The best cancer clinics in Moscow

The best cancer clinics in Moscow
The best cancer clinics in Moscow

Recently, the number of people with cancer is growing exponentially. However, this terrible disease is often curable if you are examined in a timely manner and start treatment in one of the oncological clinics in Moscow, where real professionals work.

Symptoms of diseases

Previously, it was believed that cancer is a death sentence, which portends only pain and the rapid extinction of a person. However, now medicine has stepped far forward, so if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner in any oncology clinic in Moscow, then a stable remission after treatment can be achieved. And in order to know when you need to go to the hospital for a checkup, you should remember the symptoms that signal that it is impossible to delay the examination. These include:

  • sudden drastic weight loss for no particular reason;
  • chronic fatigue and loss of energy;
  • chronic shortness of breath, coughing and spitting up blood;
  • digestion problems in the form of constipation, diarrhea and pain after eating;
  • increasing and changing the color of moles, as well as the formation of soresnext to them and bleeding.

How to detect the disease at an early stage?

list of cancer clinics in moscow
list of cancer clinics in moscow

If you notice at least a couple of symptoms that indicate a cancerous tumor, you should immediately contact one of the best oncological clinics in Moscow to undergo a complete diagnosis and refute or confirm the presence of the disease. To do this, the doctor will have to conduct a visual examination of the patient and prescribe him such examinations as:

  • complete blood count;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary or circulatory system;
  • fluorography;
  • MRI and computed tomography;
  • digestive endoscopy;
  • selection of a marker stroke;
  • study of neoplasm by histological or cytological technique;
  • complete biochemical analysis of the neoplasm.

Choose a hospital

After the examination shows that the patient has cancer, it will be necessary to choose a hospital where this serious disease will be treated. And here it is very important not to make a mistake in the choice, for which we will present the rating of oncological clinics in Moscow and the criteria for selecting a medical institution. So, when choosing a hospital, you should pay attention to 5 very important factors.

  1. The clinic should use only sparing newest treatment methods so that the course of this process is not extremely painful for the patient.
  2. You should focus on the statistics of recovered people in the hospital, because if most of the patients there recovered, thenthe patient will be more likely to recover and achieve a stable remission.
  3. It is important that the cost of treatment and care is affordable and commensurate with the expected result.
  4. The clinic should have high-class conditions in the form of comfortable rooms for living, equipping with first-class modern equipment, polite staff, cleanliness and excellent service.
  5. A full range of services should be provided on the basis of the hospital: the opportunity to do tests, undergo a full examination, confirm your diagnosis, receive treatment and undergo a rehabilitation course after therapy.
best cancer clinics in moscow
best cancer clinics in moscow

Blokhin Cancer Clinic in Moscow

The Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin, located on Kashirskoye Highway at 23, has been the most rated place for cancer treatment for several decades now. It opened its doors to cancer patients in October 1952, and since Since then, every year it develops more and more, and even managed to become one of the best centers for research and treatment of oncology in the world. It consists of five departments:

  • Research Institute of Clinical Oncology for adults with cancer, with 850 beds;
  • Research Institute of Clinical Oncology and Hepatology for Children, with 150 beds;
  • Research Institute of Radiology, both experimental and clinical, with 50 beds;
  • Research Institute of Carcinogenesis, where you can trace the process of tumor development, numbering 16 laboratories;
  • Research Institute for Diagnosis and Therapy of Malignant and Benign Tumors,with 21 laboratories.

This oncology clinic in Moscow has 3,500 employees who strive to provide the highest quality care to cancer patients. Here, methods for diagnosing and treating cancer are constantly being improved, new devices are being introduced into the diagnostic and treatment process, and new drugs are being developed for cancer patients that will help facilitate the treatment process and contribute to sustainable remission.

European Cancer Clinic in Moscow

rating of cancer clinics in moscow
rating of cancer clinics in moscow

Qualified assistance to cancer patients will also be provided by a private European clinic located on Dukhovskiy Lane at 22-b. When creating the institution, there was close cooperation with the best centers for the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in the USA, Israel, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, which gave very good results. The clinic has created a first-class hospital in the city center, emergency hospitalization is possible here at any time of the day or night, innovative methods of diagnosing and treating cancer are used here, each patient is assigned his own curator, and the service at the clinic is truly five-star. This private oncology clinic in Moscow is intended for the treatment of patients whose pathology is at the last stage and who need palliative therapy. Thanks to the hospital and its innovative methods, the course of the disease can be alleviated as much as possible, and well-trained staff, armed with the latest equipment, is able to quickly respond to an acute patient condition such asbleeding, heart attack and seizures, stabilize it and avoid the sad consequences.

