Medicine 2024, October

Regional hospital, Perm: departments, qualifications of specialists, patient reviews

Regional hospital, Perm: departments, qualifications of specialists, patient reviews

The regional hospital of Perm is a large multidisciplinary medical institution. It functions to provide quality assistance to residents of the entire region. Due to the sufficient level of equipment of the organization, as well as the experience of the specialists working in it, diagnostics and treatment of a huge number of various diseases are carried out here

How to make yourself sneeze? Expert advice and folk methods

How to make yourself sneeze? Expert advice and folk methods

Everyone should know how to sneeze if they can't. This will help cleanse the nose of bacteria and viruses accumulated in it, strengthen immunity and breathe deeply

Psychiatrists of Kazan: a list of the best specialists

Psychiatrists of Kazan: a list of the best specialists

How to find a good psychiatrist? It is necessary to find the qualification data of the doctor on the Internet, find out about his experience and experience, and also read the reviews of patients. In order not to waste a lot of time, you can see the list of the best psychiatrists in Kazan, which is presented in the article below

Dermatologists in Voronezh: list, rating, appointment. Dermatological centers in Voronezh

Dermatologists in Voronezh: list, rating, appointment. Dermatological centers in Voronezh

How to find a good dermatologist in Voronezh? Only those who have already chosen an excellent specialist do not ask this question, but everyone else should only rely on the experience of these lucky ones and choose a skin doctor based on reviews on the Internet, as well as on the level of qualification and length of experience. A list of the best dermatologists, as well as dermatological centers and medical institutions where they accept, is further in this article

Urologists of Kaluga: place of work, patient reviews

Urologists of Kaluga: place of work, patient reviews

How to find a competent and professional urologist? For the most effective search, just go to the Internet and read what patients write in reviews. Nevertheless, it is also worth considering the main criterion in choosing a doctor - his qualifications. In this article you can find a list of the best urologists in Kaluga

Children's ENT in Kazan: ten best specialists, their qualifications and addresses of admission

Children's ENT in Kazan: ten best specialists, their qualifications and addresses of admission

There are no problems with the choice of children's ENT doctors in Kazan: many of them have an academic degree, most of them have the highest or first category. However, if parents want to choose the very specialist, they can be understood: the entire human immune system depends on the he alth of the throat, nose and ears at an early age. The list of the top ten children's ENTs in Kazan, presented below, will help you find the right doctor

Department of Neurosurgery of the Regional Hospital: structure, tasks and features of work

Department of Neurosurgery of the Regional Hospital: structure, tasks and features of work

The Department of Neurosurgery of the regional hospital has quite serious tasks. Due to the availability of the necessary equipment and high-class doctors, highly specialized medical care is provided here for patients with neurological pathologies

Medical centers in Vladivostok: addresses, reviews, photos

Medical centers in Vladivostok: addresses, reviews, photos

In one of the largest cities in Russia, a large number of medical centers are concentrated. Vladivostok is famous for its highly qualified doctors, who even come from other regions of the country for consultations. Below is information about medical institutions that provide a wide range of services and have an acceptable pricing policy

How to warm up the nose: folk methods, professional equipment, the pros and cons of the procedure

How to warm up the nose: folk methods, professional equipment, the pros and cons of the procedure

Seldom does anyone attach great importance to the fact that a runny nose has begun. Meanwhile, if left untreated, the pathology can become chronic, which is fraught with the appearance of sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis. If you start warming up the nose in the early stages of rhinitis (runny nose), then you can quite successfully avoid many problems with the sinuses and nasopharynx. How to warm the nose with s alt at home? The most popular methods are described in the article

176 polyclinic in Yasenevo: address, opening hours, list of medical services, doctor appointments and patient reviews

176 polyclinic in Yasenevo: address, opening hours, list of medical services, doctor appointments and patient reviews

176 The polyclinic in Yasenevo has long been the subject of fierce disputes between patients, some believe that they are not able to provide adequate medical care, while others are completely satisfied with local doctors. Nevertheless, thousands of people visit one of the largest hospitals in the capital every year, since it is here that you can find a large number of narrow specialists working with a limited number of diseases

Manual therapist in Voronezh: review of the best specialists, qualifications, reviews

Manual therapist in Voronezh: review of the best specialists, qualifications, reviews

How to choose a good chiropractor in Voronezh? Despite the fact that this is a very responsible task, it will not be difficult, because there are few such specialists in this city, but they are all qualified and very professional. The list of the best chiropractors in Voronezh below will make your search even easier

"Olimp", a medical center in Tyumen: address, services, reviews

"Olimp", a medical center in Tyumen: address, services, reviews

Over the past few years, Siberia has acquired the status of a resort where you can improve your he alth no worse than in the south. The Olimp Medical Center in Tyumen is one of the medical institutions where Russians who need to recover after surgical interventions, as well as those who want to relax and forget about their usual affairs, constantly come to be treated

Children's infectious disease specialist in Yekaterinburg: address, rating and reviews

Children's infectious disease specialist in Yekaterinburg: address, rating and reviews

