Any method of contraception is good at least because every woman can avoid an unplanned pregnancy. When a man does not want to use a condom, his partner can use a diaphragm contraceptive, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus. It is a shallow soft cap with a silicone or latex flexible rim. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?

Barrier female contraceptive in the form of a semi-oval latex sphere with a flexible rim is used as a reliable barrier to male spermatozoa. The partner can independently put on and remove the cap. The main advantages of this contraceptive method are:
- female reusable, unlike barrier male contraceptives;
- contraceptive diaphragm does not have to be inserted immediately before sexual intercourse (you can at any time six hours before the act);
- there is no negative effect on the woman's body;
- can be safely used while breastfeeding.
The diaphragm, like the male condom, does not have high efficiency (100 women a year have 4 to 17 pregnancies using this method), but this value can be improved by using additional special spermicide medications.
A photo of the contraceptive diaphragm is shown below.
An ointment or cream that can kill sperm should be squeezed into a cap and then inserted into the vagina. In this case, you can greatly improve efficiency by doing the following:
- Improved contact of the contraceptive with the cervix, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoa;
- neutralization of sperm that managed to get under the flexible rim of the contraceptive.
If you add some natural methods of family planning (cervical, temperature, symptothermal and calendar) to this set of contraceptives, then the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy is minimized.

A woman who learns about this method, the main question arises: how to use a diaphragm contraceptive? It has a simple method of introduction. You just need to clearly and accurately follow the medical recommendations or carefully read the instructions for the product.
Before you insert a female contraceptive diaphragm, you need to prepareas follows:
- go a little to the toilet, emptying the bladder completely;
- then wash with intimate gel, wash hands with soap;
- visually evaluate the integrity of the product, the absence or presence of defects, tears and holes;
- apply spermicide cream to the inner wall of the latex cap.
How to properly insert and remove a contraceptive?
It is necessary to understand what the contraceptive diaphragm is: this method of barrier protection creates an obstacle for the male germ cells on the way to the female reproductive organs.
You just need to correctly insert the cap, for which the following steps are performed:

- choose one of the postures (lying on your back, squatting or standing with your leg raised on a toilet seat or chair);
- squeeze the diaphragm rim with two fingers;
- insert the diaphragm into the vagina, push up;
- bring your finger to the neck, trying to cover it with a cap.
How to insert a contraceptive diaphragm is described in detail in the instructions.
Time factor when using a contraceptive method
You need to take into account the time factor: if six hours pass after the introduction of the product, a spermicide cream is added to improve its effectiveness. After intercourse, the latex cap must be left in the vagina for another six hours.
Removing the cap from the vagina is not difficult at all: insert the tip of your finger into the vagina, then pick up the rim and pull it outcontraceptive. Then it needs to be washed with soap and dried for the next use.
This also confirms the instructions for the contraceptive diaphragm.
Disadvantages of the contraceptive method
The female barrier method of contraception, like any other method, has certain disadvantages. These include:
- Aperture may not be suitable for all women, especially when it comes to the installation process, as some feel uncomfortable touching themselves. Also, during intercourse, the diaphragm can shift, which can cause unwanted pregnancy. It also does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
- Significantly less effective than other modern contraceptive methods.
- The need for knowledge about a woman's own anatomy and certain skills.
- The need to visit a doctor to choose the right contraceptive size depending on the size of the cervix and vagina.

Women should be aware that diaphragmatic contraception increases the chance of infection. Using it as a contraceptive, a woman increases the risk of recurrent cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and urethritis (pathology of the urethra) due to the strong pressure on the urethra of the rim of the diaphragm.
Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the bladder through the urethra. Installing the agent inside the uterus is one of the methodsincrease the likelihood of bacteria entering the urethra. They enter the lining of the bladder, causing urinary tract infections. Since they are attached to the epithelium of the urinary tract, they cannot be removed during urination.
UTI fortunately responds well to drug treatment. However, their reappearance is also quite possible.
You need to be aware that it also increases the likelihood of toxic shock syndrome. If women use a diaphragm, they are at risk of bacterial infections because the insertion and removal of the diaphragm is an invasive procedure. When the diaphragm is used as a method of contraception, toxic shock syndrome is possible, but not common
Toxic shock syndrome refers to a condition where bacteria release toxins in the body and cause shock symptoms such as dizziness and hypotension.
This complication is fortunately prevented by careful hand hygiene before removing or inserting a contraceptive. In addition, you must not forget to pull out the diaphragm. It should not be left for more than eight hours after an intimate relationship, as otherwise the likelihood of complications increases.
You may have an allergic reaction to latex or spermicide cream

Contraindications to the use of the described method of contraception
This method (diaphragm contraceptive) cannot be used in the following cases:
- inflammation in the bladder or vagina;
- if availablecervical hypertrophy or deformity;
- with prolapse and prolapse (prolapse) of the pelvic organs;
- during menstruation;
- for two weeks after a medical abortion and forty days after delivery.
Many contraceptive methods offered by doctors do not suit the couple in all cases. For example, a man does not want to use a condom, or a woman is afraid of gaining weight due to the use of hormonal drugs and cannot use intrauterine contraception due to contraindications.
Because couples are young and want to have a baby in the future, they cannot resort to medical sterilization. In this case, a diaphragm combined with spermicides is an excellent method.
If sexual intercourse is infrequent, in the postpartum period or older women with reduced reproductive ability, a woman can effectively and easily use a barrier contraceptive method without fear for he alth.

Reviews on contraceptive diaphragm
Many girls say that if you have to choose between the risk of pregnancy and taking hormone pills or the simple risk of pregnancy (using a diaphragm), it is better to choose the latter.
Some women mention that this method does not protect 100% from pregnancy and infections, so they are additionally advised to resort to Veromistin Silver after an intimate relationship, even if she was with a condom. Thus, a double guarantee is provided from transmittedsexually transmitted diseases.
Many people say that the diaphragm is inconvenient to insert and smearing it with spermicide after intercourse is not always possible.
The diaphragm is up to 96% effective when used correctly. Its use needs to be reinforced with spermicides (added between sexual intercourses). The contraceptive should not be removed immediately after intercourse.

Women are allowed to repeatedly use the diaphragm. When removing it, it must be washed well, stored in a special case, which is sold together with the contraceptive. Store in a cool place.
It is forbidden to use in diseases of the uterine cervix, as well as in the presence of several partners.
We reviewed the instructions for the contraceptive diaphragm. What is it, now it is clear.