The norm of erythrocytes in men and women: table, main indicators and decoding

The norm of erythrocytes in men and women: table, main indicators and decoding
The norm of erythrocytes in men and women: table, main indicators and decoding

When taking blood from a finger or vein, laboratory technicians examine our blood in order to find abnormalities. For example, a lack of red blood cells may indicate anemia, and an excess of white blood cells or a low ESR indicates a possible inflammatory process. All of these indicators must be monitored. Moreover, the rate of red blood cells in men is controlled.

Let's focus on erythrocytes. These elements have a scarlet hue, as they carry the red iron protein - hemoglobin. And if a lack of hemoglobin is detected, it is necessary to investigate the cause, since the body receives less oxygen, and this can be dangerous. It is also necessary sometimes to check if there are deviations in such an indicator as the rate of red blood cells in the urine in men.

The work of red blood cells in the body

Erythrocytes are the most essential blood elements in the list of hematological parameters. Thanks to their work, the body breathes a much-needed gas - oxygen; cells can be nourished and function fully. Erythrocyte bodies also remove carbon dioxide from tissues and are involved in protecting the body from infections. And what if notblood helps us maintain a constant body temperature.

the rate of red blood cells in men
the rate of red blood cells in men

Without red blood cells, a person could not live. In the body of an adult male, there is somewhere around 5 liters of blood (8% of the total body weight). With this volume of blood, what is the norm of erythrocytes in men? Let's take a closer look at these questions.

How are red blood cells different from reticulocytes?

Blood is constantly renewed. And if suddenly violations occur in the process of renewing blood cells, a person can become seriously ill. Erythrocytes originate inside the bone marrow. The process of creation and development of these cells is called erythropoiesis. And the process of renewal of all blood is hematopoiesis. The production of reticulocytes is stimulated by the hormone erythropoietin (kidney hormone).

If the body suddenly loses its blood supply or lacks air, the bone marrow is instructed to urgently produce new red blood cells. These young cells are still completely "empty", and within 2 hours their task is to fill up with hemoglobin.

Erythrocytes. norm in men by age. table
Erythrocytes. norm in men by age. table

Only then can these cells be called erythrocytes. And very young cells are called reticulocytes. Their level is also checked in the general analysis. Disturbances in the formation of reticulocytes also lead to a violation of the normal level of red blood cells.

That's how important red blood cells are for us (the norm in men by age). A table describing the age norms will be given below.

what is the rate of red blood cells in men
what is the rate of red blood cells in men

Significant disadvantagered blood cells due to any problems indirectly indicates the onset of severe anemia or even blood cancer. Sometimes anemia begins due to the fact that the spinal cord does not produce enough new bodies. Anemia can be mild, moderate or severe. Severe anemia is noted when HGB is 70 g/l. But to determine cancer, you need to take many other, more accurate and complex tests.


Formed basic elements of blood have their own functions and their own norms. For each element there are tables where the norms for different ages are indicated. The slightest discrepancy between the data obtained during the analysis and the norms alarms doctors. The therapist is obliged to prescribe a comprehensive examination if the norm of red blood cells in the blood of men or women is not observed.

the rate of red blood cells in men
the rate of red blood cells in men

What are the values for adults?

The rate of red blood cells in the blood of men and women is slightly different. All differences are in the table below.

Indicator For men Women
RBC RBCs (1012/L) 4-5, 6 3, 6-4, 6
Reticulocyte RTC 0, 2-1, 1 0, 2-1, 1
Hemoglobin HGB (g/l) 130-150 120-140
WBC white blood cells (109 /L) 4-9 4-9
Platelets PLT (109/L) 180-320 180-320

These are the main indicators. They are enough to determine whether a person is he althy orno.

Reasons for changing the RBC level

An increase in RBC levels is called erythrocytosis. And to characterize the decrease in this level, there is the term "erythropenia", which is also known as "anemia". Erythropenia occurs in people who eat poorly, eat little vitamins. Or lost a lot of blood due to internal bleeding.

