What antibiotics to drink after an abortion? Tips & Feedback

What antibiotics to drink after an abortion? Tips & Feedback
What antibiotics to drink after an abortion? Tips & Feedback

We will not talk today about issues of morality and morality. At least once in her life, every woman has to make such a difficult choice. However, this is not about that, but about how to recover after the procedure with minimal losses to the body. Such an operation is a great stress for the body. After all, abortion is a very complicated and painful process. Moreover, even the best doctor cannot give a 100% guarantee that the operation will pass without consequences. Therefore, in most cases, antibiotics are prescribed after an abortion.

antibiotics after abortion
antibiotics after abortion

The safest way

If we are talking about abortion, then the word "safety" will not be the most correct. But if you choose the least of the evils (of course, after timely contraception), then medical abortion will still be such. It is performed at the earliest possible date, when some women are not yet fully confident in their position. The pregnancy is terminated as much as possible with the help of drugs up to 4-5 weeks of delay. If time is missed, then doctors refer to a vacuum abortion, during which the fetus is sucked out of the uterus using a special device.

Howeverthere are two sides of the coin. In the short term, it is possible that the fetus cannot be removed, and after a few weeks mechanical cleaning will have to be performed. And if the doctors made a little mistake, and the period is already more than seven weeks, then the vacuum installation will only damage the fetus without removing it entirely.

what antibiotics after abortion
what antibiotics after abortion

Rehabilitation treatment

It is extremely important to help the body resume its natural work as soon as possible. Termination of pregnancy is a gross intervention in the hormonal background, which has an extremely negative effect on the physical and mental state. Antibiotics after an abortion should help the body recover and prevent the possibility of developing possible inflammation.

The psychological state of a woman is of no small importance. Therefore, if the decision to have an abortion was difficult for you, you need to seek help from a professional psychologist. Be that as it may, there are circumstances in which it is more humane to end life at the very beginning than to leave the baby in an orphanage.

Mandatory treatment

Any experienced doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics after an abortion. Infections that cause inflammation can enter the body during an abortion, as well as after surgery. In addition, in the body of a woman, infections can doze off, which gain strength against the background of stress. Therefore, antibiotics after an abortion can save your life or the female reproductive system from further complications that can lead to infertility.

As doctors often emphasize, it's not the scary oneabortion and its consequences. It is in order to try to prevent them that preventive treatment is prescribed from the first day after the operation. Not always the appointment is made in the hospital. Then, as soon as possible, you need to visit the district gynecologist and clarify which antibiotics after an abortion are optimal.

taking antibiotics after miscarriage
taking antibiotics after miscarriage

What to take

No woman should take medicines bought on her own initiative. Despite the abundance of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action, you will not be able to take into account the individual characteristics of your body and the operation performed. If your friend took antibiotics after an abortion, it does not mean that they will work for you.

For optimal treatment after a medical abortion, a woman is prescribed a number of drugs that together help the body to cope with the stress experienced and to establish the normal functioning of the reproductive system. This is:

  • antimicrobials;
  • contraceptives that can protect against future unwanted pregnancies. In addition, modern OCs help to improve the hormonal background, which can fail after an abortion;
  • vitamins that generally support immunity.
  • what antibiotics to take after an abortion
    what antibiotics to take after an abortion

Inflammation Prevention

The most important question is what antibiotics to drink after an abortion. During this operation, there is an invasion of the uterine cavity, a violation of the integrity of its cover. This opens the way for microbes, which means that inflammation is not far away. To avoid endometritis and other disorders, it is recommended to include antifungal and sulfa drugs in the course of therapy. Oral contraceptives allow you to normalize hormonal levels. But in this case, you can not rack your brains much and take those that the gynecologist previously prescribed for you.

Under medical supervision

Speaking about which antibiotics to take after an abortion, it should be noted that both the duration and intensity of therapy should be determined by a specialist. In case of any deterioration in the condition, urgently seek correction of the treatment regimen. Usually the duration of admission is no more than 7 days. At the same time, doctors most often prefer the drugs "Gentamicin" and "Netromycin". They are able to prevent and stop the already beginning inflammation, and therefore, in some cases, save lives. For some purposes, the appointment of "Amoxicillin" is possible, although it has been used relatively recently. But the dosage is individual, the doctor must weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

what antibiotics to take after an abortion
what antibiotics to take after an abortion

Exemplary treatment regimens

What other antibiotics after medical abortion are most often prescribed by gynecologists? Often it happens "Doxycycline". This is a powerful drug that should be prescribed immediately after an abortion. Take it twice a day, 1 capsule once a day. It is not recommended to take it for more than 7 days, most often five is enough.

Combined with"Doxycycline" often should take antimicrobials. It can be "Metronidazole" or "Trichopol". Their spectrum of action is very wide, drugs help to avoid complications in any surgical intervention. The standard dosage is 2 tablets three times a day. After the end of the course, on the 5-7th day, a single dose of Fluconazole or Flucostat is recommended. These drugs will help maintain the normal microflora of the vagina.

You should take one capsule once, and then start restoring the intestinal microflora. For this, capsules "Beefy-forms" are best suited, 2 capsules per day. Now the course is almost over. And to maintain the body, include in the diet more fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as natural juices.

antibiotics after medical abortion
antibiotics after medical abortion

Do antibiotics harm the body

This question is heard by doctors several times a day. Of course, these are far from vitamins, and they have a strong effect on our body. However, if we are talking about the prevention of inflammatory processes, complications, repeated operations, in the most severe cases leading to final infertility, then taking antibiotics is the least of evils. Therefore, your task is to choose a competent doctor and entrust him with control over rehabilitation therapy. It is he who will decide whether to drink antibiotics after an abortion, which are ideal in your particular case. He will also have to calculate the correct dosage, duration andtreatment intensity. Most of the modern drugs are well tolerated and relatively safe for the body.

Should I take antibiotics after an abortion?
Should I take antibiotics after an abortion?

Instead of a conclusion

Every woman can face the need to make such a fateful decision. Financial circumstances, age, career, having small children can all be strong enough circumstances to terminate a pregnancy. But the most important thing in this case is to try to protect your body as much as possible, to conduct high-quality rehabilitation therapy. This is especially true for young women of reproductive age.

Judging by the opinions of women, almost everyone who followed the advice of a doctor and underwent a full course of treatment after an abortion did not feel any consequences of the operation and later could have he althy children. But despite this, doctors strongly recommend using modern methods of contraception to avoid such radical methods.