oral contraceptives by gynecologists to normalize their cycle. And this is one of the best and most versatile methods. Properly selected contraceptives have a lot of positive effects on the body:

  • Normalize heavy periods, make them more scarce.
  • Reduce the duration of menstruation. Some girls after the starttaking oral contraceptives, it lasts three days.
  • Correct dysmenorrhea (eliminate pain during menstruation).
  • Treat post-hemorrhagic anemia.
  • Helps manage pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Correct hyperandrogenism (reduces androgen levels) and PMS.

In addition, birth control is one of the most effective contraceptives. Their reliability reaches 98-99% (under conditions of use in accordance with the instructions). And for condoms, this figure is only 87%.

The most famous oral contraceptives include pills such as Yarina, Jess, Janine, Lindinet, Chloe, Silhouette and Regulon. There are other firms as well. In any case, the gynecologist prescribes the pills based on a survey of the patient and the results of her tests.

Lifestyle advice

If you believe the reviews, heavy periods can be reduced without the use of drugs (although it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor). For this you need:

  • Reduce physical activity.
  • Minimize the amount of alcohol and coffee consumed, and if possible, completely eliminate it.
  • Stop taking vasodilators. But before that, you should consult with your doctor. If possible, pick up analogues.
  • Vary your diet with foods high in iron, vitamin C and folic acid. They contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.
  • Apply a cool heating pad to the lower abdomen every day (maximumfifteen minutes).
  • Do acupressure. It's simple: thirty finger pressure on the area of the hollow that connects the upper lip and the base of the nose.
  • Take aromatherapy.

Of course, these methods will not give such an effect as injections or taking drugs, but they are quite suitable as a preventive measure.

very heavy periods after
very heavy periods after

Folk remedies

Sometimes it is not possible to immediately get to the gynecologist with heavy periods. What to do in this case, how to alleviate your condition at least for a while? You can try folk remedies. Here are some easy recipes:

  1. Take one tablespoon each of the following herbs: valerian root, knotweed, white mistletoe and shepherd's purse. Pour boiling water (0.5 l). Infuse for fifteen minutes, and then dilute with a liter of clean water. Boil and strain through cheesecloth. Drink half a glass twice a day.
  2. Take twenty-five grams of erect cinquefoil root, yarrow and shepherd's purse, as well as ten grams of oak bark. Pour a liter of water and boil, then insist and strain. Drink 1 tbsp twice a day
  3. 1 tbsp pepper mountaineer pour a glass of boiling water. Boil, strain. Divide into three parts. Drink each of them during the day before meals.
  4. 1 tsp lilac seeds pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Then put on a small fire for five minutes and cook. Drink in the amount of 2 tbsp. in the morning.
  5. Twenty grams of dry dioecious grass poura glass of boiling water and boil for fifteen minutes. It is recommended to drink fifty milliliters (one glass) every three hours. Nettle will not only stop bleeding, but will also relieve inflammation and resist infections, if any.
  6. One hundred grams of crushed viburnum bark pour a glass of water. Cook over low heat for an hour. Then drink 2 tbsp. every three hours.

It is worth noting that the listed funds are effective hemostatic for heavy periods, even if they are done at home.
