Heel spur patches: overview, principle of operation and reviews

Heel spur patches: overview, principle of operation and reviews
Heel spur patches: overview, principle of operation and reviews

Heel spur, also called heel fasciitis, is an extremely unpleasant disease that should not be left to chance. Without treatment, this pathology only progresses, delivering a lot of uncomfortable and painful sensations to a person. There are several treatments for heel spurs. Some of the most effective are specially designed patches that are sold in pharmacies and on foreign websites.

The essence of the disease

Heel fasciitis is a disease accompanied by plantar fascia. It develops when the tendon that supports the arch of the foot becomes inflamed. During inflammation, degenerative processes begin to occur in the leg. The part of the tendon attached to the heel bone ossifies, forming a characteristic bony growth.

the essence of the disease
the essence of the disease

Causes of disease

Feet experience a huge load every day, as weightthe human body is constantly distributed precisely to them while standing on their feet. Because of this, the plantar fascia is subjected to heavy loads, which provokes various injuries. Small tendon tears heal on their own. But with frequent injuries, they do not have time to recover. This contributes to the development of inflammation and ossification of the fascia attached to the heel bone. A heel spur can develop due to the following factors:

  • Overweight, which increases the already intense load on the feet.
  • Diseases of the spine, during which the functions of the spinal column are disturbed. They contribute to an uneven load on the feet.
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints, the occurrence of arthritis.
  • Flat feet.
  • Pathologies of the hip, knee or ankle joint.
  • Injuries to the foot, including the calcaneus.
  • Joint injuries from wrong shoes.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Heart failure.
  • Obliterating endarteritis.
  • With intense stress on the feet during training and running.

Any of the above factors can be decisive in an acute, inflammatory process of the plantar fascia. Its main and only symptom is severe pain in the heel, which worsens when walking or any other impact on the foot.

heel spur symptoms
heel spur symptoms

How the medical patch works

This remedy is necessary to relieve pain, eliminate uncomfortablesensations when walking and inflammation in the heel. It is also important that the heel spur patch can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. There are several varieties of these adhesive plasters:

  1. Pepper.
  2. Chinese.
  3. Orthopedic.
  4. Combined.
  5. Cleansing.

What kind of plaster is needed, only a traumatologist, therapist or surgeon determines. It is strictly forbidden to treat a heel spur without consulting a specialist, so as not to harm an already damaged tendon.

heel spur symptoms and treatment
heel spur symptoms and treatment

The principle of operation of pepper patches

They are used to relieve pain, as well as improve blood circulation in the foot area. It contains the active ingredient in the form of capsicum. It has a warming effect, which helps to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of fasciitis. Pepper plaster for heel spurs can be used in one of the following ways:

  1. In case of sharp and sharp pains, stick on the entire sole area.
  2. If the pain is not too intense and appears locally, you can cut the patch into small pieces and stick to the affected areas.

Before using the patch, thoroughly cleanse the skin and dry with a towel. Also, remember that you can not use this tool for more than two days in a row. If the pain does not subside, you can continue treatment after a one-day break.

Features of use, contraindications and reviews

When sticking a band-aid, you needstay in a calm mood and maximum relaxation. The legs should be warm and in a horizontal position. A full course of pepper patch treatment should not exceed 21 days.

Based on the reviews of the patch from the heel spur, relief from its use comes on the 3rd day. If itching or burning sensation occurs immediately after touching the skin with the adhesive plaster, it must be removed. Further treatment is recommended to continue in this case with another variety of this remedy.

Treatment of heel spurs with pepper patch is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding, the presence of acute wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin. It is also necessary to take into account the possible intolerance and allergy to hot pepper extract.

pepper patch for heel spurs
pepper patch for heel spurs

Chinese patches

These adhesive tapes are very popular in the treatment of heel spurs. They owe this to their natural composition of plant components. The leader among Chinese patches for heel spurs is a drug called Tianhe. With it, you can remove the inflammatory process of the fascia, improve blood circulation in the affected area, and also contribute to the uniform release of s alts and reduce pain. In addition, the Chinese patch removes swelling from the inflamed tissue well. Therefore, it is often used not only to treat heel spurs, but also for corns and many other foot defects.

pain in the heel
pain in the heel

Use of Chinese patches and reviewsabout them

The correct application of this product is to stick a patch on cleansed and dried skin. Wear this heel spur patch for at least 3 days in a row. One package of the drug contains 4 plates with patches. For a full course of treatment, you will need about 3 packs. As evidenced by numerous reviews, pepper patch for heel spurs is not as effective as Tianhe. The Chinese preparation is much more expensive than the pepper version due to the higher quality of the components used in the composition.

They have a healing effect on the fascia not only due to herbal ingredients, but also due to the presence of magnetic radiation. Before using the patch, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to its composition. You need to purchase "Tianhe" on the official website of the manufacturer, since it is almost impossible to find it in a pharmacy. Based on the reviews, the Chinese heel spur patch will completely heal the tendon in 10 to 20 days.

Cleansing patches

With the help of these patches, not only inflammation of the fascia is treated, but also toxins are removed, lymph and blood are cleansed, which is what their name suggests. If the heel spur is weighed down by a strong inflammatory process in the foot, and also causes acute pain, this type of patch will suit better than the others. It will relieve inflammation, fatigue, and also normalize the metabolic process in the body, purify the blood, and regulate the water balance.

A heel spur cleansing patch will be able to remove those toxins that could not dissolve in water and leave the bodynatural way. It is they who accumulate over the years in bone and soft tissues, which makes their mobility very difficult. Therefore, the patch will be effective even with corns. One of the most popular is Salipod.

heel spur cleansing patch
heel spur cleansing patch

Reviews and course of treatment

Based on the huge number of reviews about Salipod, it is considered the best in its category of drugs. Its composition is absolutely safe, as it contains only herbal ingredients. Instructions for using the patch for the treatment of heel spurs states that it must be glued to the affected area of the foot in one piece, without cutting it into pieces. Each package consists of a set of 8 plates. The course of treatment is 16 days, but numerous reviews contain information that recovery occurs after a week of regular use of this remedy.

The principle of action of orthopedic patches

The drug has an effect on the affected tissue due to the presence of plant extracts and oils in the composition. Natural ingredients help relieve inflammation and quickly eliminate its symptoms. The principle of operation of the orthopedic patch is its effect exclusively on the painful areas of the fascia. When using it, the pain syndrome disappears, puffiness is eliminated, the process of blood circulation in soft and bone tissues is normalized.

This patch treats heel spur very gently. It rarely provokes side effects and has practically no contraindications for use. In some cases, he maycause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better not to use it for those who are sensitive to vegetable oils and other components of the composition. The patch is easy to use. You just need to stick the plate on clean skin and wear it for about 3 days. Relief comes after a few hours.

orthopedic plaster
orthopedic plaster

Combined patches: principle of action, composition and reviews

This type of patch for heel spurs has a combined principle of action. The Compid patch is considered the most effective. It consists of silicon, tourmaline and perlite. Also, its active substance is chitosan. This component is a tool that has the ability to remove toxins from the body. This combination patch can produce infrared rays. This gives it not only an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect, but also a warming one. Heat makes the penetration of active substances more intense. Therefore, Compide is indicated both for the treatment of heel spurs and for tendon sprains.

Based on the reviews of the drug, it has an excellent effect on the blood circulation process. Under its influence, tissues quickly regenerate, which contributes to its very rapid healing. Some highlight the fact that the patch can provoke an allergy. Therefore, they should not be used by pregnant women, children, as well as open wounds on the skin, papillomas or birthmarks on the feet.
