Yellowish discharge in women: causes and types

Yellowish discharge in women: causes and types
Yellowish discharge in women: causes and types

The condition of the female genital organs can be assessed by the nature and intensity of the secretions that are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. In the female vagina there are secretory glands, which contribute to the secretion of mucus. It is important for the formation of beneficial microflora, as well as moisturizing the mucosa.

If the mucus that is discharged from the vagina is clear, without a strong odor and in a small amount, then this is normal. But as soon as there is a discharge in women of a yellowish color or another shade, this is alarming. Especially if this condition is also accompanied by itching, discomfort or pain in the perineum. All this is a harbinger of a pathological process or impaired functioning of the genital organs, requires specialist advice.

Pain and discomfort
Pain and discomfort


Discharge in women, depending on the intensity, can be divided into three main groups:

  • meager - the mucus produced is not enough to hydratethe vagina, because of which it dries up, and the walls can crack, during intercourse a woman experiences discomfort due to friction (with hormonal failure, taking contraceptives on hormones, as well as age-related changes);
  • natural - the vagina is moisturized, which does not require additional lubrication during intercourse, a woman can do without daily and change panties only once a day;
  • abundant - a woman feels constant moisture in the vagina, often have to change underwear or constantly use panty liners, while this is not a yellowish discharge, but a transparent, odorless one, which is considered a normal physiological state of a woman.

You can also divide the selection depending on the consistency. They can be slimy and thick, watery, frothy and cheesy. In color, the mucus from the vagina can be transparent, which is the norm, white and loose (with thrush), bloody or brown (between periods, it indicates pathology), green or yellow (infection or inflammation).

Mucic discharge within normal limits

Mucous, yellowish, odorless discharge is also the norm (along with transparent). If they do not cause discomfort in a woman, then this only means that the ovaries are working normally. On average, a woman secretes from the vagina in an amount of 2 ml. Its structure, consistency and even shade are directly related to the phase of the menstrual cycle, and not just anatomical features.

Discomfort during intercourse
Discomfort during intercourse

How does the quality of secreted mucus change depending on the day of the cycle?

From the first to the 7th day, menstruation goes directly, their duration and abundance depends on the individual characteristics of each woman. They can be either red, scarlet, or dark brown. As a rule, on the fifth day such discharge subsides, some disappear altogether.

From the 7th to the 14th day - this is the time of maturation of the egg - during this period the smallest amount of mucus is secreted, although it can be both white and yellow.

From the 14th to the 15th day, ovulation usually occurs. Estrogen reaches its maximum level, so it is possible to secrete a large amount of secretion (watery and thick) from the vagina. From the 16th to the 28th day, the female body prepares for menstruation, there is no discharge, but they can go plentifully just before menstruation.

Doctor's consultation is required
Doctor's consultation is required

Causes of natural secretions

Natural yellowish or white discharge creates a micro-environment in the vagina that blocks the growth of pathogenic bacteria or micro-organisms. Such secretions are odorless, most often they are watery in consistency. They can be abundantly secreted during sexual arousal and after intercourse, as well as immediately before menstruation.

Also, discharge is typical for every woman during the period of bearing a baby. Since it is during pregnancy that the hormonal background of the expectant mother is disturbed, which affects the production of secretions. Mucus is considered a pathologyimmediately before childbirth, as well as the occurrence of an unpleasant odor or blood.

Causes of yellow discharge

Indicator of the he alth of the sexual sphere of a woman is the secret secreted from the vagina. Its color, texture and quantity can be affected by many different factors, from stress and overwork to allergies or taking certain drugs.

lower abdominal pain
lower abdominal pain

Only a specialist can determine the pathology, but there are some disorders in the body of a woman, which are accompanied by certain symptoms:

  1. Bacterial vaginitis - accompanied by copious yellowish discharge with a smell, because the state of the microflora is disturbed, in which pathogenic bacteria actively multiply (pain during intercourse and not only, redness, itching of the external genital organs, weakness and frequent urination).
  2. Gonorrhea - in this case, the mucus is yellow-green in color, has an unpleasant odor, perhaps even the release of pus (fever, itching, weakness, nausea, swollen lymph nodes).
  3. Endometritis - bright green or yellow discharge in large quantities, which indicates inflammation of the uterus (acute pain in the lower abdomen, fever, weakness, pain when going to the toilet, enlargement of the uterus and painful periods in a profuse form).
  4. Vaginosis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (may occur after antibiotic treatment, after childbirth or an infection).
  5. Endometriosis is an overgrowth of mucosal tissue, which is accompanied by yellowish discharge in womenbetween periods and pain on sex contact.
  6. Tumours that can form on both internal and external organs, which is accompanied by various secretions, including yellow ones.
  7. Pathologies of the genitourinary system - then particles of urine appear on the panties (frequent urge to urinate, during which sharp pains are felt).
  8. Colpitis is an inflammatory process of the external genitalia (accompanied by pain and significant discomfort).
  9. Erosion of the cervix - there may be scant discharge of a yellow tint.

