What is hypomenstrual syndrome? The etiology of this disease, its symptoms and methods of treatment will be discussed in this article.

Basic information
More and more often, the fair sex is faced with irregular menstruation. Moreover, not only adult women, but also teenage girls are in the conditional risk zone.
As a rule, no attention is paid to this problem until a certain time. If there is no menstruation, then most women refer to an unfavorable set of circumstances. However, after a while, such a pathology ceases to be a “cosmetic” defect. With scanty, short-term and irregular menstruation, girls begin to feel a panic feeling. At the same time, patients begin to immediately suspect the presence of terrible diseases. But most often, such a gynecological pathology is associated with ovarian hypofunction or adenohypophysis. In other words, the absence of normal menstruation is explained by the lack of sex hormones in the woman's body, which leads to a violation of the blood supply to the uterus, as well as a change in the structure of its mucosa, that is, the endometrium.
Gynecological diseases
Amenorrhoea,hypomenstrual syndrome - is it the same thing? Many patients mistakenly believe that these concepts are identical. However, they have nothing in common.
Amenorrhea is called the complete absence of menstruation for a long time, and hypomenstrual syndrome is just a violation of the cycle, which has various causes. By the way, according to the symptoms, the last pathological phenomenon is divided into the following types:

- Oligomenorrhea - menstruation lasts no more than two days.
- Hypomenorrhea - with this pathology, the average volume of secretions is no more than 25 ml.
- Bradimenorrhea or opsomenorrhea - the interval between the onset of critical days is increased to 6-8 weeks.
- Spaniomenorrhea is an extreme case of opsomenorrhea. At the same time, the duration of the menstrual cycle often reaches 4-6 months.
Causes of occurrence
Now you know what hypomenstrual syndrome is. According to experts, the development of this disease is due to hormonal failure of the pituitary gland or the ovaries. It should be noted that the very mechanism of development of hypomenstrual syndrome can be triggered by completely different factors. As a rule, these include the following:
- various pathologies in the endocrine system;
- medical and diagnostic manipulations that somehow affected the endometrium (for example, curettage and abortion);
- problems with the central nervous system that have arisen due to nervous overload, stress or nervousmental illness;
- diseases of inflammatory origin (for example, tuberculous lesions of the organs of the reproductive system);
- abrupt and significant weight loss (eg, anorexia, malnutrition, poor diet, excessive exercise);
- anemia;
- underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system, including those resulting from a genetic mutation;
- surgical removal of the uterus;
- lack of essential vitamins in the human body (hypovitaminosis);
- chronic intoxication (for example, resulting from adverse environmental conditions, poor-quality food intake, characteristics of professional activity);
- disturbed metabolism;
- side effects from incorrectly chosen hormonal contraceptives;
- breastfeeding baby;
- injuries of the genitourinary system (including those resulting from surgery);
- prolonged exposure to ion beams.

Symptoms of disease
How is hypomenstrual syndrome defined? The symptoms of this pathological phenomenon completely depend on the type of menstrual disorders (for example, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, spaniomenorrhea or opsomenorrhea).
Experts say that in order to identify such a disease, it is necessary to pay special attention to the interval between periods and their duration.
So, the main signs of the disease in question include the following:
- colorspotting dark or light brown;
- lower back and chest pain;
- headaches of unknown origin;
- nausea, dyspepsia, constipation;
- nosebleed;
- Spastic uterine contractions that occur against the background of severe pain;
- complete absence or decrease of sexual desire.

These symptoms are only possible clinical manifestations of such a disease as hypomenstrual syndrome. At the same time, it should be remembered that during menopause and during puberty, girls such signs do not indicate any violations, and sometimes they are even considered a variant of the norm.
If such manifestations are observed in the fairer sex of childbearing age, then this may indicate serious disorders of the woman's reproductive system, which requires an early referral to a gynecologist.
How to diagnose?
As mentioned above, if a woman does not have menstruation, then we are talking about such a disease as amenorrhea. In this case, the hypomenstrual syndrome differs only in some violations in the menstrual cycle. However, it should be noted that the methods for detecting such pathological conditions are largely similar. Consider them in more detail:
- Gynecological consultation. During such a conversation, the doctor analyzes the subjective complaints of the patient, and also finds out a detailed history (gynecological, general and genealogical).
- Primary examination of the patient. During the inspectionthe gynecologist determines the weight, height and body type of a woman, as well as the nature of the distribution of her adipose tissue, the condition of the mammary glands and skin, the presence of somatic anomalies.
- Standard examination of a patient on a gynecological chair.
- Laboratory tests. After examining a woman, the gynecologist is required to prescribe such general clinical tests as urine, coagulogram, blood, RW, glucose levels, HbsAg and HIV. The doctor also takes a specific oncocytological smear, determines the type of secretions of pathogenic microflora, the level of progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, TSH, prolactin, FSH and LH. In addition, the patient must pass a urine test to detect 17-ketosteroids in it.
- Diagnosis of the ovaries is functional. During this examination, the gynecologist measures the basal temperature, examines the mucus arborization and performs hormonal colpocytology.
- Instrumental examination involves the passage of ultrasound of the pelvic organs, hysteroscopy, X-ray of the Turkish saddle and laparoscopy. Also, the field of view of both eyes is determined in the patient and diagnostic curettage of the uterine mucosa is carried out.

Treatment of hypomenstrual syndrome
Is the disease in question treatable? Experts say that only an integrated approach to therapy will help normalize periods of the menstrual cycle with hypomenstrual syndrome. To do this, doctors prescribe:
- A diet with a predominance of proteins, trace elements and vitamins.
- Drugs that improveliver function, including Essentiale Forte, Gepabene, Karsil, Hofitol, Silibor.
- Vitamin therapy, which includes taking drugs such as pyridoxine hydrochloride, Rutin, thiamine bromide, vitamin B12, Aevit, ascorbic acid, Ferrum-Lek, Ferroplex, folic acid.
- Hormonotherapy, involving the use of combined estrogen-progesterone agents, including Ovidon, Non-ovlon, Norinil and Rigevidon.

In addition, this treatment requires the use of human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone (to stimulate the follicles) and Clomiphene. Doctors can also prescribe gestagens in the form of Pregnin, Utrozhestan, Orgametril, Norkolut and Duphaston.
It cannot be said that hormone therapy may involve taking drugs containing follicle-stimulating hormone (for example, Gonal-F, Metrodin, Urofollitropin) or gonadotropin (for example, Choriogonin, "Profazi", "Pregnil"). Also, sometimes patients are recommended LH and FSH stimulation through drugs such as Pergonal and Pergogrin.
In addition to diet and taking various drugs, treatment of hypomenstrual syndrome may include:
- pelvic electrophoresis with vitamin B1 or copper s alts;
- amplipulse therapy;
- galvanization of the cervicofacial or collar zone;
- lower abdomen induction;
- ultraton therapy with a vaginal or rectal electrode;
- diadynamic therapy (abdominosacral technique);
- laser (helium-neon) irradiation of the iliac region or vagina.
Gynecological massage works very effectively in the treatment of hypomenstrual syndrome. It should be carried out only by an experienced specialist, using a certain technique.

Folk treatment
Often, patients use folk remedies to treat hypomenstrual syndrome. To do this, they use herbal preparations, which include rue, fennel, St.