Doctors recommend undergoing a fluorographic examination once a year. This diagnostic procedure is included in the mandatory medical examination program. It helps to identify the initial signs of such dangerous pathologies as tuberculosis and cancer. Does fluorography show smoking? This question is especially often asked by young smokers. They fear that, based on the results of the examination, parents will guess about their bad habit. What does a fluorographic picture show? And is it possible to determine from it that the patient smokes? Let's try to figure it out.
The essence of the method
Does fluorography show cigarette smoking? To answer this question, you need to understand the essence of this diagnostic method.
Fluorography is a type of X-ray examination. Today, diagnostics is carried out usingspecial digital devices, which allows the use of lower doses of radiation. However, the essence of the method remains the same. X-rays are passed through the patient's body, which are unevenly absorbed by the lung tissue. The image of the bronchi and lungs is displayed on a fluorescent screen and a picture is taken.
Classic lung x-ray and fluorography differ in the doses of x-rays required for the study. With conventional X-rays, the patient is exposed to a more intense exposure to radiation. For this reason, the image resolution is higher than with conventional fluorography.
Fluorography shows only gross and pronounced changes in the respiratory organs. This is a safer but less reliable method. It is used during preventive examinations. As for the classic x-ray, this examination is more often used to diagnose diseases. It shows a clear and accurate picture of pathological changes.
What the picture shows
During fluorography, the state of not only the lungs, but also other organs of the chest (bones, heart, blood vessels) is examined. The picture shows the following structural features of tissues:
- structure changes;
- accumulation of gases and liquids;
- seals in organs.
Does fluorography show smoking? This study cannot establish the very fact that a person has a bad habit. It is impossible to determine from the picture whether the patient smokes or not. But, as you know, nicotine and tobacco tar have an extremely negative effect on the respiratory system. If the patient hasagainst the background of smoking, pathologies of the lungs and bronchi have already arisen, then a fluorographic image will show these changes.

Is it possible to detect a smoker
If a person actively and regularly smokes, then sooner or later it affects the state of the respiratory system. X-ray signs of a disease that doctors call "smoker's chronic bronchitis" appear.
However, the cause of such bronchitis can be not only nicotine. The picture can determine the presence of pathological changes, but it is impossible to establish their exact etiology. To suggest a possible cause of bronchitis, the doctor needs to take an anamnesis. The fact of smoking can only be established during a conversation with the patient.
Often, novice tobacco lovers ask the question: "Does fluorography show smoking if you smoke for a year?" At such an early stage, chronic bronchitis does not occur in all patients. However, much here depends on the initial state of he alth and the number of cigarettes smoked. In some cases, heavy smoking can lead to bronchitis within 6-12 months.

Hookah and electronic cigarettes
Many people mistakenly believe that hookah smoking is practically harmless. However, hookah tobacco also contains toxic substances that irritate the respiratory system. Of course, the harm from regular cigarettes is much greater. However, it is impossible to talk about the complete safety of the hookah.
Does fluorography show hookah smoking?Research will reveal only the consequences of this habit. Heavy smokers of hookah tobacco also develop chronic bronchitis over time. In addition, intense inhaling leads to a decrease in lung capacity.

A lot of people use electronic cigarettes these days. You can even hear the opinion that with their help it is much easier to quit smoking. But is it so harmless? E-liquids contain a variety of flavorings. These substances can provoke the development of bronchiolitis obliterans. This is inflammation and narrowing of the small bronchi (bronchioles).
Does fluorography show e-cigarette smoking? If the patient has already developed bronchiolitis, then the image will show obstruction of the small bronchi. In advanced cases, the examination will show the presence of cicatricial changes in the tissues. Over time, this pathology can lead to a decrease in respiratory function and oxygen deficiency in the body.
Signs of the effects of smoking
As already mentioned, with prolonged and active smoking, changes occur in the respiratory organs. Let us consider in more detail the difference between a fluorographic image of an experienced smoker and a he althy person:
- The presence of seals. Normally, the picture should not have dark-colored foci in the lungs. Smoking reduces the elasticity of tissues in certain areas. These areas of compaction look like blackouts.
- The volume of the heart. In a he althy person, the size of this organ remains within the normal range. When smoking, the respiratory function is sharply disturbed. itleads to expansion of the heart. The organ looks somewhat enlarged in the picture.
- Vascular pattern. In smokers, the vascular network is more pronounced in the picture than in he althy people. This is due to the fact that exposure to nicotine and combustion products leads to the formation of growths on the arteries and veins.
- Spots on the lungs. Tobacco tar clogs the pores of the lungs. Areas with reduced gas exchange are formed, which look like dark or light inclusions in the picture. Normally, the image should not show spots.
- Lung pattern. In smokers, the shadows from the vessels in the picture are not clearly expressed. In this case, doctors talk about the weakening of the pulmonary pattern. Such a sign indicates the onset of fibrotic changes in the tissues.
- Thickening of the walls of the bronchi. This is a consequence of the constant irritation of the respiratory tract by tar and nicotine. This feature indicates the presence of chronic bronchitis.

However, even by such signs, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion that the patient smokes. After all, such changes are also found in people without bad habits. To establish the exact etiology of abnormalities, doctors prescribe additional examinations.
Smoking before the procedure
Does fluorography show smoking if you smoke just before the procedure? This question is often asked by patients. By itself, the cigarette smoked will not affect the results of the study. The picture will show only those changes in the lungs and bronchi that are already present insmoker.
Many diagnostic procedures call for smoking cessation some time before the examination. However, when preparing for fluorography, this rule is not mandatory.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of whether fluorography shows smoking. This survey cannot determine the fact of addiction to tobacco. But it accurately diagnoses the negative effects of nicotine use. Therefore, if a smoker has pathological changes in the picture, then most likely they are provoked by a bad habit. This means that you need to reconsider your lifestyle and stop smoking immediately.