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy

During the bearing of the baby, the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes significantly. Therefore, it is quite normal if a woman during this period will have discharge, which may differ in consistency and intensity (depending on the term).

The normal secretion produced during pregnancy is an odorless, light yellow discharge that is not accompanied by pain or discomfort.

But if the yellowish discharge in the early stages of pregnancy has a dark tint, an unpleasant odor, a woman feels itching in the perineum, pain in the lower abdomen and when going to the toilet, then this may indicate a pathology. This may be inflammation that has developed against the background of reduced protective functions of the body, as is often the case during the period of bearing a baby. It can also be an infection in the vagina, inflammation of the tubes or ovaries, sexually transmitted diseases, or E. coli.

Important at the planning stageundergo all examinations during pregnancy to minimize the possible development of pathology in the fetus and avoid the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Yellow discharge after abortion

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene
Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

Yellowish discharge can also be observed in women for several months (maximum six) after an abortion. Since small vessels are damaged during the intervention, there may be blood impurities in the secreted mucus. At the slightest change in color, smell or consistency of discharge, you should consult a doctor, because after the operation there is a high risk of developing inflammatory processes.

In addition, after an abortion, the protective functions of a woman are noticeably reduced. It is during this period that pathologies and the penetration of infection are possible not only in the female genital organs, but also in the area of the intestines and urinary tract. Therefore, within six months after termination of pregnancy by artificial means, it is important to monitor the state of he alth and the nature of the discharge from the vagina.

Discharge in inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

If yellowish, odorless discharge does not cause concern, then as soon as they change their color to a darker one or discomfort, itching and burning appear, then you should consult a doctor. Since this may indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and requires immediate treatment.

Inflammatory processes that are accompanied by yellow secreted mucus include:

  1. Adnexitis - inflammation of the ovarian appendages (pain not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back, as well as when urinating, during menstruation and making love), yellow mucus mixed with pus.
  2. Salpingitis - inflammation of the tubes (pain when going to the toilet, because inflammation quickly affects the organs of the genitourinary system), a secret from the vagina of a yellow tint mixed with blood.
  3. Venereal diseases - trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea (mucus secreted abundantly, has a bright yellow tint, has an unpleasant odor).
  4. Bacterial vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina (a profuse yellow secretion of a pungent odor).
Pain in the lower abdomen
Pain in the lower abdomen

When should I see a doctor?

Minor discharge of yellow color, not accompanied by discomfort or itching, should not cause concern in women. Mucus can be released in a larger volume immediately before menstruation. This is a normal physiological process that occurs in the body of every representative of the weaker sex.

But as soon as yellowish discharge and itching appear in the perineum, discomfort during intercourse or urination, as well as lumps of different shades appear in the mucus, this indicates a deviation from the norm. A consultation with a doctor who will not only conduct a visual examination, but also take a smear to examine the microflora, in this case is mandatory. If necessary, a culture is taken, which will not only determine the type of bacteria, but also reveal sensitivity to certain drugs.funds needed for treatment.

Contact a gynecologist if yellow discharge with a smell appears if you have the following symptoms:

  • menstrual irregularity;
  • morbidity or identified pathologies of the mammary glands, since diseases of the female genital organs are often associated with hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • pain during intercourse and urination.

How to treat?

In case of yellowish discharge and certain symptoms, it is not worth treating yourself. Only a doctor can diagnose the pathology and prescribe therapy. Most often, in this case, antimicrobials are prescribed, antibiotics if necessary, various ointments and creams that will relieve inflammation and discomfort in the perineum.

In the presence of a fungal infection, that is, thrush, treatment is carried out not only locally, but also a number of oral agents are prescribed to normalize the bowels. The complex includes drugs that enhance the protective functions of the body. Herbal baths or douches are also used in the treatment of various diseases of the female genital organs.

Neoplasms are treated conservatively or with surgery. It all depends on the nature of the pathology and the speed of its development.

woman visiting gynecologist
woman visiting gynecologist

Folk methods should only be usedafter consultation with a specialist, as they can interfere with therapy and disturb the microflora in the vagina.

How to prevent?

Dysbacteriosis, which is one of the main causes of the development of various female diseases, accompanied by yellowish discharge, is most often the result of improper care or non-compliance with hygiene rules. Frequent douching, taking antibiotics or hormones without a doctor's supervision, as well as unprotected sex - all this can disrupt the microflora of the vagina and cause not only inflammation, but also various diseases.

It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, take medicines only as prescribed by a doctor, avoid unprotected sexual intercourse and promptly treat endocrine diseases that can lead to disruption of the female genital organs.


Every woman's body is different. And those women who carefully monitor the state of their women's he alth know what yellowish discharge is the norm for them, and when it indicates violations. Any changes should not go unnoticed.