The increase in red blood cells has the following reasons:

  • CVD diseases;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • polycystic kidney disease (or other kidney disease).

In addition to these diseases, ordinary dehydration can also be the cause. Or the use of drugs of the steroid group. If a person takes such drugs, then the doctor must be warned about this in advance. Otherwise, the norm will be exceeded for false reasons.

Erythrocytes: the norm in men by age. Table of normal indicators for men and women

All norms in the general analysis have a time frame. The given data are calculated for men and women of mature age. Normally, the number of red blood cells in men is more than 5. But with old age, these norms change. Let's see how the numbers considered normal change depending on age.

Age RBC male (1012/L) RBC female (1012/L)
Until 18 4-5, 1 3, 9-5, 1
Up to 65 4, 2-5, 6 3, 8-5, 1
65 or more 3, 8-5, 6 3, 8-5, 1

It is obvious that 40% of the total mass of blood is red blood cells. The norm for men, women is only tenths different. As can be seen from the table, the level of RBC in the blood of a man is higher than that of a woman. In addition, in women, this level is practically unchanged throughout life. But ESR (ESR) in men is lower. It has to do with physiology.

Erythrocytes in urine. What is the reason?

To establish the disease, erythrocytes in urine are also examined. The rate of erythrocytes in the urine in men is estimated using the Nechiporenko analysis. In the clinic, under a microscope, the number of red cells per milliliter of urea is studied. Red blood cells (RBC) cannot be more than 1 thousand per milliliter.

In principle, red blood cells "travel" throughout the body. And through the vessels they penetrate into the urinary tract. However, hematuria (an increase in red blood cells) is a poor indicator. And there is also gross hematuria - this is an increase in red blood cells so much that the urine changes its color to pink or red.

the rate of erythrocytes in the urine in men
the rate of erythrocytes in the urine in men

What does that mean? Sometimes these physiological changes are associated with general overheating in the sun or in the sauna. Perhaps the man was overworked physically, or there were a lot of spices in the food; or maybe there was alcohol in the body.

But it could also mean that not all is well in the body. And the reason is somatic changes. In this case, the following diseases can be expected:

  • diseases of the kidneys (very often ordinary kidney stones give such a color to urine) and the genitourinary system;
  • seriousintoxication;
  • thrombocytopenia (reduced number of platelets in the blood);
  • also speaks of hemophilia, which is a genetic disorder.

In fact, there are more than 100 medical causes of hematuria. In each case, you need to collect a detailed history and look for causes in the patient's medical history and monitor his well-being. The rate of RBC in urine sediment in a man is from 0 to 14, and it is considered normal for women to have an indicator of up to two units, that is, cells.


So, the UAC, in addition to the main indicator (the norm of red blood cells in men or women), will certainly investigate the following items:

  • blood composition, quality of the main bodies.
  • hematocrit;
  • hemoglobin;
  • ESR;
  • lymphocyte count.

What is hematocrit? This indicator determines the ratio of the number of red blood cells to plasma cells. The norm of erythrocytes in men in relation to plasma is 39-49%. And after 65 years - 37-51%. In women, the picture is slightly different: up to 65 - from 35 to 47%; after this age - 35-47.

normal red blood cell count in men
normal red blood cell count in men

For a more detailed biochemical analysis, blood is taken from the venous stream. In this case, indicators such as cholesterol, glucose, blood proteins, urea, bilirubin levels and others are analyzed.


This indicator gives doctors information about the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The blood cells are negatively charged and repel each other when moving in the plasma. Yet atunder certain conditions, they change their charge and begin to stick together.

erythrocytes normal in men women
erythrocytes normal in men women

The ESR or ESR (test tube sedimentation rate) is higher in women than in men. That is, in men, ESR up to 10 is the norm, and in women - up to 15. However, during pregnancy or during menstruation, the indicator can increase to 20. Although each woman may have her own, different norms. Higher rates that clearly do not fit into the norm are direct evidence of inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
