Genitalia - what is it? Hearing an unfamiliar beautiful word, many of us will not understand what it is about. Turns out it's the genitals. The human genitalia are used for procreation. With their help, mating of male and female individuals takes place. This word comes from the Latin ginger, which means "to give birth." Consequently, these organs themselves can be called reproductive in another way.
Usually, the genitals are called external genitalia. In men and women, they are different in structure, as well as in appearance. The pubis, labia majora and labia minora, clitoris, genital fissure, vaginal vestibule - this is in women. And in men - the penis and scrotum. It is not necessary to think that the genitals are organs with a simple device. Nature conceived the difference between a man and a woman for a reason. Each of them performs a different role in reproduction, which means that their organs perform different functions.

Woman's genitals
Labia minora are thin growths of skin around the entrance to the vagina. They are undercovering the labia majora, which, in turn, are dense and fleshy. They perform a protective role; during puberty, hairs grow on them. Also, the labia majora secrete lubrication. The clitoris is located at the junction of the labia minora. This small organ is sensitive to touch and has 8,000 nerve endings.
What's next?
Vagina refers to the internal genital organs of a woman. It has a length of ten centimeters, but during intercourse it can stretch three times. It ends in the cervix - this is a tube with an opening through which the child passes into the vagina during childbirth, and during menstruation, discharge comes out. The fetus grows in the uterus - this organ is small in size, but during pregnancy it grows enough to accommodate the baby, water, and the placenta. The ovaries also belong to the internal genital organs of a woman. These are the glands that produce eggs. Mature eggs are released into the fallopian tubes. If fertilization occurs, then such an egg moves through these tubes to the uterus and is fixed there.

Male reproductive organs
Some people think that men don't have genitals, that it's a term only applicable to the female genitals. But it's not. The difference is that most of the reproductive system of men is outside, because they do not bear a child inside them. This system includes the penis and scrotum with the testicles inside. The penis is also called the penis. It consists of a root, a stem andheads. And during intercourse, the penis swells due to the rush of blood to the organ, which has spongy tissue inside it. This amazing mechanism allows the penis to become hard enough to penetrate the vagina. Through the channel passing inside the penis, the sperm necessary for fertilization to occur is ejected. Sperm matures in the testicles. These are small oval organs in which spermatozoa mature. The testicles are in a special bag made of leather - the scrotum. It is not just a store - the scrotum is riddled with blood vessels and helps maintain the necessary temperature for the proper production of sperm.

Genitalia - what is it? After reading our article, you will not ask yourself such a question. And if necessary, you can tell about them in more detail, without embarrassment and without using indecent words.