If symptoms of an infectious disease are detected in a child, consultation with a specialized specialist is urgently needed. To find a good doctor, you need to look at qualification data and read reviews from patients. However, in order to reduce the search time, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the list of the best children's infectious disease specialists in Yekaterinburg, presented in the article below

How to get to a hospice for a cancer patient: indications for registration and features of a stay

How to get to a hospice for a cancer patient: indications for registration and features of a stay

Hospice is a medical institution where terminally ill patients are treated. Establishments of this nature provide care for people who are dying. In some cases, a hospice is a worthy alternative to home care or a place where an incurable patient can go if he has nowhere to go. These medical facilities may be public or private

Penza ENTs: patient reviews, addresses and rating

Penza ENTs: patient reviews, addresses and rating

Who can help with ear, throat or nose problems? Definitely an otorhinolaryngologist! It is not always easy to find a good specialist with a high level of qualification. The list of Penza ENTs with clinics and reviews from patients in the article below will help to reduce the search time

Pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod: list, rating of the best, patient reviews

Pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod: list, rating of the best, patient reviews

How to find a good pediatric ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod? It is necessary to find out information about the qualifications of the oculist, length of service and work experience. Also, an important factor in choosing a specialist is the feedback from patients, thanks to which you can make a complete description of the doctor. The rating of the best children's ophthalmologists in N. Novgorod is presented further in the article

Cholesterol levels in the blood: normal for age

Cholesterol levels in the blood: normal for age

Throughout life, the level of cholesterol in the blood changes. It is good that it gradually rises, but it is bad if atherosclerotic plaques appear on the walls of blood vessels - they cause a stroke, heart attack and other serious illnesses. What are the norms of cholesterol by age and how to avoid exceeding he althy levels

Gynecologists of Kaluga: reviews, recommendations, addresses of clinics and appointment times

Gynecologists of Kaluga: reviews, recommendations, addresses of clinics and appointment times

How to find a good gynecologist in Kaluga? This question is asked by many residents of the city, since this is the most important doctor for women's he alth, and it is quite reasonable to approach his choice with responsibility. The list of the best gynecologists in Kaluga will help you choose the best specialist - with reviews from patients, information about professional data, place and time of work

Ovulation test: instructions for use, review of the best, reviews

Ovulation test: instructions for use, review of the best, reviews

Ovulation test strips allow at home and with a high degree of accuracy to determine the days when a woman's body is most ready for conception. Relatively recently, ovulation tests have appeared, there are still few reviews about them, since not all of the fair sex planning a pregnancy are aware of such a diagnostic device

Sechenov Clinical Hospital. University Hospital Sechenov

Sechenov Clinical Hospital. University Hospital Sechenov

The article describes the Sechenov hospital, gives its brief description and a list of services offered, talks about the departments of the hospital and their specifics

Fracture of the radius of the arm: treatment, healing period and rehabilitation

Fracture of the radius of the arm: treatment, healing period and rehabilitation

Anatomically, the radius is supported by a lot of ligaments, but is not strong. The fragility of this joint also becomes higher with age, therefore, among the total number of people with this diagnosis, there are many pensioners

What an angioneurologist treats: speci alty features, treatment methods, reviews

What an angioneurologist treats: speci alty features, treatment methods, reviews

For headaches and dizziness, patients usually go to a general practitioner. However, in such cases, the therapist often issues a referral to an angioneurologist. What does this doctor treat? And at what symptomatology consultation of such expert is necessary? We will answer these questions in the article

Orthopedic mattresses for bedridden patients: types, convenience, characteristics and customer reviews

Orthopedic mattresses for bedridden patients: types, convenience, characteristics and customer reviews

Unfortunately, serious illnesses or other circumstances can lead to a partial or absolute loss of the ability to move independently. In this case, a person may be permanently chained to a wheelchair. And against the background of more serious diseases - even to bed. In such situations, patient care includes measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of pressure sores

What can you get poisoned with? Let's find out

What can you get poisoned with? Let's find out

What can you get poisoned with? In general, anything - toxic substances can be contained in food, water, air. It can be stale food, industrial poisons, toxins released by animals, plants and fungi, as well as alcohol, tobacco, narcotic substances

Lipase - what is it? protease, amylase, lipase

Lipase - what is it? protease, amylase, lipase

Lipase is an enzyme produced in the human body to dissolve, separate and digest various fat fractions, as well as perform a number of other important tasks. Pancreatic lipase, that is, produced by the pancreas, is of primary importance

The tailbone hurts a lot after a fall, what should I do? Bruise Treatment Tips

The tailbone hurts a lot after a fall, what should I do? Bruise Treatment Tips

Coccyx is the lower part of the spine, consisting of fused vertebrae. This process is considered to be a modified tail, which we inherited from our distant ancestors - primates. Despite this, the coccyx has a rather complex functional significance

Insulin: what is it and what are its types?

Insulin: what is it and what are its types?