Sofia Cancer Center

One of the first places in the ranking of oncological clinics in Moscow is occupied by the oncological center "Sofia", located in Yamsky lane, house 10. In 2013, it was founded at the clinic "Medicina", and in the shortest possible time, high-quality treatment for patients began to be provided there from Russia and CIS countries. Now the clinic is equipped with the most modern and innovative equipment, so that it can go all the way from the diagnosis of the disease to its treatment and rehabilitation. Moreover, in the center there is an opportunity to receive a variety of procedures. It has a Department of Radiosurgery, Conformal Radiation Therapy, Photodynamic Therapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Hormone Therapy, where the most qualified doctors work, who try to sincerely care for all their patients, trying to alleviate the course of the disease and save them from cancer.

oncology clinics in Moscow reviews
oncology clinics in Moscow reviews

Center "Patero Clinic"

Studying the list of the best oncology clinics in Moscow, one cannot ignore the Patero Clinic center located at 211 Prospekt Mira, building 2. This multifunctional hospital was created in 2011 in order to provide patients with early detection of oncology disease, prevention of its development and further remission. To do this, experts tried to learn from the experience of cancer treatment from experienced doctors in Asia, Western Europe and the United States, thanks towhich made the clinic one of the best medical centers in Russia. The number of successfully performed operations here is very high, and sometimes a positive outcome was observed even in the most severe cases. But if the patient applied to the clinic in advance, then thanks to the check-up system, cancer could be detected at an early stage, because it allows you to notice even the most minor pathologies in the body, which makes it possible to quickly start treatment and achieve success.

K+31 Hospital

best cancer clinics in moscow
best cancer clinics in moscow

If we analyze reviews of oncology clinics in Moscow, we can see that many former patients kindly remember the hospital "K + 31", located on Lobachevsky Street, building 42, building 4. In 2008, it was classified according to ISO quality standard, which means it adheres to high standards of international service, and in 2016 the hospital began to cooperate with European and American doctors, which allowed our specialists to learn from foreign experience, and thus the number of patients who could receive stable remission increased significantly. The clinic consists of three departments: an outpatient clinic, a hospital and a rehabilitation center, so that patients with any stage of cancer can come here and each of them will be given proper care. In addition, the best imported drugs and innovative equipment for radiation, radioisotope and laser procedures are used here, thanks to which most patients rate the hospital 9 out of 10.

NIIneurosurgery them. Burdenko

An important place in the list of cancer clinics in Moscow is also occupied by the N. N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery, located on 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street at 16. This research center is the first hospital where they began to fight against various types of cancer as early as 1932. It is equipped with innovative equipment, which is constantly updated, and only the most qualified doctors work here among the staff, whose main specialization is surgery and the treatment of malignant tumors on the spinal cord or brain. In addition, radiation techniques for influencing these formations and gamma knives, which have already proved their effectiveness, are used here in the treatment.

Yusupov clinic

Yusupov hospital
Yusupov hospital

It is also impossible not to mention in our rating of the best oncological clinics in Moscow the Yusupov hospital, located on Nagornaya Street, house 17, building 6. It was opened only in 2014 on the site of a hospital operating in the 19th century. But by 2019, the clinic still managed to win its place in the ranking of the best hospitals for cancer treatment, as experienced specialists in their field were gathered there, and it’s not even worth talking about the equipment of the hospital, it is truly high-class here. The main directions of the clinic are rehabilitation and palliative care in oncology, so that both patients with severe cancer and those who have undergone treatment and now want to receive proper care and care will be able to receive proper care and attention here.recovery course. It will be possible to do this both in a comfortable hospital and on an outpatient basis - in a polyclinic.

Moscow City Hospital No. 62

Finally, I would like to tell you about one of the best oncology clinics in Moscow, the rating of which simply rolls over thanks to the many grateful patients. It is the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, located in the Krasnogorsk district, the village of Istra, building 27. It consists of several departments:

  • reception area, where you can find out all the details about the possibility of hospitalization and sign up for the queue;
  • advisory and diagnostic departments, where you can confirm the diagnosis and consult with leading specialists about your further treatment;
  • polyclinics for outpatient oncology treatment;
  • chemotherapy department, where the most qualified personnel work on the most innovative equipment;
  • surgical department, where they can perform the most complex operations to remove the tumor.
moscow oncology clinics list
moscow oncology clinics list

This clinic is always on the lookout for innovation and pioneered the use of thoracoscopic and laparoscopic cancer treatments and long-term intravenous port chemotherapy techniques.