Each of us has heard about such an unpleasant disease as diabetes mellitus, as well as about insulin, which is administered to patients as replacement therapy. The thing is that in patients with diabetes, insulin is either not produced at all, or does not perform its functions. In our article we will consider the question of insulin - what it is and what effect it has on our body. An exciting journey into the world of medicine awaits you

Polyclinic 4, Nizhny Tagil: address and specialization of the medical facility

Polyclinic 4, Nizhny Tagil: address and specialization of the medical facility

In the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region, with a population of over 350 thousand people, medical services are provided by dozens of municipal he althcare units and private medical centers. One of the best medical institutions - polyclinic 4 (Nizhny Tagil)

Regional hospital (Annenki): address, description

Regional hospital (Annenki): address, description

Annenki (Kaluga) is a district in the west of the regional center. This is a quiet and peaceful place with favorable ecological conditions. An extensive pine forest creates the best conditions for treatment in nearby medical facilities. One of them is the Kaluga Regional Hospital (Annenki)

Clinical Hospital 119 (Khimki): address, how to get there? Photos and reviews

Clinical Hospital 119 (Khimki): address, how to get there? Photos and reviews

Providing medical care to the population based on high technologies - 119 clinical hospitals in Khimki, Moscow Region, operate under this state program. The Federal Medical Center is one of the leading in the he althcare system of Russia. It is under the patronage of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Amaryllis Polyclinic: services, contacts and address

Amaryllis Polyclinic: services, contacts and address

Many medical centers in Moscow operate in a highly competitive environment. The Amaryllis city polyclinic on Volgogradsky Prospekt maintains its leading positions by improving the quality of medical services, highly qualified doctors, and caring attitude towards their patients

How to cleanse the intestines correctly?

How to cleanse the intestines correctly?

Modern life is so dynamic that there is absolutely no time for a clear planning of the diet. This is a huge mistake that almost every inhabitant of our planet makes. Frequent snacking on fast foods, an illiterate combination of food and many other factors contribute to slagging and intoxication. Therefore, sooner or later, a person wonders how to cleanse the intestines

Contraindications to physiotherapy: effects on the body, possible consequences

Contraindications to physiotherapy: effects on the body, possible consequences

What is physical therapy? What are its advantages? What are the main types of procedures? Contraindications to physiotherapy - general and particular. Indications for specific physiotherapy procedures. Risk of complications

The cure for old age is already in pharmacies! The cure for old age is Metformin. A cure for old age by Altai scientists. "Vizomitin" - a cure for old age. Ma's anti-agei

The cure for old age is already in pharmacies! The cure for old age is Metformin. A cure for old age by Altai scientists. "Vizomitin" - a cure for old age. Ma's anti-agei

Absolutely every person wants to live as long as possible and stay young. Previously, the cure for old age could only be found in books. Today, such a drug is a reality. Does it really help prolong life? You can find the answer to this question in our article

Refractive eye surgery: description and classification

Refractive eye surgery: description and classification

Refractive surgery is a relatively young direction in the treatment of eye diseases. Based on the principles of refraction of light in such a way as to focus the image directly on the retina. Refraction is translated precisely as "refraction". Thus, refractive laser surgery uses the laws of physics from the subsection of optics

How to cleanse the liver with pills and herbs? How to clean the liver with pills effectively?

How to cleanse the liver with pills and herbs? How to clean the liver with pills effectively?

When the question arises of how to cleanse the liver with pills, it is better to give preference to hepatoprotective drugs. These drugs will free the body from toxins and toxins, restore its protective functions. Basically, these drugs include complex products made on the basis of components of plant origin

Khadu (gymnastics) - exercises that prolong life. Feedback on the effectiveness of gymnastics

Khadu (gymnastics) - exercises that prolong life. Feedback on the effectiveness of gymnastics

Hado - gymnastics, which is designed to get rid of problems associated with the condition of the joints and spine. This set of exercises is suitable for everyone, without exception: men, women, children, and even the elderly. Hadu affects the human body in many ways and positively. This makes it possible to heal the whole body completely, and not individual point problem areas

Stitches hurt after surgery: causes and how to get rid of pain

Stitches hurt after surgery: causes and how to get rid of pain

Many of us have had surgeries. We will always be reminded of this event by a scar left on our skin. But what if the seam reminds of itself not only in appearance, but also in pain? The causes of such a symptom can be both on the surface and deep in our body

Yawned or cried? Why do tears flow when you yawn

Yawned or cried? Why do tears flow when you yawn

Everyone yawns. For some it is a pleasure, and for some it is embarrassing. Many have noticed that tears often appear when yawning. What is it connected with? Is it normal? There are many questions about the relationship between these two seemingly completely different processes

Effective treatment of mosquito bites: highlights

Effective treatment of mosquito bites: highlights

Which of us doesn't love summer, when it's warm outside, you can walk a lot and swim in the river? However, it is impossible not to notice one overshadowing factor: various insects wake up, which sometimes cause significant discomfort. It is not surprising that during the period of warming, the treatment of mosquito bites becomes very relevant. It is always nice to get out into nature, take a walk in the forest. But what if, after such walks, the whole body becomes covered with red spots and itches?